
Sunday, 29 November 2015

Christ is Greater Than the Law of Moses

We followers (or would-be followers) of Christ do not follow the Law of Moses because we at least have it in the gospel that Christ was able to explain the background of a law of Moses and give a better version of how it would have been if there had not been hardness - so showing the weakness in the commands given as laws - the context of the people first receiving those laws affecting what could be given. The example given was Christ speaking about the Moses law for divorce and Christ knowing better having been at the giving of those laws and being at the side of God and being the very wisdom of God and having all the fulness of divinity. So we can be sure Christ knows how the laws should have been and can give us His knowledge by the Spirit now given us - if we believe and receive Him, the Holy Uncreated Spirit,  in Christ's name. Scripture alone does not give this but only a taster. We need the Spirit and to be born again so we follow the leadership of the Spirit who has the fulness of what Christ has which all comes from the Father, God.

I don't know for certain whether Leviticus 19 verse 27 forbids shaving - no human on Earth does. So nobody can know with certainty if they have broken this law and therefore The Law as a whole. I guess there are similar exanples affecting women. So you might find one concordance that gets you out of the guilt but how do you know a better concordance might drop you back into the guilt. Nobody can become righteous with any certainty this way. Jesus the Christ is the only certainty and the Spirit given by God in Jesus' name. Their testimony is valid because they do know all the law but know the perfect way they teach too. This perfect way is what they offer - not perfect keeping of the Law. 

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Religious Experiences

A human communicated to me by spiritual means some twenty years ago who I straightaway thought to be the same one born of a virgin two thousand years before who died and rose from the dead - death by crucifixion - and appeared visibly standing on a shore as disciples of His fished in boats away from that shore and He spoke to me like He had spoken to them - to work a sign to show Himself as Lord over Nature. The Prince of princes. Before He was born He had spoken as human in the hearing of a now very famous prophet and commanded to one of the highest angels what to tell the human prophet. All this came to me days after the Father and God of this human came in a dream to me and spoke of things to do to help my fellows in my workplace with a coming marriage - signalling my own meeting of my future wife perhaps who I didn't yet know would be my wife but it was a wife for which I had been pleading with God. Weeks later I witnessed the grace of the Holy Spirit in a meeting with tongues being spoken of angel origin and being given in my own spirit the interpreted words in my own tongue - telling the glory of the name of the human who had spoken to me from heaven and proven to me miraculously by spirit who He is. Then still later I was told of the sins of God's people and the sign to show it which happened straight after and love for this God came to mind as something to be shown by each one loved by Him and that the voice is important to tell these things loudly to all. This was the word given to me "Israel has sinned". And the sign was the Gulf Wars and mass surveillance like a black eagle with white eye flying overhead.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Spiritual Rebirth

Spiritual rebirth is where spirit does so much in a discple of Jesus Christ that it supercedes natural birth. It can be a result of holding to Jesus' sayings in scripture or the work of the Holy Spirit now He is sent in Jesus' name - including inspired preaching. Truth sets free. Starting to hold to the spirit words can be for a while before truth sets free but the promise of Jesus is there all the while. Truth of which Jesus spoke is the truth He is Son of the God the Father as seen in God raising Him from the dead. Realising it fully sets free and puts love of brothers who also believe permanently into the heart. You cannot unknow it but you can be cast out of the Vine you are part of as a branch - Jesus is the Vine and the Father is the gardener who can do the casting out - if you don't hold faithfully to the spirit sayings and truth that put you in the Vine.

Recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 8 there is the description by Jesus Christ of permanent membership versus temporary servitude in God's house - only permanence classes as sonship because there are no temporary sons. In the first letter of John, 1 John , combined with John 8 it is shown that permamence comes only from the One who is permament already in God's house - the Son of God, Jesus. He only makes permanent sons of God - the temps are but servants - servants of sin whose sonship is sonship of Satan - rebirth makes them permanent - permanent sons of God - in all of 1 John he never mentions anything about being unborn or needing rebirth again - only non-sons need rebirth in all of 1 John. Plenty of times he says people behaving unlike sons have never been sons because sons do not behave like non-sons in regard to hatred of sons and lies - at least, not in a persistent way. Temporary non-son behaviour is corrected by life from God through Christ His Son, such as after prayer by intercessors who can be Jesus and can be other sons. You are either a permanent son or not a son at all.

