The Book of Enoch has a surprising prophecy about Diaspora Jews in the Middle Ages. Chapter 93 goes through some of the ten ‘week’ periods of history as God had written in heaven, as Enoch was allowed to see it before it happened. In ‘week’ seven there is apostasy then: “and at its end the chosen righteous from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen to be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation”. It seems the ‘weeks’ started in 3900 BC and each week is seven hundred years, making week seven 300 to 1000 AD. The prophecies of Enoch centre on the Jews so, if this analysis is correct it would mean Jewish apostasy from 300 to 1000 AD but also a surge in learning encompassing all of creation and an electoral system of promoting promising students to receive special insight in what is learned. We do see this in the Jewish establishment in Babylon of the Geonic Academies led by the chosen Gaon. So 300 to 1000 AD is evidently ‘week’ seven of Enoch’s ten ‘week’ prophecy, therefore 1000 to 3100 AD must be weeks eight, nine and ten. So the final judgement prophesied for the last part of week ten will happen in the 31st century. So we are in the century in which will begin a Millennium judgment reign of the Messiah before that final judgement of every soul.
Saturday, 29 December 2018
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Week Seven
Book of Enoch 93:10 possibly has a surprising fulfilment in the Babylonian Diaspora of the Jews in the Middle Ages. A reminder of this verse: the passage is going through successive seven-part ‘week’ periods of history as God had written in heaven that Enoch was allowed to see before it happened and the passage has reached ‘week’ seven having mentioned apostasy during week seven: “and at its end [week seven] the Chosen Righteous from the Eternal Plant of Righteousness, will be chosen to be given sevenfold teaching, concerning his whole creation”. I calculate the weeks started in 3900 BC and each week is seven hundred years. So this seventh week starts 300 AD and goes on till 1000 AD. Given that the previous account of Enoch’s dream of history centres on the Jews, I had a look in Wikipedia at Jewish history from 300 to 1000 AD and the article has a section for this period calling it the Middle Ages which tells of Jews scattered and 1/6th settled in Babylonia and reads “The Jews established Talmudic Academies in Babylonia, also known as the Geonic Academies ("Geonim" meaning "splendour" in Biblical Hebrew or "geniuses"), which became the center for Jewish scholarship and the development of Jewish law in Babylonia from roughly 500 CE to 1038 CE. The two most famous academies were the Pumbedita Academy and the Sura Academy. Major yeshivot were also located at Nehardea and Mahuza. The Talmudic Yeshiva Academies became a main part of Jewish culture and education, and Jews continued on establishing Yeshiva Academies in Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa, and in the centuries later on to America and other countries around the world where Jews lived in the Diaspora.” - Such a clear fulfilment of what Enoch told us would happen. Surely it confirms too that the weeks do indeed start in around 3900 BC and last seven hundred years each.
Elijah’s Horn
Firstly I confess I am not a left wing leaning person and not even deeply knowledgable about Marxism. Yet reading the prophetic dream God gave Enoch of the seventy shepherds whose reigns over Israel and the Jewish people leads up to the reign of the Son of Man and God’s rule over the sheep it starts to make sense that a coming of an Elijah to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah is prophesied in it and will be on the same lines as the coming of Elijah then before Jesus, of John the Baptist. John was an Elijah figure, Jesus proclaimed, who was done away with but who preached social equality by those with two coats giving to those with none; thus, as foretold, John was asking for the social mountains of society to make themselves lower in order to lift up the socially depressed poor. The dream of Enoch about the history of the Jews - the white sheep who descend from the twelve sheep we can deduce to be children of Jacob, Israel - this dream tells of Elijah without naming him and tells of his being persecuted by the sheep because he is a prophet but he evades them and is taken up to be with Enoch in heaven. This is a reminder to us today of how John the Baptist preached to prepare socially level ground for the Messiah so He would not strike the land with a curse and it reminds that God might do the same before Jesus (Yeshua) returns. Only God could give such a dream to Enoch because only God could foretell truthfully the words He Himself would be saying in the fiuture. The dream brings us up to recent past events through a period of God speaking to seventy ‘shepherds’ (clearly angels) putting them in charge over the sheep, descendants of Israel. So the fact the dream tells the things God will say in distant future after Enoch ascended shows this dream strictly sees things from the Father’s own point of view and shows them to Enoch to tell us. So the shepherds continue successive reigns up until the last twelve who precede the days of judgment by the Son of Man. The start of the seventy is dedicible as in Assyrian Empire control of the Israeli lands 2760 years ago. So the coming of Christ forty years from now would fit with the shepherds each ruling a forty year term. This makes sense. Saul and David and Solomon each ruled forty years showing it to be a divinely preferred complete term. So the last twelve shepherds in the Book of Enoch must have started ruling over the Jews around 1540 AD. So the description of their time must include today and the last century. The end of their time includes Elijah-like and John the Baptist-like events as a ram (or he-goat which in Ge-ez/Amharic is a dabela) gets horns after some sheep start getting horns and these start to take on power even over their oppressors such that they can withstand the oppressing nations around them. The main horn gets unsuccessfully opposed by all and remains at the coming of the Son of Man to make judgment. Both Marx and later Trotsky were prominent teachers who were Jewish by birth. Marx’s family converted to Christianity so he was raised with both influences. Their powerful horn of Communism took over many gentile nations and forged some into regimes and Empires such as Soviet Union and China and North Korea as well as many African countries and South and Central American countries. China is still communist today. The social message of Communism has strong parallels with the raising of valleys and levelling of mountains socially by establishing equality. So it seems very plausible to me that this horn of the ram/he-goat during the last shepherds’ terms before Christ comes to judge fits well with the prophetic dream of beasts given to Enoch over five thousand years ago. It is for our blessing to know what is happening the way God personally sees it.
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
The Oath
One of the main reasons I love the Book of Enoch is that it tells us of the Oath that God enacted and encharged to the chief angels to keep the most important principles of Earth in place that make it habitable: its water supplies, its sea levels, durations of days and night year after year. These are essential for our ongoing existence and happiness. Love and wisdom guide these things in the heart of God. It is understandable that first and foremost the habitability of Earth and its sustaining of life would lead to certain fundamentals being established by God right from the start and set in stone as principles so there was stability on which other creations could be designed and made. So He sealed these fundamentals among the angels with a very important Oath. We take these things for granted: water being available, day following night, sea not crossing into the land beyond a certain point. I have seen buildings built right next to the high tide mark of the sea, such is Nature trusted to keep to the order it obeys. Yet without such an Oath there could be no such trust. And the Oath has always needed protecting. It does not go unopposed. Angels guard it from Satanic attacks. Think how Governments have to constantly defend their policies. Well this Oath is a policy that needs defending from opposition too, especially since the fall of the two hundred angels around 3300 BC. And it might be a further more massive fall prophesied by the Son of Man in Revelation will mean a great onslaught on the Oath when the Dragon leads a third of Heaven’s angels into rebellion. The power behind the Oath is strengthened - the Book of Enoch and the Holy Spirit seem to say - by the name of the Son of Man - His fame and authority invoked in His name and the ethic of His teachings and the faithfulness of His truthful testimony. The symbol of that name seems to be the cross. On this all life on Earth depends.
