Revised model for Enoch's ten weeks timeline. (This incorporates a better fix for Judgement based on the dream of beasts seventy shepherd terms of forty years each before millenium return of Christ.)
Creation of Adam 3920/3900 BC
3920/3900 BC is the start of 'week' 1 where 'week' is 700 364-day years
Flood before 2520:2500 BC
'week' 2 end 2520/2500 BC
Abraham 1850/1830 BC
'week' 3 end 1850/1830 BC
Law before 1130/1110 BC
'week' 4 end 1130/1110 BC
Temple completed 420/400 BC
'week' 5 end 420/400 BC
Ascension between 420/400 BC and 270/290 AD
'week' 6 end 270/290 AD
The Final Judgement 3050:3070 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)
'week' 10 end 3060/3080 AD
Return of Christ 2050/2070 AD
This 2070 AD is the reference point used for the other years - given by both 740 BC Assyrian invasion of Israel and 722 BC Captivity in Assyria (hence two alternatives for all dates given) and Enoch's Dream of Beasts and adding 2800 364 day years for seventy 40-year terms of rule by angelic shepherd over Israel.
Creation of Adam 3920/3900 BC
3920/3900 BC is the start of 'week' 1 where 'week' is 700 364-day years
Flood before 2520:2500 BC
'week' 2 end 2520/2500 BC
Abraham 1850/1830 BC
'week' 3 end 1850/1830 BC
Law before 1130/1110 BC
'week' 4 end 1130/1110 BC
Temple completed 420/400 BC
'week' 5 end 420/400 BC
Ascension between 420/400 BC and 270/290 AD
'week' 6 end 270/290 AD
The Final Judgement 3050:3070 AD (seventh part of 'week' 10)
'week' 10 end 3060/3080 AD
Return of Christ 2050/2070 AD
This 2070 AD is the reference point used for the other years - given by both 740 BC Assyrian invasion of Israel and 722 BC Captivity in Assyria (hence two alternatives for all dates given) and Enoch's Dream of Beasts and adding 2800 364 day years for seventy 40-year terms of rule by angelic shepherd over Israel.