More confirmation of the second coming being near: the dream of beasts (Enoch 89 to 90) says that, around the time just after the Assyrian conquest of Israel, God commanded there be 70 tenures by angels as shepherds over His flock, Israel. The tenures seem to have a fixed length (Enoch 89-90) and seem to end at the coming of Christ which is before the Judgement and the Judgement needs to be around 3050 AD if you take the weeks of Enoch to total 7000 years. Jewish traditions affirm this and both Jewish and Christian prophesies say there is a millennium of rest before this judgement so the millenium must start before approximately 2050 AD. Therefore the end of these tenures is likely to be around 2050 AD. There is now very encouraging confirmation of the way this fits together because it makes the fixed tenure period 40 years which scriptures say is the length of reign of both kings Saul and David and Solomon so a significant period in God's purposes. Then all the more emcouraging is that this lets us hone that timing approximation of the time of the second coming of Christ: Starting 2800 years (364 day years or 2790 modern years) after Assyrian conquest of Israel - which was 722 BC - so approx 2068 AD. (That is provided these shepherd angels were appointed to start watching over Israel at the time they went into captivity.)