
Saturday, 20 May 2017

Searching For Truth

The history of Jerusalem has much to offer an unbeliever seeking help in searching for truth or refutation about God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. The next place to note is Rome where the bones of Peter lie buried beneath the present day Vatican. Worth a visit or at least a look at the evidence about Peter. Then another area to study is Sumeria and the Calcholithic finds of Palestine and Predynastic Egypt and then a look at the Early Dynastic periods of Uruk and the like and comparison with the Book of Enoch from the greater Ethiopic bible canon (compare with extant text of 'The Instruction of Shurrapak' for example). Then look at the texts found in ancient first and second century AD ribbish tip archeology sites outside Cairo, etc where some texts include mention of Jesus. You have to join the dots in your head and judge for yourself because with vested interests in atheism the scientists won't do it for you.