
Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Sound doctrine

 He says “know that I am God”. Not “… we are God”. The Trinity doctrine keeps Him unknown by the vast majority. “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” 2 Corinthians 10:5a. 

Ever wonder what the churches should have believed and adhered to and upheld if they had not gone down the Trinity route? 


Really we need to hold to the teachings of the Christ, believing this is Jesus, if we want to know the truth. Also there are many nuances to the truth. There are many scriptures, and many nuances are covered in all the various scriptural statements about God. But here are some main salient points.


The Father is a being, a singular individual. He is God.


The Son is a human being, a second singular individual. He is on a par with the Father but is forever going to be subject to the Father. He is the Lord, because from divine state of existence he became a tiny baby and grew from there in wisdom and stature and favour with the Father and men. He became small in order to grow like every human grows, but in right living, and in wisdom, and in full obedience to the Father, even in death being obedient and therefore raised to immortality from death by the Father. So he is the Lord. The Master over all of the Father’s house. He, Jesus, is the Christ. He is the light to live by. 


The Father and Son are together. The Son is so much like his Father. The Father so loves the Son and lovingly teaches him all things and lovingly gives him all things. There is tremendous unity between them. Each extends the other. The Son fulfils the Father’s will. The Father fulfils the Son’s requests. They do great wonders together. They love others and fulfil the needs of those they love and save them in all kinds of situations. They share the love with others bringing others into their circle of trust, making disciples. 


The Holy Spirit is a real spirit and makes the things of Father and Son known to disciples and to many. The Holy Spirit is not simply some effect of the being of the Father but has existence in the Holy Spirit’s own right, searching the things of the Father and the Son, besides searching the thoughts of men. 


Disciples are made into saints by the Father and the Son, and the saints who die will be raised again to immortality by Jesus at his coming. Those saints who are still alive at Jesus’ coming will be made immortal too. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of Man who is designated by the Father to judge all. The Father will for a thousand years put all people, all beings, and all things under subjection to the Son, Jesus. Then finally the Son, Jesus, will hand it all to the Father, and both Jesus and all things and all people and all beings under him will forever be subject to the Father. In this way the Father will forever be God, and all in all. Then the Son will be forever given to rule beside the Father on His throne. The saints will forever live in fellowship with the Father and the Son.