Knowing the Truth leading to sonship? For me, it was asking God to show me Father Son and Spirit then when He did just that it was Jesus He showed me, Jesus showing Himself with perfect clarity as indeed Jesus and as my Lord and Master, this of course results in my unevitable conclusion in my heart of hearts that Jesus is God's divine Son. To make it all the more certain God showed me Himself the Father and the Holy Spirit worked in me to show Himself too and a brother who also had the same Spirit who spoke of the Lordship of Jesus Christ using tongues and interpretation of that heavenly tongue.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Keep The Gospel free of Worldliness

Don't mix worldly teachings in with Jesus' teachings so it makes no sense. Worldly evangelists say - pray this or admit to this and that and you'll be fine - saved! Always saved because what you did will always be there in your past as a one-off event. God will honour it.
Jesus says - believe He IS then hold to His teachings and wait while holding to them for a truth that He will give you. You do and it is always there in your future that in obedience you will keep adhering - unless you are not a true adherer and therefore not a true disciple. If you do what Jesus says is God's will and you get the promised truth from Him it gives you confiedence He accepts you as a disciple but in obedience you keep on adhering. His promise is also that freedom puts you in a permanent place with God. You only now need to demonstrate to the universe that God is true by your permanence vindicating what Jesus taught. He said you need to remain by His word remaining in you and John later said by His truth remaining in you too (John wrote it after that truth was materislised in the truth of Jesus being crucified then raised). So keep His words to receive His blood/bought truth then keep His words and that truth to renain in Him and bear fruit for God's glory. All the time loving enough to obey Him and believing that He truly IS and hoping in Him, loving the others in Him like He does and the truth commands us - to be what the truth makes us.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Peer Review of Advice to Enquirers by Evangelists

A typical modern way of leading enquirers (not anything personal is intended - just a peer review of the kind of advice frequently given) is to say "accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour" and yet there are words attributed to Jesus Himself "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of God". Is this advice people give enquirers in contradiction to Jesus' own advice. One advises to say effectively to Jesus "Lord, Lord" - to accept Him as Lord and Saviour. The other says this is not enough. Who is right? The teachers of our day or Jesus Himself? What does Jesus say? Does what Jesus says make a difference to what teachers and evangelists of our day say to enquirers?

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

The Way of True Discipleship of Christ

Jesus Christ taught that true discipleship is about holding to His teachings. His teachings require certain changes to people's behaviour. Before such changes He showed how people's behaviour marks us a being evil and effectively children not of God but of God's evil chief adversary. Key behaviour of this adversary of God and all of us us lying. It is clear to me that by not lying I have committed to the first key change required and I hold to the spirit words that this is indeed required of me and all who would be a true disciple. So this is a discipleship step, as is the faith to start to be a disciple - faith that Jesus IS.
But the kind of discipleship that is true is not unreal - it involves slips and falls. Peter was rebuked by Paul for hypocrisy - the kind that Jesus rebuked in hypocrites too - but that does not mean Peter was just a hypocrite. He was a true disciple. He fell and had to be put right and once put right he became a true disciple again. Jesus promises righteousness to true disciples. I might lie at some time but I try not to and my slavery to lying was broken when the gospel of Christ having died for me sunk in one time when it was preached well and I was ready to hear it properly and the Holy Spirit came upon me and broke the lying habit that I had had as a teen. If I do lie and err it isn't the end as long as I get back up or someone picks me up but I do need forgiveness from God and maybe anyone offended by the lie or hypocrisy. I don't always notice so I tend to ask almost daily in case or especially if aware of a slip. But I continue in the way of discipleship and amazing hope from Jesus with thanks to God. Really this is the only true way - the real one. Anyone tell you different don't listen - but maybe you might just have misunderstood them. The Lord makes it clear. Besides lies Jesus mentions hatefulness or murderousness and adultery but I pick on lying like He did because it is s key evil way we get from Satan that has to stop when discipleship truly starts. John 8, etc.

Monday, 16 November 2015

The Law of Love

Regarding the Law of Moses, freedom in Christ should not be set aside for Jewish Law even though the Law was given by God and Christ did not abolish it but rather brought it to its ultimate goal by creating a new way while including the old - like Eve being formed from the rib of Adam. The way to seek now is the new way and it is marked by freedom. How is it if He created a new way while including the old that the new way doesn't require obedience to the old way except in the summation of it - love? He kept the rules of the old way whose summation is love and He died so the rules of the Law of Moses lost power over Him when He rose from the dead but the summation of them - love - remained in Him as it does even after death when we keep our love. So we obey risen Lord Jesus and this means obeying His love and sharing in the same love He has. Love for His followers plus love that even extends to His enemies and bears with them to some extent - whatever we learn is true of His present day love is our duty to share. This is the new way.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Son of Man will Soon be King

