
Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Book of Revelation

 In the Book of Revelation, we witness the profound vision of the Father as the One seated on the throne and the Son, depicted as the Lamb, who is given the honor to sit beside His Father on the throne (Revelation 5:6-7, 22:1). The imagery of the river of life flowing from this throne (Revelation 22:1) vividly recalls Jesus' teaching about the Holy Spirit as living water that wells up within believers (John 7:38-39). This depiction underscores the Father as the sovereign, the Son in a position of given authority, and the Holy Spirit as the life-giving presence proceeding from them. It is imperative for believers to maintain clarity in this divine relationship, recognizing the Son's subordination to the Father by the Father’s choice, and understanding the Holy Spirit as metaphysically distinct, yet integral, without conflating their roles or muddying this spiritual truth. Such discernment helps preserve the purity and profundity of the divine order as revealed in Scripture. (Stephen D Green with ChatGPT, 2024)