
Saturday, 28 April 2018

Human Sons of God

Book of Enoch 105:

“1. In those days the Lord bade (them) to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show (it) unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. 2. For I and My son will be united with them for ever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace: rejoice, ye children of uprightness. Amen.”

The Sumerians of Enoch’s time regarded humans to be in some way children of the Supreme God and the top angels were called Anunnaki, sons of God. Abba, the word for Father found in the Christian scriptures thousands of years later, is from Enoch’s time - 𒀊 ABBA meaning father in the language Enoch spoke and wrote. It means father in both Sumerian and Akkadian. So when Christian scripture calls God “Abba” it is actually using the language of Enoch and the earliest civilisaton. The Book of Enoch tells us the Son of Man’s name can save humans to make them truly children of God who will be Father to them.



In his Second Parable in the Book of Enoch chapter 53, Enoch is shown preoarations being made for war between God and Satan, before the Final Judgement; and the purpose of this war is the destruction of all the wicked rulers of earth who are all willing to follow and fight alongside Satan even after the reign of the Son of Man. 

So it shows one of the purposes of God regarding Satan - God uses him in two ways: 

1) to see who is wicked by seeing who will follow Satan 

2) using this to destroy the wicked.

So God allows power to be given to more antagonistic angels because it serves the purposes of God in ways He would not use the faithful seven archangels (Anunnaki).

Book of Enoch chapter 53

1. There mine eyes saw a deep valley with open mouths, and all who dwell on the earth and sea and islands shall bring to him gifts and presents and tokens of homage, but that deep valley shall not become full.

2. And their hands commit lawless deeds,
And the sinners devour all whom they lawlessly oppress:
Yet the sinners shall be destroyed before the face of the Lord of Spirits,
And they shall be banished from off the face of His earth,
And they shall perish for ever and ever.

3. For I saw all the angels of punishment abiding (there) and preparing all the instruments of Satan. 4. And I asked the angel of peace who went with me: 'For whom are they preparing these instruments?' 5. And he said unto me: 'They prepare these for the kings and the mighty of this earth, that they may thereby be destroyed.

6. And after this the Righteous and Elect One shall cause the house of his congregation to appear: henceforth they shall be no more hindered in the name of the Lord of Spirits.

7. And these mountains shall not stand as the earth before his righteousness,
But the hills shall be as a fountain of water,

And the righteous shall have rest from the oppression of sinners.'

Thursday, 26 April 2018


Who are the Anunnaki? One of the oldest mentions in archaeologically attested extant texts of these Anunnaki is in the Epic of Gilgamesh which records that the famous man of great wisdom (Noah) told Gilgamesh that the Anunnaki, literally the “sons of God”, were seven heavenly beings who made judgements on all things with great authority. The fact it was words ascribed to Noah in the Epic of Gilgamesh and other details in the epic are archaeologically attested by various finds and inscriptions suggests this is a good source for a proper understanding of the meaning of the term, possibly coming from Noah and possibly recorded not so long after his lifetime that people would all have forgotten his teachings. This teaching also agrees with other sources such as the “Descent of Inanna into the Underworld”. So it is worth comparing this description with the Book of Enoch and there we do find mention of seven archangels with top authority among the angels: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Saraqael and Remiel. These are not the only angels called sons of God but might have been the main seven taught about by Noah having learned it from Enoch.

The perceotions of many have been that either the Anunnaki were gods worshipped as a pantheon in Suneria (an archeologist and historian interpretation) or that they were the Nephilim (a popular interpretation). Looking at the evidence there is a strong case that they were neither a pantheon nor a kind of race of demigod hybrids of humans and angels but were the same archangels as are mentioned and named in the Book of Enoch and other scriptures. There does not seem to have been a cult of worship of these powerful beings in Sumeria or early Babylonia. The use of the term “sons of God” in scriptures seems to be a translation of the word Anunnaki. The original meaning of this in the earliest Sumerian and Akkadian writings seems to be the topmost angels. The teaching was that at the top there were seven such heavenly beings with God (An) over them and effectively father of them. There is no reason to assume the original Enoch teachings in his original language would have said any differently except he perhaps was unique in naming the top seven, having interacted with them.

Sunday, 22 April 2018


The Book of Enoch chapters 17 to 37 described a kind of ‘grand tour’ given to Enoch by angels. He visited many remarkable places on earth and even descended alive into the places of the dead (Greek Hades, Hebrew Sheol) as also taught about by the Son of Man a long time afterwards. If we accept that the Book of Enoch is genuinely from Sumerian times before the Noah flood we would be a step closer to understanding other passages in ancient literature which also mention places such as this place of the dead and traditions from that time which suggest strongly where such a place exists. Here is the beginning of Enoch’s account of his journeys under angelic guidance: Book of Enoch chapter 17: 
“1. And they took ⌈and⌉ brought me to a place in which those who were there were like flaming fire, and, when they wished, they appeared as men. 2. And they brought me to the place of darkness, and to a mountain the point of whose summit reached to heaven. 3. And I saw the places of the luminaries ⌈and the treasuries of the stars⌉ and of the thunder ⌈and⌉ in the uttermost depths, where were a fiery bow and arrows and their quiver, and ⌈⌈a fiery sword⌉⌉ and all the lightnings. 4. And they took me to the living waters, and to the fire of the west, which receives every setting of the sun. 5. And I came to a river of fire in which the fire flows like water and discharges itself into the great sea towards the west. 6. I saw the great rivers and came to the great ⌈river and to the great⌉ darkness, and went to the place where no flesh walks. 7. I saw the mountains of the darkness of winter and the place whence all the waters of the deep flow. 8. I saw the mouths of all the rivers of the earth and the mouth of the deep.”

The place of the underworld (Sheol, Hades) visited by Enoch seems likely to be in the Zagros mountains because it seems Enoch’s account circulated sufficiently for it to be recorded in other Sumerian accounts or oral traditions and to have survived independantly of the Book of Enoch. The Sumerian words for this underworld known today from archaeology and written Sumerian records are ‘Kur’ ( and ‘Irkulla’ ( There is enough similarity to Enoch’s account of what he witnessed about these places of the dead to be confident it was the same place as history tells us was known to Sumerians. For example Enoch described it as associated with seven mountains and as beneath a mountain or mountains. The symbol for kur is a mountain or group of mountains. The Kur underworld is described in Sumerian literature as having seven consecutive gates leading there. So it seems plausible that the Sumerian tradition of its location being in the Zagros mountains is also consistent with what Enoch taught to Sumerians after his visit there around 2900 BC, the place also taught about by Jesus and His apostles and found in New Testament scriptures.

