I have done miracles by Jesus’ teachings and it is psychologically vital to realise we do not make the miraculous happen ourselves, even if it is our faith and command which seems to make it happen, really it is God who makes it happen. Otherwise, it would cause madness to think “I did that”. If it was me doing it, I might do something in my sleep or when not thinking straight. Nobody can cope with such power, not when we have weak human brains and thought processes. King Cnut commanded the waves just to prove he could not do it. By faith anyone of us can command the waves and they would obey. We must not think it is us though or we would go mad with megalomania. Seriously. God the Father does the miracles. He might do it through us, just exactly like He did it through Jesus, but it is God doing it. That is vitally important. Vital to the gospel truth too. God doing miracles through Jesus was how Jesus could insist both he himself and God the Father were testifying about him, hence the validity of a testimony by two witnesses. Imagine if we were like superheroes the exact way the comics depict them and it was actually us doing the miracles. Well the government special services would kidnap, sorry ‘arrest’ us, like in comic stories, because we could be forced to do anything they told us to do. Like when Daniel was asked to explain a forgotten dream and later interpret miraculous writing on the wall. He said “no it is not I who can do it, but God can give it to me”. I once started thinking it was me who could command things around me and exactly what I wanted would happen. It had seemed like that with miracles God gave me previously and in my youthful naivety I got to thinking about it wrong. It started to drive me a bit mad. One time on a long distance flight I got impatient and in a bit of mad thinking found myself unable to resist faith-commanding the plane to land. But we were halfway across the Atlantic ocean. I was afraid to fall asleep on flights in case I crashed the plane in my sleep. Such mad and erroneous thinking but I could not figure it out because in the past I had actually done many things miraculous which were very similar. I calmed down later in life when I realised no miracle was me, it was only God. More importantly it was always preordained and decided on by God. Jesus was tempted to force God’s hand by commanding stones to become bread or jump off the Temple and be caught, but he resisted. We should resist trying to force God’s hand, but even then it is only God who would be involved in the miracle happening, hence Jesus explained he must not put God to the test. It would be God involved personally. Otherwise we would never be allowed on flights!