The Son of Man will Soon be King

The Lordship and Anointing for Kingship of the Son of Man is subject of the gospel but it is little understood. Few preach about there being a Son of Man becauee for many preachers this is a name shrouded in mystery. Yet it is clearly used as a name for Himself by Jesus when He was among the people of Judea and Samaria in the flesh having been born of a virgin under the power of the Holy Ghost. He meant His special suitability to be Lord over all humans having been Lord over angels and forces of Nature before He took human form as a baby. This taking of human form would be first of two steps necessary to secure God, His Father's, plan to place Him over all His works including humanity and God's temple anong humans which He would build. The last step to complete it would be for Him to die at human hands under human rule and Mosaic Law and then to rise to unique eternal resurrection life as the firstborn from the dead. Already He had been firstborn over all the Universe we see and all creation we do not see but He had also to become firstborn from the dead - The Resurrection. All this. when it was future in heaven before He came, gave Him a name Son of Man as the One chosen of God to bring all rule together including sinful man and finally hand it to the Father. This is the work for which the Father anointed Him and proclaimed the angels should worship Him. Soon He will be seen by all coming in the clouds - coming to reign. Eternal life is so far only His to have and give because He alone is the eternal Resurrection. It is only those in Him who have this available to them because it is only there in Him not given except in Him. To have it or a part in it in your future it is only there for you in Him so you have to remain in Him to receive any of it and to have it there for you when you die so He resurrects you who are His. That is ONLY if you are His and remain in Him and His words and truth remains in you.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

God's Limited Palette

I try and always write my comments with this smartphone. It is like a painting artist using a limited palette - if you don't know, well a limited palette is where you paint a painting using only maybe six or seven colours of paint or even less perhaps - partly as a discipline and partly for the design effect a bit like Japanese minimalism. Using only a smartphone is also a way to bridge a generation gap with people who never got into PCs or mainframes and landline telephones and even typewriters. Why say this? It is by way of explaining my theory or belief that Jesus is God's limited palatte. God used Jesus who would always one day become flesh so was called Son of Man and God involved Him and perhaps made Him to be the One through whom all things were made. He became like us so some may be saved by His human understanding of us. And to rule us by being Lord yet being able to be Lord over nature and angels and now us too using only limited powers we ourselves might use! With faith and righteousness. So God is behind it all pulling the strings of yhe Universe and angels and even Jesus and eventually us. How do we know this? Because He calmed the storm so they said even the winds obeyed Him yet He taught them to do the same as He did by using faith like He had which even they could have too - in the Father, God - and do as He as Lord. He is Lord because He masters faith and teacher because He teaches us to do the same. God's limited palatte.

The Son of Man is Lord over the Sabbath

The Son of Man is lord over the Sabbath
The words we have in scripture that Jesus spoke after explaining that the Sabbath was made by God for man, not man for the Sabbath. A day in every week for rest. Even the week came from God. It is known all over the world through almost all history as a series of cycled seven day periods with one day marking the cycle and the last day of the cycle is set apart by the God who made the Universe and by the Son of God with whom God made the Universe and this last day of the cycle is a rest day for humans. God gave it to descendants of His human friend Abraham even though that meant intervening for them to enforce their masters to let them have it as a weekly day off. Later He said those living near them who wanted to show honour to thrir God could rest on the seventh dsy too as a mark of their devotion to let them have an outlet of love for The Creator God, this real life God the Jews were saved by out of slavery. So it was for human benefit God gave it both as a rest day and as a means of expressing love in obedience to God whose command it is. Now Jesus the Son of God shows who He is in history when saying that He is lord of this day because He said He is lord over it on the basis of being made for mankind and God had made Jesus the Lord over mankind so hence He is lord over this sabbath given by God for mankind. But most noticably He said "Son of Man" showing clearly He is made exactly like man by birth as a human in order to best benefit those over whom God has made Him Lord - hence showing the reason He is called since ages past "Son of Man" even before coming as a man when He was Lord over angels with God and nature itself - as made known to the earliest human prophets like Enoch in Sumerian times, before God had even appeared to Abraham, before even the pyramids or Stone Henge were built. Now appeared in flesh Jesus makes known to us all who He is and what His purpose is - to receive authority to rule over humans too, especially thise who want to show devotion to the God who with Him had created the Universe and given mankind the week and the weekend command of a rest day to honour Him with and in love to obey His command willingly if we so wish to have such a command to obey.

Divine Love

Like a good father The Holy Spirit is there in labour and birth and childhood through to maturity so you can be children of God by following Him. This is real not theory or mere metaphor - it is a present person making you God's all along the way with visits like fraternal visits of a hard working father who is out and about but still makes time to ensure he stays in your life too among all the other lives he gets involved in. You can put confidence in His doing this to make you holy as He is holy and you need not put confidence in rites like circumcision and feaste which were an old way before this way that trunps those human flesh things. So many depend on human action to keep them from unworthy living - and Gid did give those at one time to hekp before He gave a new way. Even Moses was compelled by God's wrath against him to get circumcised and keep the way of Law and flesh but now that Christ has been crucified and the Spirit is given therenis a eay of Spirit and life in the Spirit. So find it. Let it find you.