Saturday, 21 April 2018


In the Book of Enoch, chapter 69, in the final part of Third Parable, apparently written by Noah as he foresaw the destruction by flood approaching, possibly around 2700 BC, he describes what seems to be the origin of a kind of Christianity among the angels as they start to use the name of the Son of Man against evils happening on earth because of the fallen angels. Then Noah prophesies that there will one day be salvation among men in the name of this Son of Man.
“13. And this is the task of Kâsbeêl, the chief of the oath which he showed to the holy ones when he dwelt high above in glory, and its name is Bîqâ. 14. This (angel) requested Michael to show him the hidden name, that he might enunciate it in the oath, so that those might quake before that name and oath who revealed all that was in secret to the children of men. 15. And this is the power of this oath, for it is powerful and strong, and he placed this oath Akâe in the hand of Michael. 16 And these are the secrets of this oath . . .
And they are strong through his oath:
And the heaven was suspended before the world was created,
And for ever.
17. And through it the earth was founded upon the water, 
And from the secret recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters,
From the creation of the world and unto eternity.
18. And through that oath the sea was created,
And †as its foundation† He set for it the sand against the time of (its) anger,
And it dare not pass beyond it from the creation of the world unto eternity.
19. And through that oath are the depths made fast,
And abide and stir not from their place from eternity to eternity.
20. And through that oath the sun and moon complete their course,
And deviate not from their ordinance from eternity to eternity.
21. And through that oath the stars complete their course,
And He calls them by their names,
And they answer Him from eternity to eternity.
⌈22. And in like manner the spirits of the water, and of the winds, and of all zephyrs, and (their) paths from all the quarters of the winds. 23. And there are preserved the voices of the thunder and the light of the lightnings: and there are preserved the chambers of the hail and the chambers of the hoarfrost, and the chambers of the mist, and the chambers of the rain and the dew. 24. And all these believe and give thanks before the Lord of Spirits, and glorify (Him) with all their power, and their food is in every act of thanksgiving: they thank and glorify and extol the name of the Lord of Spirits for ever and ever.⌉
25. And this oath is mighty over them
And through it ⌈they are preserved and⌉ their paths are preserved,
And their course is not destroyed.
26. And there was great joy amongst them,
And they blessed and glorified and extolled
Because the name of that Son of Man had been revealed unto them.
27. And he sat on the throne of his glory,
And the sum of judgement was given unto the Son of Man,
And he caused the sinners to pass away and be destroyed from off the face of the earth,

And those who have led the world astray....”

Thursday, 19 April 2018

The Single-Horned Dabela

Who is the ram (or he-goat) with the great horn in Enoch 90?
The ram is originally called a sheep so maybe this ram is an Israeli. How do the Book of Enoch chapter 90 and the Book of Revelation chapters 11 and 12 compare regarding this apparently future great leader who appears in events leading up to the coming of Christ? The passages follow one after the other in Revelation - the witnesses are caught up to heaven after rising from the dead in chapter 11 and the woman and man-child appear as a sign in chapter 12 and the man-child is caught up to heaven to save him from the dragon. It seems the two witnesses might appear and ascend to heaven just before the woman and child appear. This convinces me to some extent that the ram is this man-child of the woman and the woman is Israel. In Enoch 90 the prophecy continues after the ram is saved but the prophecy then starts to speak of the attempts of Gentile enemy nations to break the horn of the ram. This implies that something powerful which helps Israel protect herself and fight her enemies will have been produced by the ram and left after it is rescued. I suspect this is its powerful message or political system because it is seen as such a threat to other nations that they try to destroy it but fail. In Revelation the prophesy is of the woman remaining on earth when the man-child has ascended. The dragon seeks to destroy the woman. This matches the Enoch prophesy very well so again improves my confidence these two prophecies speak of the same events. The ram or he-goat (‘dabela’) seems to be the man-child and the woman who is mother of the man-child seems to be the sheep, Israel. The other children of the woman are those who have the testimony of Jesus, which alludes to the fact Christianity came originally from the Jews. The flood of water sent by the dragon (in Revelation 12) to destroy the woman seems to match the attempt by nations to join together to destroy the sheep (in Enoch 90) after the ram has gone into heaven. The two prophecies both say the earth will open up to thwart this attack. Enoch merges this opening of the earth with the coming of the Lord. Revelation describes how the empire symbolised as a beast was arising to power initially at the time of the two witnesses before the man-child appears and is snatched to heaven. The beast is then described more fully in chapters 13 and following as fully in power when the man-child has been removed out of harm’s way. This substantiates the theory I had that the seventy (angelic) shepherds of Enoch’s prophecy complete their seventy terms just before the second coming but the Millennium reign of Christ is not described by Enoch’s dream. It is described in Revelation. Enoch’s dream jumps from the coming of the Lord and saving of Israel to the Judgement first of angels then of humans so the thousand years of the Christ is summed up in just one verse in Enoch 90 with no mention of how long it will be. Enoch’s dream is only clariied later as the events actually unfolded to show these terms are forty years long and the fotetelling of the ten weeks is shown by later events to be seven thousand years long and putting the two together in later times long after Enoch’s prophecies shows a thousand year gap between coming of the Lord and the Judgement. I notice that in Revelation 12 the events do not necessarily happen at the time where they appear in the chapter sequence - the Revelation 12 passage is about a sign so it might be the events it signifies happens later and fits better with the Enoch 90 ram prophecy by happening leading up to the actual time of the Lord’s coming at which time the earth opens up to save the sheep.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Physical Healing

The main physical healing of which everyone needs to have assurance is resurrection from the dead. God gives lesser healings now as a foretaste of this future healing but all by the power God has to insert life where there was previously death. He can make dead tissue live during physical healing and He can make dead bones and dust live during resurrection. He can, but that is not the only issue. The issue too is whether He will. 'If you are willing, you can make me clean' was answered 'I am willing, be clean'. He heals to show power and He heals to show willing. He raised Jesus to show power to raise the dead and to show willingness to raise the dead. We all need assurance of the willingness as well as the power of God to bring us back from the dead some day. Jesus is the resurrection and the life and He is the light we need of such things. He is therefore still healing because we still need assurance. His teachings still say 'have faith in God'. His servants still heal in His name.

