
Tuesday, 10 April 2018

You need cleaning

The cross and crucifixion sets a person being crucified up high to be seen by all. It projects that person's death. The picture Jesus used to describe it as time for it approached was the crafted serpent emblem Moses was told by God to put on a pole so it could be lifted high to let all the many snake-bitten, accursed people look at it for their healing. How do we understand this? Now Jesus is risen and alive forever do we still need to ponder Him there on that cross where He died?

The Romans had another practice. The sponge they dipped in vinegar and gall (disinfectant) and raised to Jesus' lips? The archaeologists of Roman London tell how Romans dipped sponges on short poles of wood in vinegar and used them to clean themselves after going to the toilet. Jesus was treated like that. For you. You need cleaning.