One of the main reasons I love the Book of Enoch is that it tells us of the Oath that God enacted and encharged to the chief angels to keep the most important principles of Earth in place that make it habitable: its water supplies, its sea levels, durations of days and night year after year. These are essential for our ongoing existence and happiness. Love and wisdom guide these things in the heart of God. It is understandable that first and foremost the habitability of Earth and its sustaining of life would lead to certain fundamentals being established by God right from the start and set in stone as principles so there was stability on which other creations could be designed and made. So He sealed these fundamentals among the angels with a very important Oath. We take these things for granted: water being available, day following night, sea not crossing into the land beyond a certain point. I have seen buildings built right next to the high tide mark of the sea, such is Nature trusted to keep to the order it obeys. Yet without such an Oath there could be no such trust. And the Oath has always needed protecting. It does not go unopposed. Angels guard it from Satanic attacks. Think how Governments have to constantly defend their policies. Well this Oath is a policy that needs defending from opposition too, especially since the fall of the two hundred angels around 3300 BC. And it might be a further more massive fall prophesied by the Son of Man in Revelation will mean a great onslaught on the Oath when the Dragon leads a third of Heaven’s angels into rebellion. The power behind the Oath is strengthened - the Book of Enoch and the Holy Spirit seem to say - by the name of the Son of Man - His fame and authority invoked in His name and the ethic of His teachings and the faithfulness of His truthful testimony. The symbol of that name seems to be the cross. On this all life on Earth depends.
Monday, 24 December 2018
The Name of the Son of Man
It seems reasonable that the Sumerian word or syllable ‘Mesh’ is the long lost (but not lost) name of the Son of Man. It meant ‘one of two’ around 3100 BC (Uruk III period) and compares to the word for God - An - around that time because God was written as two crosses in a star asterisk symbol of four lines intersecting at a pont while Mesh was written as one cross symbol simply two lines intersecting at a point. God is one while Mesh is one of two and became a sacrifice for sins to pay human debt and therefore Mesh is the mediator with God and I think was known like that from 3100 BC and ever since, hence the use of crosses to invoke the name of this Mesh the Son of Man in medicine and priestliness and what we would call shamanism through the ages. It seems reasonable that eventually the word would become Mesh-iah, Messiah. The meaning most associated with the name Mesh in some cultures such as Hebrew became Anointed One I propose and so the Greek word used for Anointed One, Christos, became the preferred translation into Greek. So we have it in English today as Christ. So I think this might be how the Son of Man Doctrine of the Book of Enoch might have been preserved since Enoch wrote about Him in 3000 BC and came down to us today: The cross symbol and its associated syllable Mesh.
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Nature’s Parables
Look at Nature truthfully. It has many lessons to tell us. God has such control over Nature which He made that if we honestly consider natural things we can learn lessons from heaven from them. The main lessons we learn looking at or pondering Nature are the way and truth and life in the teachings of the Son of Man. Why? Because it is by these teachings that Nature functions - taking its lead from the authority of those teachings. Enoch and the Son of Man both used the natural world of plants and animals and birds and trees to teach the heavenly ways. This is what the Holy Spirit does still today. Nothing has changed. We just need to look at natural things and ponder them the way He wants us to - honestly and without giving our trust to our desires and lusts. Then we can learn truthful lessons from Nature that He wants us to know and live by. Most of all we can see the loving, fatherly ways of God and live in that truth by worrying less and resting assured in that love in our day to day lives. So too we can see the constancy of natural creations in keeping going without fail as trees lose leaves and grow them back year after year after year.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Science and Religion
To a great extent the Book of Enoch answers the dilemma of the struggle between Science and Religion. It shows how Science actually below the surface IS a religion: Science is largely built on Hermeticism which is built largely on Shamanism which is the religion resulting largely from teachings of fallen angels five thousand years ago. So these two giants Science and Religion that have fought for centuries have actually been fighting for millennia. The original religion of Adam or Sumerian Alulim regarded the existence of one true Most High God, the Creator with reverence and awe and regarded other heavenly beings as subject to Him. The descendants of Adam regarded the Most High God as fatherly. They were not perfect in their religion of course and when fallen angels came the people had enough yearning for advancement that they were easily led astray into shamanism and early forms of Science. Enoch tells how God sent him true and pure and surpassingly wise and authoritative angels such as Uriel to teach him a purer way and body of knowledge and wisdom and insight that could save those who learned it. So began a struggle. It continues to this day except that in Western and Islamic countries and among followers of Western and Islamic ways the shamanism has advanced through Hermeticism into Modern Science and Modern Medicine while once outlawed witchcraft shamanism has taken on a New Age identity. Yet these were in some parts of the world such as China and Mongolia always traditionally mixed and mixed with a form of godly belief in a supreme Most High God too albeit summarised and depersonalised as Heaven or the Blue Sky. So these ways are all ‘cousins’ though admitedly not ‘brothers’, sharing in common that they all originated in Heaven among angels and the true distinction between them like the distinction between light and darkness is that some were taught with God’s blessing and some weren’t but were opposed by the Holy God as being too impure and harmful for the good of Mankind. Eventually God would send His long hidden Son to teach this distinction and show Himself as the true Way, providing the pure Holy Spirit of truth to lead those who believe and hold to His heavenly testimony.
Friday, 14 December 2018
The Cross
In the cross, the Almighty Father of the Son of Man (the Christ, ha Mashiach, al Massih) had a message for us all in making the death of His Son a hanging on a tree as a sacrifice to pay the debt owed to God. So we should love God and keep His teachings.
