
Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Dwelling with you

 John 14:23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

How can the Father and the Son come to you and make their home with you? I only know by what they did for me. The Father can put Himself in your dream to show Himself and then because He is God He can work in everything for your good. Jesus can project himself by his spirit into your vicinity and can stand by your side for a moment without needing to leave where he is to do so, and can affect your life constantly by his intercessions for you with the Father. Both can work together to give you life. This life dwells with you and in you. They can both send you the Holy Spirit and give the Holy Spirit uplifting help to give you. By spiritual power they can do all this in many lives around the world. The Holy Spirit can come to many at once as we see in the way at that famous Pentecost the Holy Spirit tongues of fire separated and rested on many at once. Many hundreds, that is no problem, or many millions, hundreds of millions, that is no problem for the Holy Spirit.