It needs wisdom to see it but I think we have discovered in the Book of Enoch the earliest known prophetic glimmer of the second coming because the "weeks" timeline of Enoch shows the time of the Judgement but his "dream of beasts" prophecy 'shows' (hints at because it does not explicitly mention forty years but lets you work it out) a set of seventy (forty year) terms ending (a thousand years) BEFORE the 'weeks' Judgement time. The gap is visible to someone in ancient times with wisdom (perhaps wisdom would have predicted forty year terms too) and shows us now with a little wisdom plus the benefit of other prophecies and hindsight regarding history and current events. The prophecy of weeks can be matched to events even as early as Abraham's time to get the length of a 'week' (seven centuries). So too eventually in ancient Greek times a term of office period of the angelic shepherds over Israel could be understood from events (forty years). So these two could be matched and show the terms finish (exactly) a thousand years before the Judgement. There might have been enough wisdom to realise from other prophecies that the Son of Man ruling a thousand years would make sense of this.