Israel Past, Present and Near Future in the Great Prophecy of Enoch

The Book of Enoch Chapter 90:1-5 is at the end of the account of Enoch of his prophetic dream and this point in the prophecy seems to be about 666 AD to 1580 AD: The suffering inflicted on Israelis under Islam and Europe and Russia. Those were terms 35 to 58, 23 terms out of the total seventy terms of office of angelic shepherds given power over Israel (90:5).

The next verses, chapter 90 verses 6-12, take us beyond 1580 AD and focus on the end of this time in particular leading up to our time and then beyond up to 2060 AD which mentions lambs which is reminiscent of a new Israel and sounds like the state of Israel today. I think it sounds like it is describing a major premier of Israel who is a great leader to whom many Jewish leaders are drawn to build up the state of Israel (90:9-10). The enemy countries do not give up their attacks though. Then a leader, who might be this same leader, becomes a threat to the enemy countries and they try to stop him and remove his power but they fail (90:11-12). This great leader is called a ram in RH Charles’ translation but the Ge’ez word translated is dabela which might mean a he-goat. It is not yet clear who this leader is so this might be the point at which the prophecy looks at times which are currently in our future. 

Here is the passage (Book of Enoch 90:6-12)

“6. But behold lambs were borne by those white sheep, and they began to open their eyes and to see, and to cry to the sheep. 7. Yea, they cried to them, but they did not hearken to what they said to them, but were exceedingly deaf, and their eyes were very exceedingly blinded. 8. And I saw in the vision how the ravens flew upon those lambs and took one of those lambs, and dashed the sheep in pieces and devoured them. 9. And I saw till horns grew upon those lambs, and the ravens cast down their horns; and I saw till there sprouted a great horn of one of those sheep, and their eyes were opened. 10. And it †looked at† them [and their eyes opened], and it cried to the sheep, and the rams saw it and all ran to it. 11. And notwithstanding all this those eagles and vultures and ravens and kites still kept tearing the sheep and swooping down upon them and devouring them: still the sheep remained silent, but the rams lamented and cried out. 12. And those ravens fought and battled with it and sought to lay low its horn, but they had no power over it.”

So this looks like the beginning of the State of Israel but apparently including times in our future (regarding the dabela, the ram or he-goat).

The next verses, chapter 90 verses 13-19 seem to cover the period after the appearance of the great leader, the ram or he-goat, then continuing after that for thirty to forty years, the last term of the seventy, the term of the last angelic shepherd. (It seems likely that given the timeframe described, the great leader, ram/he-goat will appear within the next ten years.) 

Book of Enoch chapter 90 verses 13-19.

“13. And I saw till the †shepherds and† eagles and those vultures and kites came, and †they cried to the ravens† that they should break the horn of that ram, and they battled and fought with it, and it battled with them and cried that its help might come. 14. And I saw till that man, who wrote down the names of the shepherds [and] carried up into the presence of the Lord of the sheep [came and helped it and showed it everything: he had come down for the help of that ram]. 
15. And I saw till the Lord of the sheep came unto them in wrath, and all who saw Him fled, and they all fell †into His shadow† from before His face. 16. All the eagles and vultures and ravens and kites were gathered together, and there came with them all the sheep of the field, yea, they all came together, and helped each other to break that horn of the ram. 
17. And I saw that man, who wrote the book according to the command of the Lord, till he opened that book concerning the destruction which those twelve last shepherds had wrought, and showed that they had destroyed much more than their predecessors, before the Lord of the sheep. 18. And I saw till the Lord of the sheep came unto them and took in His hand the staff of His wrath, and smote the earth, and the earth clave asunder, and all the beasts and all the birds of the heaven fell from among those sheep, and were swallowed up in the earth and it covered them. 19. And I saw till a great sword was given to the sheep, and the sheep proceeded against all the beasts.”

This all leads up to the Judgement in chapter 90 verses 20 onwards, so it might be that verse 18 is the second coming of Christ; possibly verse 15 too.

So who is the ram with the great horn? Reading the passages through again, I notice that the ram is originally called a sheep so maybe this ram is an Israeli. Then I notice that the ram is caught up to heaven which is reminiscent of the two witnesses in Revelation. Maybe this ram has a wife who is going to be caught up to heaven with him and both are witnesses but this is not as close a fit as is the man child of the woman who is also caught up to heaven. The passages follow one after the other in Revelation - the witnesses in chapter 11 and the woman and man-child in chapter 12. It seems the two witnesses might appear and ascend to heaven just before the woman and child appear. This all makes me more sure the ram is this man-child of the woman and the woman is Israel. Then in Enoch 90 the prophecy continues after the ram ascends but the prophecy then starts to speak of the attempts of Gentile enemy nations to break the horn of the ram. This implies that something powerful which helps Israel protect herself and fight her enemies will have been produced by the ram and left behind after it is snatched up to heaven. I suspect this is its powerful message or political system because it is seen as such a threat to other nations that they try to destroy it but fail. In Revelation the prophesy is of the woman remaining on earth when the man-child has ascended. The dragon seeks to destroy the woman. This matches the Enoch prophesy very well so again improves my confidence these two prophecies speak of the same events. The ram or he-goat (‘dabela’) seems to be the man-child and the woman who is mother of the man-child seems to be the sheep, Israel. The other children of the woman are those who have the testimony of Jesus, which alludes to the fact Christianity came originally from the Jews. The flood of water sent by the dragon (in Revelation 12) to destroy the woman seems to match the attempt by nations to join together to destroy the sheep (in Enoch 90) after the ram has gone into heaven. The two prophecies both say the earth will open up to thwart this attack. Enoch merges this opening of the earth with the coming of the Lord. Revelation resolves this showing the earth opening up happens prior to this second coming - it provides more resolution to the prophecy. Enoch’s prophecy at this point has far less resolution than the vision Jesus receives to give John in Revelation, which is why Revelation is an improvement on Enoch’s dream prophecy. Revelation describes how the empire it symbolises as a beast was arising to power initially at the time of the two witnesses before the man-child appears and is snatched to heaven. The beast is then described more fully in chapters 13 and following as fully in power when the man-child has been removed out of harm’s way. This substantiates the theory I had that the seventy (angelic) shepherds of Enoch’s prophecy complete their seventy terms just before the second coming but the Millennium reign of Christ is not described by Enoch’s dream. It is described in Revelation. Enoch’s dream jumps from the coming of the Lord and saving of Israel to the Judgement first of angels then of humans so the thousand years of the Christ is summed up in just one verse in Enoch 90 with no mention of how long it will be. Enoch’s dream is only clariied later as the events actually unfolded to show these terms are forty years long and the fotetelling of the ten weeks is shown by later events to be seven thousand years long and putting the two together in later times long after Enoch’s prophecies shows a thousand year gap between coming of the Lord and the Judgement.