The First Dynasty
King Alulim, known today as Adam, founded a dynasty of the first civilisation living in what is now called Iraq. It lasted throughout the fourth millennium BC and into the third. Seventh king in line from this royal family, seventh generation descendant of Alulim, was Enmenduranki, known in our day as Enoch. Alulim, most ancient records tell us, ruled from the great city of Eridu which became one of the longest lasting cities of the time and is known well to modern day archaeologists for the long period it shows of successive habitation and glorious temple buildings. Seventh successor of Alulim, Enmenduranki (also called in ancient records Enmendurana), ruled from Sippur but his family lived for generations after him in a city of Shurappak known today because of its ancient writings and libraries of books, a few even dating from those times and one including writings of the last members of this dynastic family. These last members must have written and preserved the Book of Enoch writings we have today. Shortly after the last great worldwide king of this dynasty died, Ubara-Tutu, who we know as the long-lived Methuselah, the records say a flood swept over the land. So a new dynasty had to rule as only one family survived, that of Ubara-Tutu’s grandson Ziusudra who we call Noah. The ancient records tell us that although Ubara-Tutu was last overall king in that first dynasty of civilistation, Ziusudra did rule as a more local king before that Flood. The last capital city before the Flood, family home of the last members of the dynasty, was Shurappak, whose ruins are known today as Tell Fara. It became a city of learning and writing after the Flood and many books have been found and translated from its post-Flood times and from neighbouring cities, including records mentioned here, and so archaeologists and historians call that period of learning and writing the Fara Period after this city. Enmenduranki’s city Sippur too is known for a heritage left behind as a centre of learning and writing whose later books from its revival after the Flood have been some of them translated in our times. So it is feasible that from those times comes to us today the glorious Book of Enoch. Thanks be to God.
Thursday, 13 December 2018
What is the most wellknown cuneiform symbol throughout the world? How about the cuneiform symbol for the Sumerian and Akkadian word MASH (MAŠ). Why that symbol? Well it is the symbol of a simple cross. 𒈦
Wiktionary definition:
𒈦 (MAŠ)
1. şibtu "interest on a loan"
2. bīru; urīşu "sacrificial animal for omens"
3. mişru "border, boundary"
4. māšu “twin”
𒈦 (ĝešMAŠ)
1. gişşu "tree"
All look familiar? Clearly the Almighty Father of the Son of Man (the Christ, ha Mashiach, al Massih) had a message for us all in making the death of His Son an emblem meaning all those things - hanging on a tree as a sacrifice to pay the debt owed to God. Even the word Messiah which in Hebrew is Mashiach alludes to this word MASH.
Saturday, 8 December 2018
God’s words for our times
Joshua 7:11 -
“‘Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions.’“
Hosea 8:1 -
‘"Put the trumpet to your lips! An eagle is over the house of the LORD because the people have broken my covenant and rebelled against my law.’”
Deuteronomy 6:4ff -
“‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.’”
Matthew 10:27 -
‘What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs”’
Mount Hermon takes its name (the Book of Enoch tells us) from the descent onto it of the fallen angels who brought magic arts and other dark technologies to humans starting on that mountain. Hermeticism is the main way magic arts have come into modern Western cultures today. The names are similar and imply a connection. What might that connection be in both a linguistic and a cultural sense? Well I researched it online and tried to avoid quirky occultist sources but on Wikipedia there is some hint of the link. The ideas of Herneticism claimed in the Renaissance Period (following the popularity of Hermeticism in the Middle Ages in Europe) to come from a semi-mythical figure Hermes Trismegistus but the claims were disproved at that time. Yet nevertheless the magic traditions of Hermeticism in claiming this link to this Hermes Trismegistus do give us a hint to their origins because this writer whether in fictional or real writings uses that name to claim the origins of the occultic arts were from the ancient Greek god Hermes. So is there a link between Hermes and Hermon and is that link significant in linking magic back to the fallen angels? The etymological (historic development of words) link is the meaning of a herme as a pile of stones marking a pathway. These piles were used by travelers and often were put in place in the name of the Greek patron god of travellers Hermes. Likewise Hermon has a stone circle on it which might be the oldest in the world and might mark the place where the angels travelled to humans and passed on their knowledge of magic. That naming seems to be implied in the Book of Enoch’s explanation of the name of the mountain. So both Hermes and Hermon have long been associated with stone markers and travelling. Yet both have also long been associated with magic and this link might have a common root. According to Wkipedia article about Hermes “A cult was established in Greece in remote regions, likely making him a god of nature, farmers, and shepherds. It is also possible that since the beginning he has been a deity with shamanic attributes linked to divination, reconciliation, magic, sacrifices, and initiation and contact with other planes of existence, a role of mediator between the worlds of the visible and invisible.[108]” . So the main cultural link seems to possibly be that in ancient early days of Greece (Mycenaean Greece) some kind association was made between magic arts practiced out in the countryside in those times and Mount Hermon where the fallen angels descended. This link might indeed be hinted at in the name these Mycenaeans gave him - Hermes. The earliest occurence of the name (this article tells us) comes from “Linear B” mysterious ancient writings of these people.
This hints at what it was these fallen angels taught - what purpose they might have given in their teachings. Shamanism: trying to teach a way to be reconciled to God or gods or both through uses of various items in rituals to appease gods - using gemstone beads and herbs and potions and the like to try to present a sacrifice to allow peace into which a god might speak and bless. This might have been presented to humans by these angels as a kind of religion and yet really it was the origin of magic. So ever since shamans (witch-doctors) have been regarded as providing religious priestly service whereas God taught a better purer more effective way to serve Him as priests. A great stand-off took place between these ways when Moses went to Pharoah as Exodus tells us. Centuries ater another stand-off was between prophets of Baal and Elijah on Mount Carmel. Centuries later again both Moses and Elijah returned for a moment to stand next to the Son of Man in what became known as the Mount of Transfuguration. This Son of Man then undid any need for shamanism by Himself dying as a perfect sacrifice to finally settle things with God on behalf of humans and it was proven acceptable by the Most High God when He raised the Son of Man from the dead to make Him true High Priest of those who come to God this way rather than through shamanism and magic.
Saturday, 1 December 2018
The Cross - a Settlement Reached
A settlement has been reached with God on mankind’s behalf and the resurrection of the Messiah to eternal life proves the settlement in that death of Him on the cross is sufficient and acceptable in God’s eyes forever.
Magma Chambers
Enoch 14:15ff
“... and the entire portal stood open before me, and it was built of flames of fire. 16. And in every respect it so excelled in splendour and magnificence and extent that I cannot describe to you its splendour and its extent. 17. And its floor was of fire, and above it were lightnings and the path of the stars, and its ceiling also was flaming fire.”
