There is a sense in which scriptures Zechariah 2:8 and John 1:1 are prophetically describing the Word of God as God. in this sense, no other, I accept that it is true to say Jesus is the Word of God and therefore in a small sense is God. But just in the sense that a person’s word is to some extent actually that person. This is NOT to say that the word of a person is as much that person as the person themselves. That clearly is not true. Hearing what I say, you hear me. But it is misleading to insist that my word IS me, in the fullest extent of what is meant by ME. God is greater than His word. God is more than His word. His word is not one substance with Him any more than your word is one substance with you. In some ancient Greek philosophical sense it might be correct to use the word substance, or hypostasis, in this way. But in English terms we would not normally say a person and their word are the same substance. We do not use the word ‘substance’ like that. Maybe Neoplatonists did use it like that but that was centuries ago. My word is one being with me? Not in the normal English way the word ‘being’ is used. Jesus is not the same being as God. He made this clear when he explained that the Father testified about him as a second witness to himself such that his own testimony was backed up by the Father’s (via the miracles the Father does through him). That could never be true if Jesus and God are one being. Jesus is the word made flesh. Jesus is the word sent as flesh from God. Jesus is the word of God. In one sense the word of God IS God, but not in any sense that contradicts his existence as a human and a second testimony to God.