Monday, 16 April 2018

My Most Intense Experience of God

I had so wanted to see God in a dream as a child. I knew from the Bible it happened to Ananias who was sent to pray for Saul of Tarsus. I later got baptised but still had to keep converting myself each morning when I woke up to persuade myself God is real. I asked earnestly for the Holy Spirit in 1994 or sometime around that time and had a vision: a bucket of builders’ sand was emptied out in front of me and what was like subtitles said “Build the Temple”. I asked for confirmation to happen three times to prove this was the Holy Spirit. I went to a church service where all were allowed to take part. Three girls from Sunday School had written a song and they sang it: “Build build build the Temple; build build build the Temple; build build build the Temple”. A man with a guitar sang then spoke about King David being speechless when told his son would build the Temple. Then an older man spoke about building the Temple. I undetstood it meant to preach and use gifts of the Spirit to build up the church. But knowing the Bible spoke harshly of those who taught confidently without knowing what they were talking about I sought God again in earnest: “Make me see You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit”. I had a dream at this time - at the end of 1994 around Christmas time I think as we were about to have our new year break at work and had one day left at work. God stood there in front of me in my dream all solemn and awesome dressed in a robe to His feet with a beard and very serious - awe inspiring - and said “I am God” then I was told a letter of names would be put in front of me at work and ... I’ll miss the details. It all happened as He said and it saved the day for a dear poetically gifted colleague’s wedding in the nick of time before the holiday began. So this was the Father. Then in the middle of January 1995 - two weeks later I think - we had a tempest and a flood mentioned in Wikipedia and I was living above a river but high enough to escape flooding. The rain poured in torrents from the sky. I was reading “Come see the works of the Lord the destructions He has wrought” and “The Lord presides over the flood” so I went to see the river in flood and better know and worship God. On the way back I had up a huge umbrella (golfing umbtella) keeping me dry in the torrents as I walked up Blackswarth Road in Bristol UK. Suddenly it was like a crystal clear voice in my mind said “Put down you umbrella!” It had such absolute authority to it that immediately I put down the umbrella in the torrential rain and with cars driving past who could see it happen the rain stopped completely so suddenly there was not a single drop, it seemed, that touched me. I said to myself “It is the Lord” and remembered the disciples saying it too after the resurrection when Jesus stood on the shore as they fished and told them to put the net on the other side and they caught loads. I asked confirmation it was actually Jesus Himself and He did that masterfully so I knew He is truly Lord over my inner being. Then some time after this a friend took me to a church I had never been to because he said I would witness the Holy Spirit there. A leader spoke a message in an angelic language so awesome and in my mind it turned into English saying: “Consider the trees how they put forth buds and leaves. They do so by the authority of the name of Lord Jesus Christ” and then the leader said those same words too in English. Weeks later I was in the bath and meditating like I often did in the stillness and the word of God came to me out of the blue “Israel has sinned” and told me a sign is the eagle with the white eye overhead. I watched the news and the sign was there twice: the beginning of police helicopter services in Bristol overhead with white searchlights and cameras - and American spyplanes.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Being saved is an ongoing process

There is more to being saved than a flash of enlightenment and faith. You reach a faith that Jesus has been around like He is today but way way back in the Stone Age and that the work He does in us is very long lasting and never ends because He Himself never ends. Then you happily trust Him to keep things good between you and God and you find at this point God confirms it all by giving you a visit from the Holy Spirit. This is my story and it continues and more and more sins I commit get pointed out and dealt with so I can quit them with a hope that quitting of them can be permanent. All in this life before I die. And He gives me righteous things to do that fulifil His commands. Yet you know that the message of Jesus is that the onus is on us to hold to His teachings and always do so forever.

SOAS: Saved Once Always Saved

SOAS: “Saved Once Always Saved” 
No it is not a typo of OSAS (“once saved always saved”) - this is the true doctrine: Saved Once Always Saved. This doctrine is actually preached by Jesus (John 8) and Paul.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Christ died for atheists too

Christians do, some of them, still occassionally remind everyone of the cross although you see the cross as a symbol on churches less and less these days. Within churches you have mass and communion reminding Christians that Christ died for them so they can feed on this truth of perfected human obedience and sacrifice for their sins. Yet often it is forgotten that Christ died on that cross for atheists too. Even an atheist can think of this and have a glimmer of hope that for a time there is provision made even by the God they deny so they can have hope of quitting this denial and escape the sin they have too in this life. There is a glimmer that the love of God which raised His obedient Son from the dead might perhaps have room for them too to provide the power they need to change.

The Last 35 Angelic Shepherds

Book of Enoch Chapter 90:1-4 - 
“1. And I saw till that in this manner thirty-five shepherds undertook the pasturing (of the sheep), and they severally completed their periods as did the first; and others received them into their hands, to pasture them for their period, each shepherd in his own period. 2. And after that I saw in my vision all the birds of heaven coming, the eagles, the vultures, the kites, the ravens; but the eagles led all the birds; and they began to devour those sheep, and to pick out their eyes and to devour their flesh. 3. And the sheep cried out because their flesh was being devoured by the birds, and as for me I looked and lamented in my sleep over that shepherd who pastured the sheep. 4. And I saw until those sheep were devoured by the dogs and eagles and kites, and they left neither flesh nor skin nor sinew remaining on them till only their bones stood there: and their bones too fell to the earth and the sheep became few.”

This passage seems to focus on a period at the end of 35 terms of angelic shepherds which seems to be around 665 AD. 

A shepherd term seems to be 40 years which fits the timeline given by the Dream of Beasts. So this 35 terms is halfway through the full seventy terms and here there is a kind of review from heaven by Enoch. This seems to be 664/665 AD because terms of 40 years each start around 730 BC with the Assyrian conquest of Israel and seventy terms would be 2790 years because the Enoch heavenly year is 364 days long. So half of this is 1395 years. 

