Here is what we must each fight for our lives to escape: from Revelation 21:8 "But the cowardly (meaning: those without moral backbone), the unbelieving (amplified: those who reject the faith God puts within them), the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral (lit: gigolos), those who practice magic arts (Gk: pharmakoi translated online: medics), the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Various things we are prone as humans to do are sins that lead to death and the lake of fire if we do not stop doing them before we die. To stop we need (John 8) to believe in Jesus being the 'I am' who was with God from all time and is sent by God as Messiah to be salvation from these sins. Then we need to grasp this salvation by holding to the teachings that come from God through Him. This is the way that leads to freedom from these mortal sins and therefore on to a life of being saved and being free of fear of that lake of fire because we do better things in our lives and do not live the way of life of those whose end is that end.
Various things we are prone as humans to do are sins that lead to death and the lake of fire if we do not stop doing them before we die. To stop we need (John 8) to believe in Jesus being the 'I am' who was with God from all time and is sent by God as Messiah to be salvation from these sins. Then we need to grasp this salvation by holding to the teachings that come from God through Him. This is the way that leads to freedom from these mortal sins and therefore on to a life of being saved and being free of fear of that lake of fire because we do better things in our lives and do not live the way of life of those whose end is that end.