The Book of Enoch although truly ancient shows scientific information such as the existence of huge empty magma chambers deep under mountains and volcanic regions. Recently a geological event drew attention again to these chambers when the magma appears to have suddenly drained from one near the South East coast of Africa and sent a shockwave right around the world in all directions. It puzzled scientists what could cause such low frequency tremors to so quckly reach all over the planet but now they are starting to realise that magma existing in huge voids beneath mountains can suddenly shift leaving huge empty chamber. The Book of Enoch relates journeys of Enoch under the power and guidance of an archangel into various mountain inner regions to see how God uses some of these empty magna chambers in the Middle East to gather the spirits of the dead and to site His own Throne of Glory.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
The True Son of Man
There have been many angels called at various times sons of God but only one heavenly being has always been singled out as “like a son of man” because He is particularly human and humbly so, as one who needs to learn from God. God called Ezekiel Son of Man as a term of endearment and as reminder that Ezekiel needed to humbly learn as a human the things of God and God could use Ezekiel’s firsthand knowledge to assign him tasks of being involved in the judgement of humans. In the experiences of Daniel, it was as human to human (fellow man) that the Son of Man laid a hand on the shoulder of Daniel to reassure him as he struggled to come to terms with heavenly things. Because He is Son of Man He can relate to humans and properly understand them because though heavenly in origin He is so like humans and was so before becoming flesh and while flesh and still now that He is the first immortal resurrected human. So there is no reason He should not also judge humans since He can do so sympathetically with true understanding. God wants it to be humans who judge humans so there can be true sympathy and understanding and no excuse for humans being judged. The ultimate holy human is the Son of Man, designated as Anointed One by God - of righteousness and faith. He has only ever learned from God as a human learns, even before becoming flesh when His humanness still back then singled Him out from angels. So He is able to teach humans those things He has learned since He knows what it is to learn from God as a human being. We should dwell on this. There is only and ever will be only one true Son of Man in heaven sent to live a life in the flesh and die for the sins of the world and rise again and live forever to judge and to save.
Saturday, 17 November 2018
Essentials of Salvation
The Book of Enoch provides some information which is essential to salvation, such as the nature of the pre-existence of the Christ and the nature of the mortal sin of sorcery.
This leads to two conclusions:
Firstly if you want to stop people being saved, suppress the Book of Enoch.
Secondly it is almost essential to salvation to prove the veracity of the Book of Enoch. (‘Almost’ essential because there are direct revelations and miracles from Christ Himself through the Holy Spirit which can substitute for the book.)
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Experiential Knowledge
The Son of Man made Himself known to me (as also did God the Father and the Holy Spirit around that time in mid nineties) and He is very much the Son of Man we see in scriptures (Enoch, Daniel, 2 Esdras, John, Revelation) - heavenly and mysterious and hidden but human and loving and kind and yet judge over all who is ever carrying judgements in God’s name - majestic.
Experiencing the Father - He is just awesome (“I am God”, He said) and fatherly and showed love for my colleagues - experiencing the Holy Spirit - He has a tremendous understanding of truth and wisdom - experiencing the Son of Man - I find He shows complete understanding of what it is to be human - that is why He is the Son of Man - the one who fully knows our humanity.
Monday, 12 November 2018
Eternal Life
Before the scriptures written by the New Testament writers the previous scriptures only hint that the Son of Man was a living man-like being before becoming flesh as that baby in Bethlehem. Daniel gives a glimmer of Him as a living man who spoke to Daniel and put a hand on his shoulder and was later struggling against angelic enemies and there are other hints at the Son of Man’s “goings forth from most ancient times” but in the Book of Enoch there is no question about it - the Son of Man was personally seen by Enoch and Enoch was taken up to Him and this Son of Man, the book tells us, was there with God hidden away before creation. So we see what Jesus meant by “Before Abraham was born, I am”. Here in the Son of Man proclaimed by Enoch we see what it is that someone has eternal life. And this Son of Man is still aive today and, He tells us, “alive forever”. And all because the Father gives Him life and raised Him from the dead. Letting what He truly is sink in, He becomes YOUR eternal life too.
Sunday, 11 November 2018
The Three Way Settlement
The meaning of the cross symbol in the language of the ancient world meant settlement of debt or taxes and sacrificial offerings required as settlement with God for wrongs done. The cross of the crucifixion of the Son of Man made settlement in three ways.
1. We need to repent to be absolved of sinful status by God but even with repentance there is a debt to pay by blood sacrifice for forgiveness from God to be complete and the repented sins to be considered settled. The cross is the symbol from God that His Son’s death actually is that settlement blood sacrifice. This is our settlement with God.
2. However, the repentance is not a guarantee of ceasing from sin - for a real prospect of major sin ceasing in this life it takes the ongoing work of the living Jesus and ongoing faith that He ever lives by God’s power - then holding to His teachings as a true disciple so He continues to set free from sins. Part of this holding to His teachings is the matter of forgiving others so that God can forgive us. This involves settlement between each other.
3. Especially life-giving faith is the belief that Jesus has flesh and has been just as human as us and died in that weak state - belief that the only life He now has is by resurrection given Him by God the Father (John 6:57). This is God settling things with us by making us righteous and giving us life through this belief in the reality of what Jesus is and was and will be forever.
The Leopard
Which leopard? The Hellenisers. The Hellenism that subjugated the Romans long before the Vandals sacked Rome. The Hellenisers took over Constantinople too and through it took over the world with their philosophies. They subverted the churches not just in Europe but everywhere. This leopard grew its spots in the days before Alexander the Great conquered the world. Daniel foresaw this leopard and Jesus showed John (in Revelation) how it would return as part of a new Beast. The Maccabbees lamented at how bad this leaopard was in subverting the Jews and setting up the abomination that causes desolation in the Temple of God. The Hellenisers made Jews fearful of staying true to their faith by forcing the masses to participate in social mass events that undermined Jewish religion. Jesus warned the abomination would return. The effects of the abominable Hellenisers continued and grew in the centuries after Christ ascended until their teachings were considered more Christian than Christ’s teachings. These guys and those who followed them stripped the truth of the Book of Enoch and history of Nephilim away from the churches.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
The BrExodus Precedent
Exodus 9:
5The Lord set a time and said, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this in the land.” 6And the next day the Lord did it: All the livestock of the Egyptians died, but not one animal belonging to the Israelites died. 7Pharaoh investigated and found that not even one of the animals of the Israelites had died. Yet his heart was unyielding and he would not let the people go.
Exodus 10:
24Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and said, “Go, worship the Lord. Even your women and children may go with you; only leave your flocks and herds behind.”
25But Moses said, “You must allow us to have sacrifices and burnt offerings to present to the Lord our God. 26Our livestock too must go with us; not a hoof is to be left behind. We have to use some of them in worshiping the Lord our God, and until we get there we will not know what we are to use to worship the Lord.”
27But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he was not willing to let them go. 28Pharaoh said to Moses, “Get out of my sight! Make sure you do not appear before me again! The day you see my face you will die.”
29“Just as you say,” Moses replied. “I will never appear before you again.
Exodus 11:
9The Lord had said to Moses, “Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you—so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt.” 10Moses and Aaron performed all these wonders before Pharaoh, but the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he would not let the Israelites go out of his country.
