
Saturday, 7 April 2018

The Resurrection

God created all things and did so sovereignly but the equally sovereign act of God, the Father, was to resurrect His Son. This means all the beneficial effects of this are God-made too. We might look inward and see hope in our lives having come about directly because God raised Jesus. Consider these God-made benefits which His sovereign act of resurrecting Jesus has produced in us. Jesus came to die and be raised by God and this resurrection changes things and changes us. God the Father changes us.

Almighty God - the Father - sent Jesus to die to become the resurrection by God's own doing to make believers whose lives are transformed by this resurrection and by believing it has happened - so these who are so changed are changed by God the Father with nobody else intervening - they are made by God the Father Himself what they become as a result of this resurrection. The words of Jesus transform them too in this same way because these are words from the Father so they cling to these words and those of the Holy Spirit and acts of the Holy Spirit so they stay children of God as Jesus frees them from their sins - and keeps doing so forever. The resurrection was how God made His family - past and present and future. Jesus had to die for this to happen. This is how people are born again - not from human biology but from the very work of the Father Himself in raising Jesus from the dead. The truth of this resurrection sets them free.