
Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Who is the Quran blessing and who is it condemning?

 Who is the Quran blessing and who is it condemning?

How does it open?

By saying that many won’t believe. That many will say they believe the words preached but won’t actually believe. Then it says the people who believe in the creator and worship Him and do good will be blessed. 

- so far all good.

Then it says:

“Who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and cause corruption on earth. It is those who are the losers.”

Well we know that covenants of God were made with Noah promising no further global Flood and allowing eating of meat and commanding no bloodshed of humans, even by beasts, without recompense. Now breaking this is about being violent and ungrateful. Then the covenant was made with Israelites keeping the commands of God - receiving blessing and protection from God but having to love God and His words and teach God’s words to their children and loving others. Again breaking this would be hatred, ignoring God’s words of scripture and being violent towards others. Then the covenant is made with the Messiah’s disciples who believe He is forever and hold to His teachings and love God and Him. Again the ignoring of the NT scriptures breaks this covenant as does hatred of Jesus and His followers. The Quran seems to affirm all this. So a so-called Muslim who ignores scriptures of OT and NT and hates disciples of Jesus and hates Jews and kills willfully and perverts justice against killers is breaking the covenant of the creator in one way or another.

It then goes on to keep condemning these who break the covenant. So it is these who are condemned by the Quran, even if they call themselves Muslims or believers.