At the Cross
The fact that philosophically inclined people interested in Christ tend to find scripture verses they can use to justify their philosophical position does not mean God endorses their position or their philosophical leanings. God makes philosophy appear foolish by making the wonderful salvation of believers flow out of the inner workings of the message that Christ died for them. The cross is the sign that God has made settlement through the death on the cross of His Son. Hearing and taking to heart this message fills a believer whose heart is opened by God with knowledge of God’s truthfulness and rightness.
“At the cross at the cross where I first saw the Light
and the burden of my heart rolled away.
It was there by faith I received my sight
And now I am happy all the day.”
When you are given to know God through the inner working of the death of Christ for you then you will love God because He has forgiven you and given you grace and taught you personally. But you might forget all this and lose your love for Him. So remember often and build on that love by acting on it and letting it fill your heart. Build on it by growing in goodness and knowledge and self-discipline and godliness and brotherly kindness and love for all the ones who love like this. Know God’s will and obey it.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
The Meaning of the Cross
Researching the Book of Enoch got me paying attention to Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform script and its meanings and their use in scriptures and understanding of things of God. One treasure I found is the original symbol of the cross and what it means -𒈦 The cross symbol means a settlement of account or a tax and similarly means a sacrifice which settles with God. It also came to be associated with those whose role was to settle things between God (or gods) and men - mediating. Such people typically offered sacrifices to appease gods before seeking oracles. So the lamb of God having such a symbol in being crucified on a cross shows the open mind that He is a sacrifice to settle things with God.
Sunday, 21 October 2018
Dabela - ram, he-goat
DABELA - Ram, he-goat (Amharic, Ge’ez)
(Book of Enoch ch 90)
6. But behold lambs were borne by those white sheep, and they began to open their eyes and to see, and to cry to the sheep. 7. Yea, they cried to them, but they did not hearken to what they said to them, but were exceedingly deaf, and their eyes were very exceedingly blinded. 8. And I saw in the vision how the ravens flew upon those lambs and took one of those lambs, and dashed the sheep in pieces and devoured them. 9. And I saw till horns grew upon those lambs, and the ravens cast down their horns; and I saw till there sprouted a great horn of one of those sheep, and their eyes were opened. 10. And it †looked at† them [and their eyes opened], and it cried to the sheep, and the rams saw it and all ran to it. 11. And notwithstanding all this those eagles and vultures and ravens and kites still kept tearing the sheep and swooping down upon them and devouring them: still the sheep remained silent, but the rams lamented and cried out. 12. And those ravens fought and battled with it and sought to lay low its horn, but they had no power over it. 13. And I saw till the †shepherds and† eagles and those vultures and kites came, and †they cried to the ravens† that they should break the horn of that ram, and they battled and fought with it, and it battled with them and cried that its help might come. 14. And I saw till that man, who wrote down the names of the shepherds [and] carried up into the presence of the Lord of the sheep [came and helped it and showed it everything: he had come down for the help of that ram]. 15. And I saw till the Lord of the sheep came unto them in wrath, and all who saw Him fled, and they all fell †into His shadow† from before His face.“
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Enoch appeared to warn of people getting sidetracked by following spurious dreams in chapter 99
“8. And they shall become godless by reason of the folly of their hearts,
And their eyes shall be blinded through the fear of their hearts
And through visions in their dreams.
9. Through these they shall become godless and fearful;
For they shall have wrought all their work in a lie,
And shall have worshiped a stone:
Therefore in an instant shall they perish.”
Clearly there are dreams and there are dreams.
The magi who visited the Son of Man when He was a baby were following a star in their magi understanding of what it signified but later they saved His life by following a warning in a dream. So magi wise in spiritual things were discerning of God-given dreams and discerning of dreams that should be ignored. The Law given to Moses warned about spirits coming to people predicting things: the warning is that the prediction not coming true is to be ignored but even if the prediction did come true but if the spirit led towards making idols then it should not be heeded. Yet the wise know to not ignore some dreams if they do show signs of coming from a God-sent spirit and are not leading to idolatry. Over thousands of years of human history folk all over the world have been led in dreams to making foolish idols out of things not supposed to be worshipped which has harmed true religion and corrupted humanity. Yet the Holy Spirit when given does lead through dreams as light amid this darkness. The wise magi who went to see the baby Son of Man followed the dream wisely and it proved to be a God-send saving God’s Son. Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
What is the Kingdom of God?
What is the Kingdom of God?
The archaeology of Enoch’s times tells us clues about the meaning of Kingdom of God and what it is. Enoch’s original name shortened to Enoch over the centuries tells us the same as a sign of this kingdom. Enmenduranki. En meant Lord, AnKi meant God kingdom or God domain. The rest meant bridge. It tells us there is a task for us to be part of God’s domain by doing things led by the Spirit of God but then there is another challenge for us of bridging our holy task with our normal lives and human body needs so we manage to make it all holy. The Son of Man exemplfied this and taught it is like mixing yeast with dough.
Sunday, 14 October 2018
The Offer
The ‘wealthy investor’ offer of the Son of Man given in the Name of the Father - what is it?
A bit like a business offer we can ask what is on offer and what is asked in return. What is on offer? Eternally perpetuated fulfilled life with constant salvation and inner renewal. What then is asked in return? What is that “If ...”?
It is like enrollment on His course which is really behind the scenes the Father’s course. The “if” is perpetually staying signed up - sticking with the Son and the Spirit as disciples.
‘If you abide with the word” - stick with the Son of Man and what He says as teacher - stay on His course - remain a disciple of Him - and follow the Spirit coming in His name. This is the deal to accept and perpetually keep to. Eternal enrolment with the Son and the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father in exchange for eternally being saved and renewed.
Our Sorceries
“... nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.” — Revelation 9:21
The use of metals to protect ourselves which of course endangers others and ultimately endangers everyone including ourselves, and provides a culture in which violence can increase; the use of colourful chemicals to brighten up our lives and overbrighten them which ultimately provides a culture in which promiscuity can increase; these things started around 3300 BC and have continued and increased since then. Archaeology shows all this and it was the background to the original writings found in the Book of Enoch which explains it as the result of Azazel an angel mixing with humans to gain a human wife and teaching things to humans better kept to angels alone. So archaeology backs up these things with evidence from around 3300 BC in Mesopotamia spreading from there.
Then the veracity of the account details which passed through the ages is verified by the Son of Man preaching teachings consistent with the Book of Enoch and teaching that those writings are Scripture (as evidenced in the Gospel of John 7:38 and the Book of Enoch 49).
