
Saturday, 25 September 2021

Holy Help

 Now that Jesus is with the Father, we need the Holy Spirit. That makes it a bit too weird for many because that means there is a ghost which exists. Many assume ghosts do not exist, so this is a problem for them to overcome. Those who get past the ghost issue, might think ghosts, if they exist, are scary and possibly bad. So there is the need to overcome this and understand that a ghost can be holy. So there is a ghost which is holy which we need to interact with us to help us. Jesus left us like this. But some are gifted to turn these ghostly interactions into human interactions by having prophetic gifts and other gifts where the spirit acts within us and we then take that and pass it human-to-human to others. We are not left as orphans but we still have hurdles of understanding to overcome in the process of receiving the holy help we need.