
Saturday, 18 September 2021

Pagan teachings in the Christian churches

 The holy conception of Jesus from the Holy Spirit is well attested by the gospels by three or more witnesses. But as to the Trinity, who do we get that from? Not from God. Not from Jesus. So not from the Holy Spirit. That idea of God being not one but three. It comes from philosophers 1600 years ago. Pagan roots. And the Holy Spirit stopped speaking to them and blessing churches that taught it. They fell into a trap. They ran ahead of Christ’s teachings. They lost connection with Christ and with God. Like Samson when his hair was cut. He knew not that the Lord had left him. Then the pagans caught and blinded him. By not continuing in Christ’s doctrines the churches lost fellowship with Christ. Now God is giving us a second chance. A chance to return to Christ’s teachings. Christ taught that only the Father is the One True God.