In Revelation this Son of Man together with the Father, God, testify that sorcery will be among the reasons humans will be permanently cast into fire as final judgement (Rev 21:8). Sorcery grew out of the technologies of metal working, according to the Book of Enoch (chapter 65). The Book of Enoch relates how Noah saw that sorcery in metallurgy would result in world destruction.
Book of Enoch chapter 65
Verse 1:
“And in those days Noah saw the earth that it had sunk down and its destruction was nigh...”
Verses 6-11:
‘And a command has gone forth from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the Satans, and all their powers--the most secret ones--and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole earth: And how silver is produced from the dust of the earth, and how soft metal originates in the earth. For lead and tin are not produced from the earth like the first: it is a fountain that produces them, and an angel stands therein, and that angel is pre-eminent. And after that my grandfather Enoch took hold of me by my hand and raised me up, and said unto me: 'Go, for I have asked the Lord of Spirits as touching this commotion on the earth. And He said unto me: "Because of their unrighteousness their judgement has been determined upon and shall not be withheld by Me for ever. Because of the sorceries which they have searched out and learnt, the earth and those who dwell upon it shall be destroyed." And these--they have no place of repentance for ever, because they have shown them what was hidden, and they are the damned: but as for thee, my son, the Lord of Spirits knows that thou art pure, and guiltless of this reproach concerning the secrets.”’
Thursday, 11 October 2018
Origins of the Kingdom of God?
Origins of the Kingdom of God?
The people of the time of Enoch and Noah around 3000 BC living in what is now Iraq and Iran had the word Anunnaki which combined Anunna meaning sons of God with KI meaning domain or city. Ki on the end of a word is likely to be a diminutive signifying that the word might be a city or province or domain. So the word shows an awareness of there being of domain of the sons of God. There was a tradition at the time that the first angelic sons of God existijg long ago before the start of the human race were rejected by God after falling into sin and that God created humans with the purpose of eventually replacing these sons of God. In the meantime God had designated seven more sons of God to be closest to Him in their service. The Book of Enoch names these and some of the names are familiar such as Michael and Gabriel. The Epic of Gilgamesh written in the later years of Noah’s life tells how it was Noah who provided Sumerians with much of their teaching about the sons of God. Both Noah and Enoch his great grandfather are given in the Book of Enoch as its main authors who were made privy to knowledge of these angelic ministers over this earth. Yet nowhere in the writings in this book or other Sumerian writings does it indicate that angels are the ultimate focus of God’s longterm purposes except that they will be judged if they depart from His decrees and plans as a group of them did before Enoch’s time. The focus seems to coincide with that tradition that ultimately it is humans whose purpose is to be the stock from which God will select elect righteous sons to be with Him forever and He with them along with His righteous anointed Son, the perfect human.
Sunday, 7 October 2018
The Gentle Judge
Considering why the prophet Enoch (in the Book of Enoch) focussed in his writings so much on the righteous Anointed One of faith being the Son of Man: As a son of man, eternal, yet like a young man in nature, the Son of Man can be gentle of heart and kind towards humans and forgive those who cannot repay their debts to His Father, God. Yet this cuts both ways because as the Son of Man made flesh (Jesus, Isa, Yeshu) said of the ones so forgiven who go out and torture those in much smaller debt to them, once the time comes for the Son of Man to review the situation He may well punish such former debtors by forcing them to repay their own debt to God formerly forgiven by Him. So what does this say about God’s character in giving this Son of Man authority over other humans to both forgive and judge? In doing so God provides humans with the very best just opportunity to receive mercy through someone of gentle sympathy to fellow humans whilst making any judgement that is yet incurred by the unmerciful in no way undeserved or overly harsh. This shows God in providing judgement provides the most tender and gentle form of judgement overall but not falling short of overall justice to the victim of merciless judgement by humans. This favours the poor and the victims while maintaining fairness and sternness when punishment is warranted.
Saturday, 6 October 2018
Baptism into the way of the Son of Man
Baptism in the name of the Son of Man:
The Son of Man seen by Enoch but hidden from most others became visible to many around 20-30 AD when He appeared in the flesh and He gave teachings which were powerful as little hurricanes here and there and changed the world. He also gave baptism into those teachings as a way for people who believed His message to commit to following His teachings. Yet how foolish that now so many who spread and preserve the practice of baptising ‘in His name’ and being so baptised are doing that without the important bit - following through with living by His teachings. Occasionally someone actually takes on his shoulders the yoke of adhering to and practising the teachings of the Son of Man while struggling with trying to understand them and put them into sensible action and some, but few, try to teach this to others too. So why is it an exception? Why do so many others go through the ritual of baptising but not the way of following?
the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world
Revelation 13:8b “...the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.”
The Son of Man is now a slain and risen human being back in the provinces of God and His top angels and this was determined before the creation of the world as if it already was so. Given this eternal future nature of the Christ it figures that God would prepare Him long before sending Him to take a flesh and bone body for eternity to come. So it stands to reason that even aeons before He came the Son of Man would have the close resemblance to human flesh that made Enoch then later Daniel see Him and call Him a son of man.
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
A New World is Emerging
There was an ancient Sumerian king who was a great prophet and teacher about God and this Enoch (Enmendurana, seventh world king) saw the Son of Man long before this same Son of Man came as a human baby boy and grew to an adult we call Jesus of Nazareth. This Jesus (Yeshu, Yeshua, Isa) said it is not flesh that makes us children of Abraham but spirit. Children of Satan lie and hate. Children of Abraham put lying far from their mouths. This is what the Son of Man taught when He came. Then He died for us to set us free from lying and hating. The freedom from sinning comes when the true message that He died for you enters your heart and teaches you repentance (turning from such things). So keeping the Law of Moses and related teachings (Torah) is not all there is to it for the Jew and is not imposed upon the non-Jew. Saul of Tarsus kept that Law (Torah) better than most and had everything to help him do so (like the most famous master of the Law, Gamaliel to teach him). Yet still Saul hated followers of Yeshu (Jesus) of Nazareth and effectively showed hatred towards God and God’s Son by doing so. Then the Son of Man transformed him and we have the Apostle Paul. So Enoch tells it well thousands of years in advance what the Son of Man would be as a way to be saved but it is all so much more certain now that the Son of Man has come in flesh and blood, crucified and risen. As the chief apostle of Jesus, Peter put it (2 Peter 1:19) “... and we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.“ So we can receive prophecy as a gift from God confirmed by this coming of Jesus. Today God still speaks and says “Israel has sinned” and we see world events unfolding as a sign of the faithfulness of God’s prophetic word. We should love this God, this Father, with all our hearts as we see the events unfold and prophecy fulfilled. The US spy planes and other spying agencies take to the skies while below the Iranian and Balkan and Iraqi conflicts have taken many to destruction and a new order emerges to be an empire of tomorrow like combinations of the empires of the distant past. We can take these things as signs of the truth of the prophecies and write God’s prophetic words as notices in our households and shout them from rooftop and social media site. The love towards this one God Yahweh, the Father, proclaimed by the Son, is a way towards the elimination of sin from among the Israel of God and all of us who believe as we give God’s commands priority in all aspects of our lives and set them on both our lips and our hearts.
