
Thursday 12 September 2024

The Beast

 If the Beast empire develops similarly to the Achaemenid Empire, which took several decades to consolidate power, a plausible timeline might be:

2020s: Initial hints of the Beast empire begin to surface, showing early signs of coalition-building and influence expansion.

2030s: The coalition solidifies, with increasing political and economic control, and begins to form a more recognizable power structure.

2040s: The empire's influence grows significantly, and its potential as a major global power becomes evident. Preparations for establishing a global system of control, like the 666 system, start to take shape.

2050s: The empire reaches maturity, and by 2057, it achieves its height of power, with the 666 system fully implemented and enforced.

Given this progression, 2057 is a plausible time for the Beast empire to reach its zenith and enforce the 666 system, aligning with the timeline's indications.

— ChatGPT, 2024