Is Jesus God? Is Jesus Yhwh? Not literally. I mean, say I wrote a computer game and we were all in it, and I could show it in real time here in this group of readers of this post, and you and me were all avatars shown in this game, my avatar was red and yours were each some other colour. Maybe each avatar would have a likeness of each of us. You might point at a green avatar and say “that is me”. I could point at the red one and ask “who is that” as the avatar went across the screen. You could answer “that is you”. “Yes, that is Stephen Green” I could say. “Me”. This would not be a lie. But literally it would not be Stephen Green. It would not literally be me. Even though I made the game and set it up with the avatar in red for myself. I am not an avatar. My avatar in the game might look like me. I could point to it and say, “Hey, that is me. I set that up as myself. It is me.” Just not literally me. It is similar to this the sense that God’s word is God. The word of Yhwh IS Yhwh. Yes, but not literally. The word became flesh and dwelt among men. But not literally. Jesus is that human. But Jesus is not literally God. When we accept the word of God, God is then happy to live among us. But that word, though it can be said to be God in one sense, it is not literally God. Yes, Jesus is the word of God. Not literally. We each one should understand it rightly, especially those who teach it.