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Next Level Perspective on Jesus Christ
“Next level” perspective on Jesus Christ. The perspective on Jesus Christ given in the Book of Enoch is important to the growth of faith because it takes the believer to the next level. In the Book of Enoch a believer in the book’s veracity and historic authenticity can find evidence of Jesus Christ existing as the Son of Man thousands of years before His advent as a baby. The Son of Man’s longevity is revealed. This revelation leads to the necessary conclusion that this Jesus who turns people from their sins and turns Sauls into Pauls can keep doing so for endless thousands of years into the future with the same person and eternal security becomes a reality.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Sight or Touch
People ask other people whether they have ever seen Jesus. Well, I reply: Is touch as good as sight? It is even better perhaps because now I know He is living and human. Just what we need for Salvation from our human corruption so we can be righteous and ever be kept that way by this living - ever living and resurrected - human mediator with God.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Swiss Cheese
Nature is mostly in the kingdom of God. Most human souls are pockets devoid of the kingdom. They are trying to pull the kingdom into their void pockets by force. Many are callng on their gods. “Oh my god” they say. Yet they should listen and believe what the Holy Spirit teaches in order to bring the kingdom into their void. They should consider Nature beyond their void. Consider the authoritative One and His teachings and fame. The Anointed One. The Deliverance. Lament the void. Reach beyond the void. Seek the kingdom. Call on the name of the One who grows to fill all voids.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Writings from long ago
The origins of writing as seen in the archaeology are mysterious. There were the strange stone cones used to line temples in Uruk around 3400 BC which had writing on their outward facing ends. This was pictographic writing rather than the cuneiform that developed from it later. It coincided with the start of the leaps in technology that marked the later Chalcolithic Period followed by the first stages of the Early Bronze Age in Mesopotamia. These technologies included metallurgy advances, chemicals used for pigments, and colourful beads of enamel and gemstones and weaponry such as blades and axes and maces. The Book of Enoch writes of these things and where and when they appeared among humans and explains that the originators were angelic rather than human. Why is it interesting? Because it means we who are Book of Enoch readers are reading something holy from the earliest days of writing. An odd thing to be doing? Well, not if you remember how Jesus Christ so often mentioned the contents of this book. You see it was much of it about Himself, the Son of Man. Writings about a Son of Man written not long after writing first appeared among humans and then three thousand or more years later He turns up - Jesus the Christ - saying it is He of whom these writings wrote.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Sharing in Jesus Christ
“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” — Jesus Christ (Mark 11:23)
By speaking to the storm and it obeying, you find yourself sharing spiritually in the authority of The Christ, Jesus. He has been doing it thousands, maybe millions, maybe billions of years and once only He was doing this before the Fathee making all things by this powerful speaking. To be united with Jesus Christ is the greatest thing in the Universe.
I rejoice at the wisdom about heavenly things given to the apostles that they would use “Lord” (Greek: kurios) for Jesus rather “God”. They reserve “God” for the Father who is Almighty. Whereas Kurios (Lord) is one who starting small grows to fill a great area. So Jesus became small and constantly grows in greatness. This is why He is called Lord. Distinct from the Father who has always been completely Almighty. We too can grow as we are united with Christ in baptism and learn to do as He does as we receive from God things of power to do. We start as it were small and dead in baptism beneath the water as He was baptised into weakness and even death. Then we grow from there as risen Christ is united with us as we are part of His body. The Father makes us grow as He makes Christ Jesus grow. We do greater and greater things which display Christ’s Lordship until we can control Nature like He controls it. And as Head of the Body He controls us too as we learn submission to His greater authority.
Saturday, 8 September 2018
Speaking in Church is not for Everyone
About twenty years ago I went to a church where many were allowed speak in meetings but my (now) wife advised me not to speak while still a newcomer there. Someone spoke saying that EVERYONE should speak. I knew this was dangerous because it might encourage women to speak without knowing it was right for them to stay silent in church. So the day of the next meeting I prayed asking God to tell them through others that not everyone should speak in services. That morning service the leader split the attenders into two groups about twenty or thirty in each group. In the group I was in there were three young men who spoke in turn and each said that it was right for some to speak but for others they did best to just listen quietly citing Mary listening at the feet of Jesus. One of these young men spoke so powerfully and prophetically that I asked afterwards who he was. They said he rarely came but was known as a prophet and must have come that day led by God to say this.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
The Oath Updated
We are fortunate, judging from the Book of Enoch, to live at a time when the Oath behind all the workings of Nature has been updated to include the actual name of the Son of Man, the name which is called in its English form Lord Jesus Christ. So now the Oath is enunciated to include His actual name so we can better understand it that all of Nature is constantly adhering to the authority of the name of Lord Jesus Christ.
I’ve noticed the new enunciation of this Oath including the name Lord Jesus Christ spoken by the Holy Spirit in church meetings through angelic “tongues” with interpretation. So it is clearly of great importance to include it in our lives, learning to live and be saved by it: “Consider the trees how they put forth buds and leaves; they do so by the authoritative power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Sunday, 2 September 2018
A Shadow of Things to Come
The Shedu God 𒀭𒆘
A shadow of things to come.
The name El Shaddai is mysterious and few understand its origins. God told Moses it was the term about Himself He used to describe Himself to Abraham. Abraham was of Akkadian semitic origins living originally in Ur in what is now modern day Iraq. So Akkadian rather than Hebrew would have been Abraham’s birth tongue and Hebrew was very similar to Akkadian. So what did El Shaddai mean to Abraham? Well a shedu is a fabulous creature in Akkadian lore with the head of a human and the body of an ox and wings - like a Sphynx but ox replacing lion. So it had all-round strength. Hence it represented God being Almighty. El was a syllable added to names or representations of highest heavenly beings - meaning God as we know it today. So when Hebrew was translated into Greek centuries later, when nobody outside the Middle East knew what a shadu was, they took the meaning of Mighty in all kinds of ways which today we say as Almighty to translate this word. So today we have it as God Almighty or Almighty God.
Now the new name God gave Moses to use was Yahweh meaning “yet to come”, “becoming”, “will come to pass”, “will be”. What God truly is was yet to be revealed. Watch this space, God was effectively telling Pharoah, You will see what I am. Be afraid; be very afraid. And what Pharoah saw of God in the plagues shook him to the core and forced him to relinquish his vice-like control of Israel. To Israel they would see their God too and every year celebrate Him in the Passover feast for the joy of hope that what God forever will be could give them. To some a terrible doom and to others an eternal Salvation.
