
Thursday, 19 April 2018

The Single-Horned Dabela

Who is the ram (or he-goat) with the great horn in Enoch 90?
The ram is originally called a sheep so maybe this ram is an Israeli. How do the Book of Enoch chapter 90 and the Book of Revelation chapters 11 and 12 compare regarding this apparently future great leader who appears in events leading up to the coming of Christ? The passages follow one after the other in Revelation - the witnesses are caught up to heaven after rising from the dead in chapter 11 and the woman and man-child appear as a sign in chapter 12 and the man-child is caught up to heaven to save him from the dragon. It seems the two witnesses might appear and ascend to heaven just before the woman and child appear. This convinces me to some extent that the ram is this man-child of the woman and the woman is Israel. In Enoch 90 the prophecy continues after the ram is saved but the prophecy then starts to speak of the attempts of Gentile enemy nations to break the horn of the ram. This implies that something powerful which helps Israel protect herself and fight her enemies will have been produced by the ram and left after it is rescued. I suspect this is its powerful message or political system because it is seen as such a threat to other nations that they try to destroy it but fail. In Revelation the prophesy is of the woman remaining on earth when the man-child has ascended. The dragon seeks to destroy the woman. This matches the Enoch prophesy very well so again improves my confidence these two prophecies speak of the same events. The ram or he-goat (‘dabela’) seems to be the man-child and the woman who is mother of the man-child seems to be the sheep, Israel. The other children of the woman are those who have the testimony of Jesus, which alludes to the fact Christianity came originally from the Jews. The flood of water sent by the dragon (in Revelation 12) to destroy the woman seems to match the attempt by nations to join together to destroy the sheep (in Enoch 90) after the ram has gone into heaven. The two prophecies both say the earth will open up to thwart this attack. Enoch merges this opening of the earth with the coming of the Lord. Revelation describes how the empire symbolised as a beast was arising to power initially at the time of the two witnesses before the man-child appears and is snatched to heaven. The beast is then described more fully in chapters 13 and following as fully in power when the man-child has been removed out of harm’s way. This substantiates the theory I had that the seventy (angelic) shepherds of Enoch’s prophecy complete their seventy terms just before the second coming but the Millennium reign of Christ is not described by Enoch’s dream. It is described in Revelation. Enoch’s dream jumps from the coming of the Lord and saving of Israel to the Judgement first of angels then of humans so the thousand years of the Christ is summed up in just one verse in Enoch 90 with no mention of how long it will be. Enoch’s dream is only clariied later as the events actually unfolded to show these terms are forty years long and the fotetelling of the ten weeks is shown by later events to be seven thousand years long and putting the two together in later times long after Enoch’s prophecies shows a thousand year gap between coming of the Lord and the Judgement. I notice that in Revelation 12 the events do not necessarily happen at the time where they appear in the chapter sequence - the Revelation 12 passage is about a sign so it might be the events it signifies happens later and fits better with the Enoch 90 ram prophecy by happening leading up to the actual time of the Lord’s coming at which time the earth opens up to save the sheep.