
Monday, 26 February 2024

How can we follow Jesus today?

 How can we follow Jesus today? His teachings, or some of them (I assume there would be no room to record all of them), are there in scriptures. They might not all be understandable. There are parables which are not easy to understand. There are idiomatic phrases not familiar to us outside of that place and time with those customs. Some are difficult to apply to our circumstances. But we can learn them and improve our understanding of them, learning what we can to help with this and asking God for help and understanding and insight. But a lot can be obeyed. If we do so as much as we can, we are doing half of what is needed. The other half is to be confident in him. That comes by hearing his teachings preached and evangelised and seeing miracles or hearing accounts of them. Arguments don’t produce belief as well as the demonstrations of the power of God do. All this brings us to true discipleship. The boosts come when the Holy Spirit brings new things from Jesus (new to us, at least) to us. He is there ready to do this. Jesus is. The Holy Spirit is. Praying for each other can help with this. Ask the Father for the Holy Spirit, like asking for daily bread in the Lord’s Prayer.