Saturday, 1 September 2018
Behold the man
“He breathed His last.”
Does He breathe in His resurrection body and life that continues forever? Whatever He is now, He is man and He is what the Father makes Him.
“When the man comes around.”
Not One and the Same
How unfortunate is the common meaning of the phrase “one and the same”. We can be unified but we are never going to be “one and the same” in the commonly understood meaning. We can be “one” and we can be “the same” but never will we be “one and the same”. If only people would see Father and Son that way.
The Young Son of Man
The Book of 2 Esdras tells us the fuller secret of the Son of Man: why He is called that. He is a young man foreseen in the prophecy. Esdras foresaw the Messiah as coming as a young man into the public eye. Never before had He been made publicly known until He was a young man whose time had come. The one like a son of man. Like somebody’s young son.
Friday, 31 August 2018
The Son and the Spirit of God
“And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” — Jesus Christ
The Son of Man made it clear He and the Holy Spirit are truly distinct beings by pointing out the absolute distinction between blaspheming Himself and blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If they were one deity together and one being and one substance then blaspheming Him would actually be blaspheming the Holy Spirit too. But it isn’t. So they’re not the same single being and deity. Ref Matthew 12:31-33.
Monday, 27 August 2018
There is not a heavenly Trinity club or society with three members - if there was then Jesus would have told His disciples so. Everything Jesus did teach them emphasised that He would include them in everything. There was no indication from Him that there was a special group with room for three members only. Those who do the will of God - only these will be saved - so best to only teach what God wants taught.
Sunday, 26 August 2018
Cities of Angels
Could the ancient great cities of Enoch’s time and people actually have been founded by angels?
The Sumerians including Enoch and Noah were apparently using two main words for angelic heavenly beings - Anunna and Anunna-Ki. Anunna meant “sons of God” and the custom of associating a name or word with a city was to add the suffix KI so Anunna-Ki might be Anunna who were associated with a city. Indeed most if not all great cities of the time in Sumer (Iraq and Iran) before the Flood had heavenly beings associated with them just like Jerusalem has long been associated with God. So maybe these cities as ancient writings of Noah’s time claim, were indeed founded by individual angels. In theory this might be why after the Flood people mainly resettlled the same sites as the destroyed cities and built over the flood deposits as archaeology shows with cities like Ur and Shurrapak and Eridu and Nippur. They might have believed only an angel should found a city and the angelic providence assured them to be safe settling in that place. So this might also be why ziggurats (predecessors of pyramidal structures worldwide) were built as temples in cities to house their patron angels because this way the angel would bless its city. So we might have here the origin of national gods - founders of a nation’s main cities and therefore protectors too. This in Israel became denoted by the word Elohim. Only Yahweh was to be Israel’s Elohim. No others before Him. To Enoch this God was known not just as God but as the Lord of Spirits. Perhaps this was the origin of the deity name Enlil meaning Lord Spirit. Later in Israel this might become Lord of Hosts.
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Miss it miss out
You can be in error if you miss out on knowing the Book of Enoch as the Messiah taught:
Matthew 22:29 ‘Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”’
The next verse shows He meant the Book of Enoch. It is the only scripture that teaches what Jesus said next:
“At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
Only the Book of Enoch, of all scriptures known at that time Jesus was speaking, teaches that angels are not meant to marry.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Have faith in God
The Messiah says “Have faith in God” then explains and shows how God acts on our behalf if we speak in faith to command nature and do not doubt. This draws attention to two things in particulat about the Father - His love towards us and His power to reach us and our environment. The Father must have powet and ways and means to immediately hear our words of faith and our prayers of faith in Him. He must have love towards us constsntly to do this. He must have power and love to make our prayers and words of faith come to pass. His name is all about this too - love and power and coning to pass. The Son demonstrates this Himself by the miracles He does by faith in the Father’s love and powet. This faith of the Son results in salvation as His own name expresses. It resulted in Lazarus rising from the dead. And many such things too numerous to mention. Still He works this way today. I’ve seen it and surely many have. Putting into practice His words of assurance leads to doing as He too has done and greater things now He is with the Father. God is looking to have offspring who do the things His Son does so God can call us sons of God.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
AGENCY - imbued with the characteristics - and aithority - of the one in whose name the agency is sent
John 1:1 everything God was, the Word was
ónoma – name; (figuratively) the manifestation or revelation of someone's character, i.e. as distinguishing them from all others. Thus "praying in the name of Christ" means to pray as directed (authorized) by Him, bringing revelation that flows out of being in His presence. "Praying in Jesus' name" therefore is not a "religious formula" just to end prayers (or get what we want)!
["According to Hebrew notions, a name is inseparable from the person to whom it belongs, i.e. it is something of his essence. Therefore, in the case of the God, it is specially sacred" (Souter).]
<end quote>
The Son came *in the Father’s name* - so much so He came with all the characteristics of the Father and all of His teachings and His works to do - so He mirrors God - just as in the beginning (John 1:1), when He was the Word, all that God was, He was
... and is, and will be.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Sidestep the twisted interpretations
The Book of Enoch helps me sidestep some extremely dangerous trinitarian interpretations of scripture by showing more clearly the true interpretations of scriptures which interpret and build on the Book of Enoch. If people change the meaning of the words of Jesus/Yeshua “Except you believe that I am he you will die in your sins” to be trinitarian (saying it means to believe Jesus/Yeshua is God) they lose the true meaning and that leads to fortfeiting salvation. He had just been telling them about the Son of Man so He clearly meant you must believe that He is the Son of Man - the Messiah. If you do not believe that He is the Son of Man you will die in your sins. What is more valuable - 1. being trinitarian but dying in your sins or 2. believing in the Son of Man and being saved from your sins by Him? “If the Son shall make you free you shall be free indeed”.
Little Foxes
“Come Lord Jesus” “Take away for us the little foxes that spoil the vines”
The teachings of Azazel from ancient times when this angel fell and taught humans the weaponry and metal working skills to use metals for personal protective shields and attack and defense weapons such as maces and swords and the teachings persisting among humans in using metal cars and bicycles and guns and knives to protect while cunningly getting the edge on neighbours it is all like foxes that spoil the vines in the vineyard and the Christ will remove these things when He comes in great power and glory.
Sunday, 19 August 2018
The Resurrection and the Life
It was always one thing that God responded to His Son in love by hearing His invocations of God. But to respond without any possible invocation is another more profound indication of love and favour that could only be demonstrated by the Son dying so He cannot call on God then God raising Him from the dead without any invocation.
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