Besides the Book of Enoch "ten weeks" prediction of when the Judgement will be, further prophecy in Enoch (The Dream of Beasts) shows that it just the earliest of a possible range of more accurate dates for the Judgement - so it can be made more accurate but with loss of precision by including the Dream of Beasts. The ten weeks prediction of Enoch is not very accurate because it relies on a date for the creation of Adam and a best fit with other dates of events in history it mentions. It gives an estimated best fit year of the Judgement of approximately 3040/3050 BC. It does not mention the Second Coming and the time of this event requires other prophecies about the rule of Christ being 1000 years and a guess of the sibsequent war of Satan against the camp of God being just a few years at most. The Dream of Beasts, on the other hand, does not date the Judgement but effectively provides a fairly accurate range of dates for the Second Coming. The range of possible dates depends mainly on the date of the Assyrian conquests of Israel between 740 and 720 BC. There are then seventy terms of office of angels of which we are in the penultimate or last term depending when the terms started. Other dates allow the term length to be deduced with fair confidence as forty years long. The years used are 364 days long. So this gives (40 x 70 x 364 / 365.25) years after 740-722 BC. This gives a Second Coming of 2051-2069 AD. When you put these two predictions together it is impressive how close their results are and their range of confident predicted dates overlaps.