
Saturday, 14 April 2018

The Last 35 Angelic Shepherds

Book of Enoch Chapter 90:1-4 - 
“1. And I saw till that in this manner thirty-five shepherds undertook the pasturing (of the sheep), and they severally completed their periods as did the first; and others received them into their hands, to pasture them for their period, each shepherd in his own period. 2. And after that I saw in my vision all the birds of heaven coming, the eagles, the vultures, the kites, the ravens; but the eagles led all the birds; and they began to devour those sheep, and to pick out their eyes and to devour their flesh. 3. And the sheep cried out because their flesh was being devoured by the birds, and as for me I looked and lamented in my sleep over that shepherd who pastured the sheep. 4. And I saw until those sheep were devoured by the dogs and eagles and kites, and they left neither flesh nor skin nor sinew remaining on them till only their bones stood there: and their bones too fell to the earth and the sheep became few.”

This passage seems to focus on a period at the end of 35 terms of angelic shepherds which seems to be around 665 AD. 

A shepherd term seems to be 40 years which fits the timeline given by the Dream of Beasts. So this 35 terms is halfway through the full seventy terms and here there is a kind of review from heaven by Enoch. This seems to be 664/665 AD because terms of 40 years each start around 730 BC with the Assyrian conquest of Israel and seventy terms would be 2790 years because the Enoch heavenly year is 364 days long. So half of this is 1395 years. 

So the passage looks it seems at the end of this 1395 year halfway point period. This seems to therefore describe the beginnings of Islam and what it meant for Israelites, Jews, the ‘sheep’ in the passage, perhaps believing Christians too.

From then there is another period seen by Enoch up until the next 23 terms is completed and the final twelve terms are starting. The picture is similar of attacks on the ‘sheep’ but there is a great sword given the sheep to strike back with and they turn on the attackers and the attacking nations flee. It is not clear when this sword is given. What is clear though is that more sheep are killed in the last twelve terms of shepherds than in other terms. This would be the period of the 478 years up until 2060 AD. We might just be beginning the last of these terms now. Could this last term be the worst of all? Other prophecies suggest so. Could this be when that great sword is finally turned on the attacking nations though, causing them to flee in fear? And the earth to open up and swallow the attackers?


“18. And I saw till the Lord of the sheep came unto them and took in His hand the staff of His wrath, and smote the earth, and the earth clave asunder, and all the beasts and all the birds of the heaven fell from among those sheep, and were swallowed up in the earth and it covered them.
19. And I saw till a great sword was given to the sheep, and the sheep proceeded against all the beasts

of the field to slay them, and all the beasts and the birds of the heaven fled before their face.”