Ancient man knew of something called 'the oath' and how it controlled the universe and life on earth. Ancient wisdom associated it with a spirit over all other spirits and a spirit called the Son of Man with this Lord of Spirits. Ancients were like eastern cultures which have a concept of 'nomos' which is similar to the western concept of reputation or name and combines the teachings, laws, customs and traditions of a family (house). The 'name' of this Son of Man is associated or indentified with 'the oath'. It controls the universe so wherever you are in the universe this oath is there. Pythagoras the ancient mystic mathematician noticed that logical rules expressible in maths exist universally everywhere in space. The Gospel writer John seems to have taught too that this is a feature of all the universe in all time past because this set of logical principles and laws existed before anything else as brought forth first and foremost by a creator spirit embodied in a humanlike person called the Logos or Word or Son of Man and all things were created through this person by God making Him Lord over all the universe and making His name and teachings Law - Laws of Nature as we call it. This Logos became Jesus and the rest is history.