The Spirit is given as you truly believe in that cross, God's cross, the cross of the crucifixion of His own dear Son Jesus, as you receive THIS TRUTH: that it includes YOU. That God's grace reaches even you. Yes you. That it is even for you.

I too have to realise that Jesus of Nazareth did actually die and His death's benefit to others actually includes me - he died on that cross for me - but he did so also for you. Yes I have to realise you reading it was also for - that the death that makes the Spirit rightfully given was for you the reader of this. You who read this are one for whom Jesus the Christ of God died. This qualifies you, if you receive this truth of his crucifixion death, for the Spirit to come to you and give you truth and truthfulness and power of truthfulness within you. The way is to let this take over and lead.

Not only is it Spirit being given you that Christ dying for you entitles you to (when you receive the truth of it) but when floods of judgment come from God then mercy in the midst of it by power from Jesus - living Jesus the true Christ and Son of God - here and now in this day and age we live in.

It is for you WHO BELIEVE - for you who have faith in God the Father for whom Jesus taught and in whose authority Jesus leads and does His work.

Just like God honours my faith - your faith you who have real faith in Him - so He honours Jesus' faith and loves Jesus.

This gives me - you too who have real faith in God - real unity with Jesus.

In Jesus' case though this honouring by the Father has been that Jesus is alive from the dead raised by the Father - eternally. So I realise even as I think of these things.

But say it - He is blessed who comes in Jesus' name such as the Spirit who comes in Jesus' name and Jesus is blessed who comes in the Father's name and the Father is blessed who sends the Spirit and sent and sends and will send Jesus and raised Jesus from the dead and can raise those worthy of it too as Jesus does this in the will of the Father who sent Him and sends Him.


Personally I grew up in a pastor's home with everyone assuming I knew all I needed to know because I could quote scripture more than everyone else but I didn't even know what sexual immorality or sin meant having read the Bible for myself with nobody explaing such things because I was so young and by the time I should have understood everyone thought I must already know because I quoted the scriptures so much. Or maybe I annoyed them so much they were happy to keep me in the dark. Plus the scriptures told me not to major on meanings of words so anyway I still don't know what all those things even are. But I read to find out what rebirth means in Jesus' teaching (like a 'Zaccheus') wanting to see for myself. What I do understand a bit is lying and I don't understand much else (and I don't kniw all the meaning of what lying is in some ways either like is it a lie to hide truth or think an untruth or possible untruth in my head?). I find it clear that Jesus made a promise to each person who holds to His teachings and He was addressing mixed mental capability people including unschooled ones. His promise of righteousness seems to be very inclusive by majoring in John 8 on what is most obviously evil like lies and murderous love of people being killed and I can accept it on general terms like I'm sure He meant it - it is of Satan - a very powerful primal spirit influencing everyone in the Earth (or trying to do so) - and against God to lie and hate like that. This little bit I can accept and it seems enough for me and others. It is enough to hold to this clear understandable tenet of His and wait for His promise to be faithfully met by Him  while keeping these clear evils out of my life as others do too. His promise of truth that sets free seems to be fulfilled in two things that followed His John 8 sermon about this - His death for us to make a new truth exist - 'the gospel' of His crucifixion and resurrection - then the coming of a Holy Spirit to reveal and apply truth to the heart of the believer in this gospel.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Defense Against Judaization

The teachings of Christ major on teachings like the Good Samaritan and most non-Jews know this even though they know nothing of the Jewish Law in scripture. Yet when I see a cyclist who has been knocked down in the city street by a motorist, the Lord's (Jesus') testimony is true that there are some who go near to help while others walk on by and there seems to be no obvious correlation between church going and the divide between good Samaritans and those who carry on walking. First aid training might make more difference than church attendance but I do not know. The fact is about 30-50% seem to be willing to help but less than 10% go to church here so many help but do not go to church. I guess the truth is still the way Jesus told it even with there being a church besides a synagogue. Still the place for Law is synagogue and the place for gospel is the church and the synagogue too and even the marketplace and Internet. Only those under Law need Law but everyone needs gospel. If you are seriously worried the Law needs pushing and preserving then keep it where it belongs - synagogue.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

A Minimum Read of Scripture for those who are able to Grasp it

Everyone with a bank account ought to check the balance from time to time even if you aren't a fastidious book keeper. You can go overdrawn with your spiritual account too and if you are not a Jew but are in Christ the miminum check is to read Galatians and see if maybe you are in danger if falling from grace. Don't wait till a leader tells you - they might be ignoring their own spiritual bank balance too. I don't preach study of scripture to all because not all are capable but God is still loving towards them. Yet if you can read it a bit and don't know the Law because it doesn't apply to you in Christ, at least have a look at Galatians and see the Law must not be allowed to enslave you with its feasts and especially its circumcision.

