
Saturday, 13 May 2017

Logos Teaching

Ancient man knew of something called 'the oath' and how it controlled the universe and life on earth. We might call it 'laws of nature'. Ancient wisdom associated it with a spirit over all other spirits and a spirit called the Son of Man (Logos) with this Lord of Spirits. This name of this Son of Man is associated or indetified with this oath. It controls the universe so wherever you are in the universe this oath is there because wherever you go it will be even there true that the Logos is. Just like wherever you go on earth today murder is wrong and lying is wrong and law is law - there is a universal governance and morality on earth today so there are laws of nature true wherever in the universe you are. There are aspects of this law of nature like speed of light and gravity that exist all over. The Logos exists in one place but the laws coming from this Logos are present in all parts of the universe because of that existence and the name of this person who is the Son of Man. Pythagoras noticed this - that logical rules expressible in maths exist universally everywhere in space. The Logos teaching is that this is a feature of all the universe in all time past because this set of logical principles and laws existed before anything else as brought forth first and foremost by a creator spirit embodied in a humanlike person called the Logos or Word or Son of Man and all things were created through this person making Him Lord over all the universe and making His name and teachings Law - Laws of Nature as we call it. So the humanlike nature of this Son of Man make these laws comprehensible by humans made in His likeness and we can write symbols to describe the laws and use them as mathematics. This Logos became Jesus and the rest is history. That is the Logos teaching - my take on it. Many through history have taught these things because there are spirits from the Lord of Spirits sent out to teach it.