
Saturday, 27 May 2017

Reductio ad Absurdum

With the exponential progress of technology and science in the last five hundred years and exponential exptrapolation for five hundred years into the future it is reasonable humans could make planets (if they didn't wipe themselves out first) - and in a universe so old as science says and so large it is absurd that aliens would not exist millions of years let alone hundreds or thousands of years more advanced than humans - so it is logical absurdity to deny the extremely high likelihood there are many planets in the universe made by aliens - so it is absurd to deny the likelihood this planet and us on it are created. Reductio ad absurdum. Then looking at alternatives to the absurd but popular idea: An alternative is that the creator or creators did not only create this world but all of the universe and this world is first of their creations and so no other creations or creators exist other than this creation of which humans are aware along with the invisible aspects of it such as what we call spirits. It is a small step to believe that the creators have made themselves known as the One who created the universe and us in it (as God) and the One through whom all things were created (as The Lord, The Son of Man, The Word of God, The Son of God, The Elect One of God).