Seeing the Kingdom of God when Born Again

As for the born again SEEING the Kingdom of God, maybe the revelation testimony I have throws light some (few) might find acceptable on that. I had a task given me twenty years ago to lead a house group 'Bible study' and I tried to pick a topic I would find satisfying thinking others might also find it satisfying too. I always wanted to know what scripture meant by heaven so I picked the book of Psalms and dilligently combed my way through it looking for any indication of where heaven is and what is meant by it. I was suprised and delighted to find a lot of clarity and consistency about heaven being just  above the clouds. It includes the clouds. It means the God controls the weather by the word of His power and uses the weather to show that rule and power to humans. I even invoked it when I found a Psalm to the effect of asking God to bring an end to an evil among men affecting the invoker in asking God to rend the heavens and come down and scatter the enemies. I invoked it against the local authority for which I worked and it was scattered and ended by it because they were making my employment seven years of hell. I found God accompanied my efforts to rebuke the top boss there in answer to my invokation by sending a terrible storm to rage all the time I was before a board of top managers as I tried to show them their fault. After that it was only weeks before word came from central gov that the large council would be abolished and all the employees sent to surrounding councils to work. Only a few remained with the immediate lesser authority in the city and I was with them. I used the knowledge of this sense of heaven to lead the study. A little later I was asking to see Jesus (and God and the Spirit) - not by seeing His resurrected flesh but by some showing of Himself to me. I had taken my study further finding it was clear in prophesy that floods are how God judges nations. A flood had come to my city (Wikipedia and news stories mentioned it) and the river was in flood. A psalm said to go and see the works of God and destructions He has wrought so I did. Living by a bridge over the river I went in torrential rain with a huge umbrella to see it and think of it as God in His power causing it. On the way back I had the voice of Jesus in my spirit and mind say emphatically and very authoritatively "Put down your umbrella!" I told you the test already but when I did so the torrential rain stopped so quick not a drop seemed to touch me. I knew it was Jesus and later He proved it again. In my mind and spirit now I can picture it with a spiritual focus even while I walk in town and it is like SEEING the power of the rule of God.

The Kingdom of God

Kingdom of God seems to me to go like this. If I do what human government does not want me doing I could in some cases be called a criminal. If I do what goes against what God wants me to do I am in this case not doing His will and His will is higher than the will of human government so I could be worse than criminal in some cases. If I do what He wills then this is better and saves me from a worse situation than if were labelled a criminal in what I do by human government. This is God's government higher than human government. It is what makes it best to be found doing God's will and what makes it dangerous to be doing otherwise. God wills that we believe in His Son - believe in His being who He is with the name He has - and then we give up lies and hated first and foremost because they are of Satan and against His will. Then God's will is that we hold to what He have Jesus to teach all our lives. The truth we learn as a result sets us free from doing what is against God's will so God wills we hold to the truth we receive from the first time we start receiving truth after we learn this will of God - and live according to it all our lives. The transformation of liar to truth teller then truth abider is by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the power of the spirit and truth in Jesus' words and sayings and deeds from God. So Jesus calls it rebirth because it takes the place in God's eyes of human birth which was not enough - this being born again makes us children of God in thr kingdom of God. It seems from Paul's teachings to coincide with starting to be led by the Spirit of God. In Jesus' teaching it coincides with being spoken to by the Spirit and recognising the Spirit like a wind blowing. Receiving living workings of the Spirit and not just the spirit in His teachings.
16 minutes ago

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Truth Gets Sacrificed to Exalt its Supposed Teachers

Why do so many want to rob The Father of the rightful worship that He is The God? Jesus had the means and position to claim this accolade for Himself too besides the Father being The God. Had Jesus done so it would have meant His proclaiming the Father to be The God but also the Son as being The God but Jesus DID NOT PROCLAIM THIS and instead He proclaimed the Father alone to be The God - His God -and He proclaimed Himself to be The Lord. For this reason (and for other ways that He pleased The Father) The God proclamied Jesus to be His Son. Why are so many trying so very hard to deny or avoid these truths? Maybe it is in order to promote themselves (the very thing Jesus refused to do Himself) and to promote their teaching - maybe for this reason, this cause, these truths about God are being wickedly suppressed. In my experience and frustration of early in life seeking after righteousness it does seem that truth is made a sacrifice for the promotion and exaltation of the many trinitarians who claim to be its teacher. Repent while you can for the sake of righteousness and the name of God He gives His Son.