So the passage looks it seems at the end of this 1395 year halfway point period. This seems to therefore describe the beginnings of Islam and what it meant for Israelites, Jews, the ‘sheep’ in the passage, perhaps believing Christians too.

From then there is another period seen by Enoch up until the next 23 terms is completed and the final twelve terms are starting. The picture is similar of attacks on the ‘sheep’ but there is a great sword given the sheep to strike back with and they turn on the attackers and the attacking nations flee. It is not clear when this sword is given. What is clear though is that more sheep are killed in the last twelve terms of shepherds than in other terms. This would be the period of the 478 years up until 2060 AD. We might just be beginning the last of these terms now. Could this last term be the worst of all? Other prophecies suggest so. Could this be when that great sword is finally turned on the attacking nations though, causing them to flee in fear? And the earth to open up and swallow the attackers?


“18. And I saw till the Lord of the sheep came unto them and took in His hand the staff of His wrath, and smote the earth, and the earth clave asunder, and all the beasts and all the birds of the heaven fell from among those sheep, and were swallowed up in the earth and it covered them.
19. And I saw till a great sword was given to the sheep, and the sheep proceeded against all the beasts

of the field to slay them, and all the beasts and the birds of the heaven fled before their face.”

Too many have the kind of faith that relies on philosophy

This is what comes from the Holy Spirit and not at all from human wisdom and philosophy: “Consider the trees how they put forth buds and leaves; they do so by the authority of the name of Lord Jesus Christ”
The power of the Holy Spirit can stop the hubbub of human traffic in its tracks and give life and take life away. This power is what your faith should rest upon. Not on human philosophy.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Do Modern Day Christians Prophesy?

Probably ‘Christians’ don’t - they would be labelled Marcionite ‘heretics’ if they did. But many modern day Marcionite ‘heretics’ do. The mainstream churches marginalise them though so they have to meet separately. The mainstream churches chuck out or discourage from attending anyone prophesying - too scared what they might say - too much stress for the leaders. So the mainstream get cut off from the head just like the kings of Israel and Judah did when they rejected prophecy. The Lord looks of the Marcionite ‘heretics’ as His people. But He laments their sins. “Israel has sinned” says the LORD and the sign is the eagle overhead with its white eye - mass surveillance and monitoring. Then wars will come.

People get so Confused

Many think Jesus is God the Ancient of Days but no, Jesus is the Son of Man. He knew Daniel 7:13-14 - Would He have called Himself the Son of Man if He was the Ancient of Days instead?

Daniel 7:13-14
“I was watching in the night visions,
And behold, One like the Son of Man,
Coming with the clouds of heaven!
He came to the Ancient of Days,
And they brought Him near before Him.
Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,
That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
Which shall not pass away,
And His kingdom the one
Which shall not be destroyed.”

People who do not believe this will die in their sins (see John 8).

More Care Needs to be Taken over How to Express that Christ is Mighty

Jesus knew by telling people He is the Son of God that people would think He was saying He is on a par with God and even calling Himself a god. Yet His response was to point out that many can be rightly called a god because they were mighty (not almighty) and set apart as judges and that He is just as worrhy because He was with God from before time and was set apart by God to be sent as judge. Yet He did not call Himself ‘God’ in the sense that He calls the Father ‘God’. That is as close as it gets along with similar verses in the first chapter of John. Not enough to justify anyone saying He is God in the same sense the Father is God - that is a cult heresy. Mighty yes. Almighty no.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

You need cleaning

The cross and crucifixion sets a person being crucified up high to be seen by all. It projects that person's death. The picture Jesus used to describe it as time for it approached was the crafted serpent emblem Moses was told by God to put on a pole so it could be lifted high to let all the many snake-bitten, accursed people look at it for their healing. How do we understand this? Now Jesus is risen and alive forever do we still need to ponder Him there on that cross where He died?

The Romans had another practice. The sponge they dipped in vinegar and gall (disinfectant) and raised to Jesus' lips? The archaeologists of Roman London tell how Romans dipped sponges on short poles of wood in vinegar and used them to clean themselves after going to the toilet. Jesus was treated like that. For you. You need cleaning.

Monday, 9 April 2018

The Book of Enoch and the Return of Christ

Besides the Book of Enoch "ten weeks" prediction of when the Judgement will be, further prophecy in Enoch (The Dream of Beasts) shows that it just the earliest of a possible range of more accurate dates for the Judgement - so it can be made more accurate but with loss of precision by including the Dream of Beasts. The ten weeks prediction of Enoch is not very accurate because it relies on a date for the creation of Adam and a best fit with other dates of events in history it mentions. It gives an estimated best fit year of the Judgement of approximately 3040/3050 BC. It does not mention the Second Coming and the time of this event requires other prophecies about the rule of Christ being 1000 years and a guess of the sibsequent war of Satan against the camp of God being just a few years at most. The Dream of Beasts, on the other hand, does not date the Judgement but effectively provides a fairly accurate range of dates for the Second Coming. The range of possible dates depends mainly on the date of the Assyrian conquests of Israel between 740 and 720 BC. There are then seventy terms of office of angels of which we are in the penultimate or last term depending when the terms started. Other dates allow the term length to be deduced with fair confidence as forty years long. The years used are 364 days long. So this gives (40 x 70 x 364 / 365.25) years after 740-722 BC. This gives a Second Coming of 2051-2069 AD. When you put these two predictions together it is impressive how close their results are and their range of confident predicted dates overlaps.

