
Thursday, 15 February 2024

Jesus Christ the brand

 I don’t think we understand spirit enough. God today has Jesus Christ as a kind of brand, a bit like how celebrities these days often own a brand perhaps for perfume or fashion and they use that brand alongside the brand which is their own stage name. Think what a tremendous brand name and logo Jesus Christ is for the Father. Well before Jesus was conceived and born this brand already existed. God had revealed it to angels. To some extent it was revealed to prophets too. We especially think of Isaiah in this regard but also David knew it. David could speak of “my lord”. David could say “He will not let my body see decay” referring to this brand of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some say this was foretelling the future, but that misses some important truth. They were tapping in to a reserve of prophetic mystery of the brand that is, was, will forever be Jesus Christ. Jesus had not been formed in the womb, but brand Jesus already existed. The name, in the sense of the brand name, not literal moniker name, already existed known among angels and used in their governing of Nature. How do I know it? Many scriptures plus the Holy Spirit revelation. Trees grow by this name. Many trees were seedlings before Jesus was born which were growing 100 AD. Nothing changed. So they were growing by his name’s power even before he came. Therefore the name’s power existed before he came. Book of Enoch parables section quoted by Tertullian bears this out. Isaiah bears it out. David bears it out. Jesus saying “Before Abraham was born I am” bears it out. John the Baptist saying “he is greater than me because he was before me” bears it out. It explains some verses of epistles too. God’s own brand name and logo is the Logos, who became Jesus Christ. This did not start when Jesus was conceived. God had that brand name from the beginning. He made all things through it and Nature runs on it and was running on it 3000 BC.