How to know all this is true? On one hand The Father told first century (AD) Israel by these ways: Miracles He personally gave Jesus to do (the gospel records record many that He did); teachings He gave Jesus to teach (the gospel records tell what some of them were/are); the voice by which He spoke from heaven (the gospels record it as do epistles). So we have scripture - even if we aren't sure of the translation and meaning in detail. The Father told me in a dream twenty years ago too but maybe you discount that - obviously I don't and cannot. On the other hand Jesus testified of this truth too. Again found in scripture. Those who have witnessed Him since can back it up in what we see He is like but the detail of what He said is still for many of is most clear in scripture but the Spirit brings it to those born of God too and some of it to the world maybe.

Jesus still does the mighty works from God today - and through history we can probably find records of His works; plus there is the Spirit working the works of God the Father and of Lord Jesus in believers down the ages (having started to be recorded in books like Acts) and I expect there are many books to be found recording such works down through history.
1 hour ago

The Spirit

The Spirit, actually the seven spirits from before the throne of the One God, looks throughout the Earth to see who fears God and keeps His commands and He indwells each who He sees truly belongs to Christ and He speaks to them but they know not whence He comes to them and whither He goes. Then out of them comes this river of life that He is. All in the name that was from before the beginning of time in which all nature works and this name belongs to Lord Jesus the anointed One of God, the Son of  God the Father.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Holy Spirit and Son of Man (Kurdish translation)

هەولى سپيەرەت ئيت جيين سەچ ئە وەندە ذات ذە سێيم هەولى سپيەرەت هاز بين ئەراوند ئينسپايەرينگ پييپەل ئۆن ئێث ئاسەتێيند ثاوزەندز ئەڤ ييەز ئە مێسەج ئاى ويتنەست فرەم هيم وۆز سەو كلەوسلى ئايدێنتيكەل ئين سەبستەنس ئاند ئين سەم ئەڤ ذە وێدينگ تو ئە مێسەج فيوو بيلييڤد هيى سپەوك فايڤ ثاوزەند ييەز ئەگەو باى ئينسپايەرينگ وەن ئەڤ ذە فێست ئێڤە پرۆفەتس كەمپلييت ئين ئێينشنت ئيراك ئاند بيكۆز هادلى ئێنيوەن بيلييڤز ئيت وۆز

هيى ذێن ئاز ناو گيڤز ويتنەس كەنسێنينگ ذە هێڤەنلى سەن ئەڤ مان ئاند ذە نێيم ئەڤ ذيس سەن ئەڤ مان ئاند ذە ئەثۆرەتى ئين ذە نێيم ئەڤ ذيس لۆد ويى تەدێى نەو ئاز ئييسە ئۆر جييزەس ذە ڤێرى فابريك ئەڤ نێيچەر ئەدهيەز بريك نێيم ئاند باى ذيس نێيم ذە هەولى سپيەرەت سێز ئييڤەن ذە ترييز ئەڤ كريێيشەن گرەو ئاند پوت ئاوت ذێيە

ذيس تێلز ئەس ذات ذيس سەن ئەڤ مان هاز ئيگزيستەد سينس بيفۆ سەچ نێيچەر ستاتەد بيكۆز هيز نێيم ئاند ئيت ئۆل وێن ئيت وۆز جەست ذە كريێيتە ويذ نۆت يێت ئێنى كريێيشەن ذێيە وۆز ذيس سەن ئەڤ مان ئاند هيز نێيم ئەڤ ئاند سەپرييم ئەثۆرەتى باى ويچ نێيچەر كێيم تو بيى سەو وێن ذێيە وۆز جەست ذە كريێيتە ئاند نۆت يێت ذە كريێيتەد نێيچەر ويى ئا پارت ئەڤ تەدێى ذە سەن

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

It's such a wonder that the same Holy Spirit has been around inspiring people on Earth so many thousands of years. A message I witnessed from Him was so closely identical in substance and in some of the wording to a message few believed He spoke fuve thousand years ago by inspiring one of the first ever prophets with it in Sumerian ancient Iraq and because hardly anyone believes it was from that time and from the Holy Spirit but I do it helps me be sure it was not a trick that I heard such a similar message given in tongues with interpretation in a UK church twenty years ago. He then as now gives witness concerning the heavenly Son of Man and the name of this Son of Man and the authority in the Name of this Lord we today know as Isa or Jesus. The very fabric of natute adheres to this name and by this name, the Holy Spirit says, even the trees of creation grow snd put out their buds year after year. This tells us that this Son of Msn has existed since before such nature started since His name so underpins and authorises it all. When it was just the creator with not yet any creation, there was this Son of Man and His name of Lordship and supreme authority by which nature came to be. So when there was just the Creator and not yet the created nature we are part of today the Son of Man too was there with Him learning from Him and through this Son of Man and the Lordly power of His name given to Him by the Creator all things came eventually into existence.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