Possible First Prophecy Shedding Light on Second Coming of Christ

It needs wisdom to see it but I think we have discovered in the Book of Enoch the earliest known prophetic glimmer of the second coming because the "weeks" timeline of Enoch shows the time of the Judgement but his "dream of beasts" prophecy 'shows' (hints at because it does not explicitly mention forty years but lets you work it out) a set of seventy (forty year) terms ending (a thousand years) BEFORE the 'weeks' Judgement time. The gap is visible to someone in ancient times with wisdom (perhaps wisdom would have predicted forty year terms too) and shows us now with a little wisdom plus the benefit of other prophecies and hindsight regarding history and current events. The prophecy of weeks can be matched to events even as early as Abraham's time to get the length of a 'week' (seven centuries). So too eventually in ancient Greek times a term of office period of the angelic shepherds over Israel could be understood from events (forty years). So these two could be matched and show the terms finish (exactly) a thousand years before the Judgement. There might have been enough wisdom to realise from other prophecies that the Son of Man ruling a thousand years would make sense of this.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Angelic Shepherds Switching Over in Their Terms of Office

The Book of Enoch "Dream of Beasts" prophecy (chapters 89-90 in the RH Charles version) of angelic shepherds ruling Israel, possibly for fixed terms of office, starting in Assyrian Conqest times (740-720 BC), leads to considerations which are quite new and it is wonderful to be given these insights now by God so we are kind of on sacred ground here with immense priviledge to get close to the mind of God. I think God shows how He in sovereignty keeps to the plans. The plan is to give each angel a proper term. There is the plan to give seventy angels each a term. There is evidently the agreement that these terms be fixed to 40 years each. God gave Saul and David and Solomon each a forty year term. These three witnesses show God's workings. So I guess the last term will be forty years too. I suspect there are plans written in heaven to say this. Clearly God usually keeps to script but He sometimes (rarely) goes off script like when He gave Ninevah forty days (see 40 again) before destruction and then gave a reprieve because they repented properly. The term now is probably still the sixty-ninth. Can we detect in history when the term ends and a switch of angel happens? Maybe. The State of Israel may have formed at the time of a term change. I am not sure. We do not know (sorry, I do not know - some might know) exactly when the first of these seventy terms started. It is not clear in the Book of Enoch. This prophecy was a dream after all. You cannot ask questions during a dream - well you can but usually don't. It looks like it was as Assyria took over in Israel. That was a fluid process like the change from autumn to winter. I think it was 730 plus or minus ten years. To get 2069 AD for end of term I used the most trusted year of seige of Samaria 722 BC from a quick Wikipedia check. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe an earlier date although vague and imprecise would be more accurate. So a date more than eleven or twelve years earlier would mean we are already in the last term and a switch-over to the last angel has just happened. That seems unlikely though from what the dream prophecy says. It is most likely we are in the sixty-ninth term. If the start of the terms was in the height of the Assyrian conquests of Israel around 730 BC we might be at the end of the sixty-ninth term and a switchover is about to happen right now in the coming years. More likely we have anything up to ten years before that happens. This last switch-over is certainly less than twenty years away and may be imminent. We do not know what this last shepherd will be like; only that every shepherd will kill more than the quota God has given them (and the quota might be secret from them). So surely they know they will perish for it. This coming tenure is the last of seventy. The last before the coming of Christ.

Comparing the Book of Enoch with Archaeology of the Fourth Millennium BC Events it Describes

The correspondence between archaeology and Book of Enoch are
1) consistent with a book written when the events it described were still in living memory
2) inconsistent with a book written millennia after the events it described happened
Moreover the events and knowledge of them that happened in the fourth millenium BC was likely to have been eroded over subsequent millennia and only rediscovered when archaeology achieved recent advances along with ability to decypher cuneiform.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Revised Enochian Holy Chronology of History

Revised model for Enoch's ten weeks timeline. (This incorporates a better fix for Judgement based on the dream of beasts seventy shepherd terms of forty years each before millenium return of Christ.)

Creation of Adam 3920/3900 BC
3920/3900 BC is the start of 'week' 1 where 'week' is 700 364-day years
Flood before 2520:2500 BC
'week' 2 end 2520/2500 BC
Abraham 1850/1830 BC
'week' 3 end 1850/1830 BC
Law before 1130/1110 BC
'week' 4 end 1130/1110 BC
Temple completed 420/400 BC
'week' 5 end 420/400 BC
Ascension between 420/400 BC and 270/290 AD
'week' 6 end 270/290 AD
The Final Judgement 3050:3070 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)
'week' 10 end 3060/3080 AD

Return of Christ 2050/2070 AD

This 2070 AD is the reference point used for the other years - given by both 740 BC Assyrian invasion of Israel and 722 BC Captivity in Assyria (hence two alternatives for all dates given) and Enoch's Dream of Beasts and adding 2800 364 day years for seventy 40-year terms of rule by angelic shepherd over Israel.

Another Verification of time of Second Coming of Christ from Book of Enoch

More confirmation of the second coming being near: the dream of beasts (Enoch 89 to 90) says that, around the time just after the Assyrian conquest of Israel, God commanded there be 70 tenures by angels as shepherds over His flock, Israel. The tenures seem to have a fixed length (Enoch 89-90) and seem to end at the coming of Christ which is before the Judgement and the Judgement needs to be around 3050 AD if you take the weeks of Enoch to total 7000 years. Jewish traditions affirm this and both Jewish and Christian prophesies say there is a millennium of rest before this judgement so the millenium must start before approximately 2050 AD. Therefore the end of these tenures is likely to be around 2050 AD. There is now very encouraging confirmation of the way this fits together because it makes the fixed tenure period 40 years which scriptures say is the length of reign of both kings Saul and David and Solomon so a significant period in God's purposes. Then all the more emcouraging is that this lets us hone that timing approximation of the time of the second coming of Christ: Starting 2800 years (364 day years or 2790 modern years) after Assyrian conquest of Israel - which was 722 BC - so approx 2068 AD. (That is provided these shepherd angels were appointed to start watching over Israel at the time they went into captivity.)

My Angel

I once saw an angel and it looked like an exotic animal with wings (larger than a jungle fruit bat or flying squirrel) and clearly intelligent - not what I expected an angel to look like but similar to a gargoyle but real like any jungle exotic creature. I think it was a vision but real - spiritual like seeing a ghost. I was so scared of it. Like I said one of its wings was covering the eye facing me which I would orherwise have looked into. In terror I started trying to drive it away I think by preaching to it that Christ was crucified for us humans. That worked. I didn't know if it was good or bad but later was ashamed thinking it was sent to encourage and protect me cos I had be scared to preach to take souls from Satan in case he didn't let me get away with it lightly - thinking this before I went to sleep. It was there sat on my chest when I woke up! I have a hunch it was a guardian angel looking after me. So since I had been a bit anxious Satan might get nasty with me for trying to poach his kids using the gospel, I think I was allowed to see my guardian angel to console me. Like when Elisha prayed "Open my servant's eyes" and his servant saw the armies of angels around them.

