
Saturday, 6 May 2017

War of Words

Why this war of words between humanists and the Bible? Personally I found in my own life that you get to a stage where your little faith and awareness of real Christianity turns into enough faith and earnest seeking after God and a real Christian experience that God gives the Holy Spirit as a genuine undoubtable reality. This leads to learning stuff, amazing stuff. At this point you want to develop what is learned (at least I did) when you discover relevant scriptures and they take you to the next level. It just so happened with me that those scriptures I discovered that let me develop what I had learned from the Holy Spirit were not part of the Bible (The Book of Enoch, which I came across in a Christian book shop while looking for a particular translation of the Old Testament to buy someone as a gift) but Bible passages like Isaiah and Daniel and John and Revelation have helped me go further too. So Bible and other scripture is very much part of Christian development and learning if you find a need for reality in your Christian life. How would anyone know about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ without the scriptures and written texts of that time? We have to keep such a vital testimony because our faith rests upon it firmly as regards the message of God through Jesus that it vindicates. Receiving this message is what leads to our life in God and in Jesus that the Spirit gives us that leads to us loving and obeying Jesus Christ and knowing Him with us and God the Father with us and the Holy Spirit eventually within us.
Because Jesus is, the faith of intelligent hearers of scripture will surely be built on the God-sent misfortunes of humanists and scientists and atheists and medics who oppose scripture and faith but may God in mercy grant all these people time to repent and believe and God spare them. In Jesus Christ's name.