If you don't want to be buried alive, don't play dead

If you don't want to be buried alive don't play dead. There are some who believe in spirits like God and the Holy Spirit and angels and spirits or ghosts of those mortals who die but won't admit it and the trouble with playing dead is what is done with dead bodies - and they don't tend to be considered when food is apportioned out.


I saw an angel once and it looked like an exotic animal with wings (larger than a jungle fruit bat or flying squirrel) and clearly intelligent - not what I expected an angel to look like but similar to a gargoyle but real like any jungle exotic creature. I think it was a vision but real - spiritual like seeing a ghost. I was so scared of it. Like I said one of its wings was covering the eye facing me which I would orherwise have looked into. In terror I started trying to drive it away I think by preaching to it that Christ was crucified for us humans. That worked. I didn't know if it was good or bad but later was ashamed thinking it was sent to encourage and protect me cos I had be scared to preach to take souls from Satan in case he didn't let me get away with it lightly - thinking this before I went to sleep. It was there sat on my chest when I woke up! Anyway that was before I started commenting here. The intention is to turn sons of Satan toward becoming sons of God and later the Holy Spirit pointed out to me about angel protection for me by refering me to Daniel 3 and, via a reference in that chapter, to Psalm 34:7 (just when I was thinking of that verse). He did this as a spirit-like 'voice' clear as crystal in my mind so I went and looked it up. The words were just this "Daniel three".

All this reality is the same as recorded in scripture and how scripture came into existence so question this and you have in honesty to question scripture.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Grace and Truth

The Law of Moses certainly makes you think. It puts the worse things you do in lights before your eyes. But it offers no answers. It has no good news. No hope on offer. It just says "Listen to the one who comes who is a true hope and a prophet like Moses". It is a smack on the hand and even can lead to pain of death or actual death. It shows us where we are getting things wrong but does not say what to do about it except to meter out punishments which are usually more harsh than we can bear. In contrast we have preaching in the gospel like "he who has been stealing must steal no longer but must work doing something useful with his own hands so he has something he can share with those in need " which gives hope of redemption by showing an achievable wat forward and offers a future even to a thief (and who has never stolen). It doesn't even label 'thief'. This is grace. Still to be obeyed or what hope is there left. It shows a sacrifice has been made already - Christ the anointed one who will be king is crucified. But he has been resurrected to life forever and again there is hope.

If the Law had the means on its own, Christ died for nothing: That is what faith says - faith leading to righteousness in Christ because He died but not for nothing. He died so grace and truth can now lead the way to true righteousness.

His resurrection in the love of God His Father makes this way sustainable - forever.

I'm sorry some stumble in this way of grace and fall back to Law or get lulled into it like it has answers. This lack of persistence makes it look like you don't believe in Christ's crucifixion sacrifice and eternal life.

Would you prefer the grace which says change your ways but Christ died for your thieving and you can stop and do better now - or Law which says you just have to die for your thieving?

Or sharia which I think says Christ didn't die so you have to have a limb cut off for your thieving.

Just converted myself, I think. Truth is He must have died for our sins back then and there or how else would there be so much grace. And now alive He gives us more grace - forever.

Years ago I learned to obey the teachings Jesus taught and the commands in the gospel scriptures. The scripture's gospel of John says Jesus promised for those who obey His commands that He would and God would show themselves to them.

Truly, as I begged Him to show me Himself, God spoke to me in a dream and just days later Jesus met me in the street telling me in my spirit during a major rain storm to put down my umbrella and immediately the torrential rain stopped and I knew it was Jesus. He even confirmed it just the way I asked Him to later that night. He could only make this promise, which John records was during the last supper, if He knew God would not just lead Him to die but would also then raise Him from the dead and give Him immortal eternal life so He could help those who obey even now thousands of years later. He had already said this death and resurrection would happen, it is recorded in the gospel, during that last supper before He was crucified. I got to learn it is true for myself because of this gospel testimony and by obedience to this grace and truth by faith.

It is true that He died to give us life abd true that He is alive from the dead with eternal life to share with those He loves and who love Him back.