The Pre-existence Puzzle

If Daniel 10 to 12 is Jesus before His incarnation speaking to Daniel, have those who read and accept Daniel but not Jesus actually been listening to Jesus all along? If John wrote Rev 1 and his vision of Jesus along same lines as description of the speaker of Daniel 10-12 - clothes, hair, eyes, voice - then it is possible Daniel was listening to the pre-incarnate Son of Man. So the Jews reading Daniel in their synagogues might have actually been listening to Jesus.
In Daniel 7 there is described one like a Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven and led to the Ancient of Days and all power given to Him (7:13-14), this Son of Man represents ordinary saintly people of God because what is said of Him in 7:14 is interpreted in 7:27 as applying to the saintly people of God. Note: hence He is Son of Man because He represents human saintly people of God with respect to heavenly things; in 8:16 the one with a voice like a man commanded Gabriel "Make this man understand the vision ..." (see Note above) and Gabriel obeys (no archangel is higher than Gabriel); Gabriel speaks in the rest of chapter 8 then much later speaks in chapter 9 so some might be forgiven thinking it is him again in later chapters too 10-12 (although some say it is Michael which makes no sense because Michael is mentioned as a separate person a few times). But in chapter 10 the man speaking is described in verses 5 and 6. The game changing revelation about who this is in chapter 10-12 and that it is the same person as in chapter 7 is given in the Book of Revelation chapter 1 where the exact words of Daniel's lengthy description are used to likewise at length describe Jesus.

Advice to those who have read the gospel of John and want to know Jesus

If you have read the Gospel of John and you want to know Jesus then here is a piece of advice - if you have read John 14 - in John's gospel are commands and teachings to meditate on and to do as much as you can and to prepare to do in future - how about you have a go at obeying all the teachings you can obey with proper understanding (patiently waiting to obey others when understanding comes) then take the promises in John 14 to heart and earnestly ask Jesus to actually (when you know you are obeying where you can) show Himself directly to you and that God visit you too - like in the promise He gave in verse 21:

"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

and also ask earnestly that the Holy Spirit too will be shown to you and given to you like in verse 15-17

"If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth."

This is what you need deep down in a way scripture alone cannot give - it is the right thing to do:

John 5:39-40 "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life."

The Resurrection

God created all things and did so sovereignly but the equally sovereign act of God, the Father, was to resurrect His Son. This means all the beneficial effects of this are God-made too. We might look inward and see hope in our lives having come about directly because God raised Jesus. Consider these God-made benefits which His sovereign act of resurrecting Jesus has produced in us. Jesus came to die and be raised by God and this resurrection changes things and changes us. God the Father changes us.

Almighty God - the Father - sent Jesus to die to become the resurrection by God's own doing to make believers whose lives are transformed by this resurrection and by believing it has happened - so these who are so changed are changed by God the Father with nobody else intervening - they are made by God the Father Himself what they become as a result of this resurrection. The words of Jesus transform them too in this same way because these are words from the Father so they cling to these words and those of the Holy Spirit and acts of the Holy Spirit so they stay children of God as Jesus frees them from their sins - and keeps doing so forever. The resurrection was how God made His family - past and present and future. Jesus had to die for this to happen. This is how people are born again - not from human biology but from the very work of the Father Himself in raising Jesus from the dead. The truth of this resurrection sets them free.

What 'Born Again' really means

Besides plenty of teaching from Jesus in John's gospel about being born again where people inheriting lying and murdering tendencies from Satan start instead to inherit ways that come from God - Peter too gives input:

1 Peter 1:3
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,"

This seems to me to mean the hope we get from God by His raising of Jesus from the dead - it is direct influence by God on so many lives as the effects of His raising of Jesus touch upon so many lives improving hope. So the sense it is a God-made event means its impact is God-made and the hope it gives us is God-made. So we ourselves become God-made to the extent that it influences and changes us.

For me the witnessing of a miracle opens my eyes to what produced the resurrection and therefore makes me born again by the resurrection becoming real to me. (I had a bad burn on my finger while sitting in church and the pain stopped me concentrating on a sermon about "say to this mountain move and do not doubt and God will make it move" so I commanded the bad painful burn blister "Go!" and the pain instantly went and I kept my eyes shut until the sermon was over then looked and the blister had vanished - healed. So thinking on it I realised it is the power of God in creating and also in raising Jesus His Son from the dead.)

Friday, 6 April 2018

Don't live by the Flesh - Live by the Spirit

I think I know what it means to be driven by the flesh - when I get influenced too much by appetite and feelings like anger and lust and self-protecting fear. What is not so clear - probably because I let the flesh drive me too much - is how to let spirit and the Holy Spirit be what drive my will and actions and words and thoughts. Clearly loving God with heart and soul and strength and mind is a lot of it - letting such love (some say loyalty to God - loyalty is a good word) drive me in heart and soul and strength and mind. I get it that the commands in the NT are mainly Holy Spirit inspired so letting these drive what I do and say and think must be important in this. 

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Decyphering Enoch's Ten Week Prediction

Given the usefulness of the Book of Jubliees in helping decypher the ten week foretellig in the Book of Enoch by Jubilees providing a chronology resistant to error and similar to the Enoch ten weeks in the use of wimdows of time linked to major holy events this to my mind explains why both books were prevalent among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It also suggests to me the people of the time had the full ten week passages available to them.

Genesis and Jubilees gives a key to decyphering the Enoch 93/91 ten weeks foretelling of the Judgement time.

The key is that Enoch was born just less than 700 years - around 622 years - after the creation of Adam. He said it was in the first week but "seventh in the first week" implies the seventh "day" of that week - the seventh century of the seven centuries after Adam. This leads to a seven century week. So altogether it is spanning ten seven-century periods. A seven thousand year period.

Using seven centuries as a week and using the second temple construction as reference point while seeking best fit (not necessarily perfect fit) with key events and approx dates for them does give a starting point of 3900 BC or thereabouts. Then adjusting further to get all the clearest events to match what is feasible from known history such as the giving of the law to Moses and the time of Abraham you get a better fit for events like the creation of Adam and start of first week as around 3950 BC and therefore the Judgement as 7000 years after at around 3050 AD but using 364 day years as Uriel and Enoch instructed gives 6980 normal modern years and therefore a creation of Adam around 3940 BC and Judgement around 3040 AD. Then checking how the other weeks fit with history it all works nicely. The temple built is indeed the Second Temple. The plant of righteousness is Abraham. The ascending man is Christ. The burning of the house is the destruction by Titus and Vespasian. The apostasy is around 300 AD. The blindness is that of the Jews who said they could see in defiance of Christ. It fits well. This gives confidence the dates are right. Any later and the law is to late. Any earlier and the Judgement leaves no time for a millenium reign plus the second temple is too early. Different week period makes no sense either - it fits well with a 7 century week.

