If Daniel 10 to 12 is Jesus before His incarnation speaking to Daniel, have those who read and accept Daniel but not Jesus actually been listening to Jesus all along? If John wrote Rev 1 and his vision of Jesus along same lines as description of the speaker of Daniel 10-12 - clothes, hair, eyes, voice - then it is possible Daniel was listening to the pre-incarnate Son of Man. So the Jews reading Daniel in their synagogues might have actually been listening to Jesus.
In Daniel 7 there is described one like a Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven and led to the Ancient of Days and all power given to Him (7:13-14), this Son of Man represents ordinary saintly people of God because what is said of Him in 7:14 is interpreted in 7:27 as applying to the saintly people of God. Note: hence He is Son of Man because He represents human saintly people of God with respect to heavenly things; in 8:16 the one with a voice like a man commanded Gabriel "Make this man understand the vision ..." (see Note above) and Gabriel obeys (no archangel is higher than Gabriel); Gabriel speaks in the rest of chapter 8 then much later speaks in chapter 9 so some might be forgiven thinking it is him again in later chapters too 10-12 (although some say it is Michael which makes no sense because Michael is mentioned as a separate person a few times). But in chapter 10 the man speaking is described in verses 5 and 6. The game changing revelation about who this is in chapter 10-12 and that it is the same person as in chapter 7 is given in the Book of Revelation chapter 1 where the exact words of Daniel's lengthy description are used to likewise at length describe Jesus.
In Daniel 7 there is described one like a Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven and led to the Ancient of Days and all power given to Him (7:13-14), this Son of Man represents ordinary saintly people of God because what is said of Him in 7:14 is interpreted in 7:27 as applying to the saintly people of God. Note: hence He is Son of Man because He represents human saintly people of God with respect to heavenly things; in 8:16 the one with a voice like a man commanded Gabriel "Make this man understand the vision ..." (see Note above) and Gabriel obeys (no archangel is higher than Gabriel); Gabriel speaks in the rest of chapter 8 then much later speaks in chapter 9 so some might be forgiven thinking it is him again in later chapters too 10-12 (although some say it is Michael which makes no sense because Michael is mentioned as a separate person a few times). But in chapter 10 the man speaking is described in verses 5 and 6. The game changing revelation about who this is in chapter 10-12 and that it is the same person as in chapter 7 is given in the Book of Revelation chapter 1 where the exact words of Daniel's lengthy description are used to likewise at length describe Jesus.