
Friday, 10 September 2021

A missed opportunity?

 Opportunities are soon gone if you ignore them. Ignored opportunities slip away unnoticed. Seeking God is a NOW thing. You will miss the opportunity. You are probably in denial about your standing with God and with Christ and therefore will miss the opportunity to make it better. Don’t be. Make a change. What do I mean about seeking God? What is seeking God and seeking Christ really about? Making Christ more the centre of your priorities, your plans. Not letting God and Christ feel crowded out by things more important to you. Instead of merely finding some time for God and for Christ, actually plan your plans around God and His Christ with them central. Prioritise around them. Make their interests the highest interests. Then prioritise other things second. Plan first to include God. Plan to include Christ. Then plan other things second. This is best done in your youth when less things crowd in and before marriage because a partner has a right to central place in things too.