Chapters 93 and 91 of Book of Enoch plus some comparable historic approximations give these years of events through history leading up to future Judgement:
Creation of Adam 3940 BC
3940 BC is the start of 'week' 1 where 'week' is 700 364-day years
Flood c2600-2540 BC [edited]
'week' 2 end 2540 BC [edited]
Abraham c1900-1850 BC
'week' 3 end 1850 BC
Law c1200-1150 BC
'week' 4 end 1150 BC
Temple completed 500-450 BC
'week' 5 end 450 BC
Ascension between 450 BC and 250 AD
'week' 6 end 250 AD
The Final Judgement between 2940 and 3040 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)
'week' 10 end 3040 AD

Another (almost) independant way for dating the Judgement using the Book of Enoch gives it as around 3070 AD: The "dream of beasts" (Enoch 89 to 90) says that, around the time just after the Assyrian conquest of Israel, God commanded there be 70 tenures by angels as shepherds over His flock, Israel. The tenures seem to have a fixed length (Enoch 89-90) and seem to end at the coming of Christ which is before the Judgement and the Judgement needs to be around 3050 AD if you take the weeks of Enoch to total 7000 years. Jewish traditions affirm this and both Jewish and Christian prophesies say there is a millennium of rest before this judgement so the millenium must start before approximately 2050 AD. Therefore the end of these tenures is likely to be around 2050 AD. There is now very encouraging confirmation of the way this fits together because it makes the fixed tenure period 40 years which scriptures say is the length of reign of both kings Saul and David and Solomon so a significant period in God's purposes. Then all the more emcouraging is that this lets us hone that timing approximation of the time of the second coming of Christ: Starting 2800 years (364 day years or 2790 modern years) after Assyrian conquest of Israel - which was 722 BC - so approx 2068 AD. (That is provided these shepherd angels were appointed to start watching over Israel at the time they went into captivity.) So we get another 1000 years reign of Christ and short time of war with Satan and then Judgement so around 3070 to 3075 AD. And it then fits well with the foretold ten weeks too.

What I believe

I hear it often said or implied or commented that in this life we cannot be free of sin: We need to wait to be perfected after this life ends. I believe this is utterly false and horrendously misleading. I believe the lie or misconception comes from being over pedantic about what it means to stop sinning and be truly saintly. I believe there are some sins we must be freed from and repent and stop doing and this does not mean never ever doing in the slightest way but realistically quitting and no longer being defined by such sins. I should not lie but now and then I might tell myself something that might be false just to see whether it sounds false and to help myself think what the truth might be instead. Yet being truthful at every opportunity keeps me from forming a lying habit. I believe I cannot do this alone but need one man in particular - Jesus Christ alive forever - and the body of believers in Him who can be led by the Holy Spirit to help me quit sin and keep from returning to it. And I need to learn the ways the Holy Spirit leads me (and others) to live in order to please Him and not be taken over by untrustworthy lusts and cravings that lead to sin. All this must be now - starting as soon as possible - and needs faith in who Jesus is and that He was existing since before the Stone Age and will ever live into the future to save me now and then and always even after I die and after Judgement Day. God has no temporary saints. The Father has no temporary children, only permanent ones who in the main have ceased from sin and stay that way, kept by His Son,

Geology of the Noah Flood

How could the Noah Flood have killed so many?

"Dehydration melting at the top of the lower mantle"
Brandon Schmandt1,*, Steven D. Jacobsen2,*, Thorsten W. Becker3, Zhenxian Liu4, Kenneth G. Dueker5
Science  13 Jun 2014:
Vol. 344, Issue 6189, pp. 1265-1268
DOI: 10.1126/science.1253358
At the time of the Flood they called this vast deep underground ocean Abzu
and Genesis indicates it was this that flooded the earth and Enoch foretold it would first fill a basin of a circle of mountains around Sumer and then breach the mountains - so the world might have been devastated then by an unsupassed tidal wave killing animals everywhere and humans along with them - according to Enoch's foretelling of it it would have happened around 2650 BC which agrees with the flood deposits and archaeological layers of Tell Fara - Shuruppak, capital of Sumer at the time, and agrees with Sumerian King Lists which say Kish became capital city of Sumer after it. The flood layer in Tell Fara doesn't prove anything about how widespread it was because only mud built over is preserved. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Archaeology of the Noah Flood

Shuruppak and Kish are crucial cities for understanding the archaeology of the Flood. The Flood (Noah's Flood) marked the end of the Jemdat Nasr Period settlement of Shuruppak (Tell Fara) and start of the first dynasty of Kish. It dates to around 2650 BC. Those two cities are very important. They happen to both be subjects of the oldest extant translated cuneiform major texts known from the Fara Period - the Temple Hymn of Kesh (probably pre-Flood Kish) and the Instructions of Shuruppak. The latter actually mentions the last pre-flood king of Shuruppak mentioned in the Sumerian King List - Ubara-Tutu (biblical Methuselah the son of Enoch) plus it mentions Ziusudra - Noah. It does not mention the flood because it seems to not yet have happened when it was written. So these texts verify the Sumerian King Lists as at least accurate just before the Flood. There are other finds verifying the King Lists after the Flood. So this makes it rather likely they are accurate about the Flood having happened and having affected secular events by transfering kingship of Sumer from Shuruppak to Kish. It all fits.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

If a baby is born today, how old might it be when it has enough evidence to be sure Christ is alive from the dead?

Many insist on proof being necessary before they believe Christ rose again. Evidence must be out there because some do believe it but how long does it take in life to come across it and believe? I think there is enough I've found now for me to believe. I believe He is certainly alive - alive in the sense He is active out there in public and also in private to make Himself known to those who love Him. Believing He died and rose from the dead is probably there in my heart's beliefs too. This mainly comes from evidence John the Baptist really lived and that he preached about the Lamb of God pointing at Christ. Christ surely therefore did die and must have died on that cross as historic witness statements in gospels attest. So put these together and yes He rose from the dead. But it has taken decades for me to acquire the convincing evidence. Have I just been slow? How long should have taken?