
Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Miracles and the Holy Spirit

 Miracles and Holy Spirit are two separate things. There was a man working miracles in Jesus’ name who was not a disciple. Moreover, the disciples worked miracles when out on missions for Jesus years before they were given the Holy Spirit. Jesus taught them that anyone with faith who does not doubt regarding a matter can do a miracle where God makes happen what they command in faith. It does not require that they are first given the Holy Spirit by God. The Holy Spirit was not given to the disciples until after Jesus ascended. Yet they still had faith to heal, cast out demons, do miracles like moving mountains. Peter even walked on water. He did not have the Holy Spirit at that time, only faith in God and in Jesus. Now that the Holy Spirit is given, God gives those who believe His message both His miraculous works among them, and the Holy Spirit, but it was not always like this.