In the 1990s I asked to experience God. I was earnest because the Holy Spirit told me to “Build the Temple”and I did not know how to preach about Him. I asked specifically to know first hand Father and Son and Holy Spirit. I thought of Jesus’ words to his disciples in later chapters of John about him showing himself to those who lovingly keep his commands, and the Father showing or coming to such people too. I checked I was doing all I could to keep commands of Jesus and asked God to show me Father and Son and Holy Spirit so I would know what I preached about. In the night in a vivid dream vision the Father was standing there serene and solemn and awesome and said “I am God”. He told me about a situation the next day and what I must do. When I did it, it saved the day for my work colleagues. It was a unique situation never happening before so I knew it was God indeed in reality in my dream. Weeks later Jesus came to me in a terrible unprecedented rainstorm as I walked and thought of a psalm about the Lord presiding over the floods. It was torrential. I had up a big umbrella. Jesus spoke clearly and authoritatively to me “Put down your umbrella!” Immediately I did the rain stopped dead and not a drop touched my head. If it is you Jesus, I said later that day, make such and such happen. He did. I got to experience his masterful way of doing it too. Later a man took me to experience the Holy Spirit in a church. I had been telling church people I yearned for this. In church a heavy vice grip of spirit was on me. The leader spoke an awesome message in tongues and the spirit made me hear the English interpretation for every word spoken. Then the speaker said in English those same words. Consider the trees. They put forth buds and leaves. They do so by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not long after this happened, back in the 1990s, something happened which had not happened to me before, nor since. The word of God came to me. Indeed, now I have a feeling of what it means, for the word of God to come. It is very real and very intense. Like being at the dentist and the drill getting into your tooth. It just comes unexpectedly and all you can do is let it happen. You know it is from power and from outside you, going deep inside your head. Here is what came. “ISRAEL HAS SINNED”, that was the spoken word. Then a kind of vision and words followed showing me an eagle black and with a large white eye showing as it soared overhead. The word of God explained “This is the sign”. Then I started to see generals anxiously discussing things because that eagle in the sky meant real trouble on the ground and war brewing. It got worse until there were the mushroom clouds and bombers flying away from them that we so fear. Then I turned away and could not bear to see more. Still in the spirit, still in touch with this spirit giving me the vision, I looked for what could be done and the word came, “Go shout from the mountain top, Love the LORD you God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind…” I was in spirit about to continue the command with ”all your strength” and said “all your…” and the spirit strongly completed it with “VOICE!”. I told this to a church leader, at least he appeared to be a leader. I overheard him telling someone a bit later “It was like those real prophecies in the Old Testament!” Now it seems this was God showing me it is He, Old Testament Yhwh, who is God alone. The experience continued as, this was 1990s, I turned on the TV and the news showed a big black US spy plane being sent to what I presume all these years later was the Balkans. Maybe this was 1995 with the Yugoslav bombing beginning, I am not sure. That same day, overhead flew the very first police surveillance helicopter. On the news they announced a local police helicopter service had started. It was called Operation Vulture. That night it flew over my house. It had a white search light and big camera at the front. On the news they said it had been monitoring a local lad on the roofs of houses near the church where I had told the prophecy, as the lad was throwing roof tiles from houses into the street. I knew all this was my sign. This was God’s word. The surveillance like we never saw before got greater and greater until cameras were installed all over public areas, and it continues today. We had not had wars, but suddenly wars were happening one after the other with Balkans, then Gulf Wars, then more Gulf Wars. It continues and now reaches Israel itself, although Israel in the prophecy seemed to include even that church I spoke at. God’s word is real and solemn and grave. God is to be feared and held in awe. The sin must stop and love for God must increase and one way to love God is with all our social media voice. Tell His words boldly so all can hear His commands. Wholeheartedly loving God. Yhwh, Old Testament God. The One God.