The Holy Spirit also showed me His power in a way that led me to learn that Jesus was existing and with God even before the Universe began so this explains some of what John recorded Him saying that He is before Abraham, the first ancestor of Hebrews. He was and is and is to come. So is the Father, God, who created all things through Jesus when Jesus was called the Son of Man and Word of God before Jesus was born a mortal human two thousand years before we too were born. He can always intercede with God for us and reveal all about God to us in time.

Monday, 2 November 2015


Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God from above the clouds, anointed to some day soon become king over all, taught about His words being spirit and truth. You could take words of Lord Jesus by the letter like you could say obedience to the lesson of the Good Samaritan is to carry oil and wine everywhere and always travel by ass and look out for people who have been mugged and use the oil and wine to tend their wounds then take them on the ass to a public house but never phone an ambulance. Doing it the literal way you could be (falsely, unbeknown to you) confident of being literally righteous by your own measure and claim it is God's measure and claim you do this by faith but at the same time refuse first aid training because it is modern and involves bandages and maybe discourages use of oil and wine and asses but suggests calling for an ambulance. Then you might ignore traffic victims and say they do not count because they were not mugged. You could even be silly enough to only do it all on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho and then have a feast to help you do it and make it all a legal religious rite.

Or you take the teaching by its spirit in how it was meant - keep the gist of it and be kind to those really in need with the resources you have but get first aid training as a confidence boost and precaution then get involved with first aid helping in emergency situations when you come across them.

It is the spirit of Jesus' words anyone should keep who wants eternal life from Jesus in Jesus' way. Hence the words are spirit and truth so keeping the truth they teach you is as important and more inportant than keeping the literal words - keeping the gist of the words, so to speak.

He also spoke of a Spirit who would come like a well of living water and well up within those who accept His words. His disciples explained that this Spirit came into the world to do this after Jesus returned above the clouds to God. This is the Holy Spirit. Both senses of spirit are closely related but distinct. This Holy Spirit like an angel can actually speak to people addressing them but many find it difficult to accept He is a person. I would say He certainly is a person I have heard speaking into my inner being: speaking to my spirit perhaps. My spirit or yours is another use of the term again and refers to something within us that is part of us and may be dead but brought alive by the Spirit God sends.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

About Lying

Habitual lying seems to be indicative of not being born again. I find the best way (if the Spirit helps) to stop lying is to keep telling the truth. That isn't enough to mean you can no longer lie though so there seems to be more perhaps to rebirth than that alone - knowledge of truth that sets free is required too for rebirth (to become a true child of God and permanent member of His household).
31 minutes ago

The Name

We may have opinions of how the scriptures have come to us over centuries and what they are and were. What is not opinion but truth is that the Name God gave His Son Jesus has come down to us too. This is the name on which we believe and, believing, call to be saved by God, the true living real creator God who created all things through His Son in this Name He gave His Son, the Lord.

Faith in The Name

It is becoming wonderfully clear that God gave Jesus His own name YHWH like a father giving a child his own name - second or first name. We have to believe in this - this relationship Jesus has with God and the truth (given by the testimony of God Himself) that Jesus pleases God very well, to be saved. Then we can believe as we call on this name Jesus now has. I do it by calling Lord Jesus in full faith in that name. Really Jesus as a name means this - its very meaning is an invocation of the saving nature of God Himself.
28 minutes ago

Never Read the Scriptures? How Much Does That Matter?

Lots of people are joined to Jesus by faith without knowing scripture. Lots have to go through life thinking they know scripture but knowing a set of false or dubious or uncertain views of what scriptures say and mean so are also forced to unknowingly live without scripture. We don't know if that includes us. We need the Holy Spirit to lead us into both truth and certainty of it or we are still without real righteousness. The way is truth and faith but with or without true comfort of scripture as an extra. Scripture alone is no way to be made righteous. Faith is required in truth even if scripture helps us find such faith and truth but grace is more effective when God gives it. Apollos is an example recorded in the scripture book of Acts. He knew only scripture and presched accurately about Jesus through that knowledge. The friends of Paul taught him better because they had learned not by scripture (or scripture aline perhaps) alone but by grace so they could improve his knowledge and he became known as an apostle like Paul.

The Law of Moses and Jesus Christ

Perhaps we should look at it as Jesus satisfying requirements which were a legacy of the 'Plant of Righteousness' or 'The True Vine' which had its roots in Abraham. Abraham had the beginnings of Law with circumcision. Then Law was added for his descendants including Jesus accirding to Jesus' biological nature. Jesus has died after a perfect life so He is now (resurrected) free from this Law. The rigteousness He has since then is Law-free. Being joined to Him joins anyone, Jew or not, to this new righteousness. It means it is of faith. Jesus is joined to God and is in complete faith to God. Joining oneself to Jesus is in faith too.