
Saturday, 4 September 2021

Inner spirit

What is the inner spirit? It is that part of us which soars at the news Jesus is alive from the dead. Give it free rein. Hope springs eternal. So they say. But in this case it is true. If God had not raised Jesus from the dead, begotten Son of God, conceived of the Holy Spirit and given birth of Mary, why would we have any eternal prospects with God? By raising Jesus from the dead, Jesus whose eternal spirit can reach out to us at any time that the Father wills and that Jesus is minded to do, this gives such spiritual hope transcending earthly mood or state of being. Latch into this. Jesus does not vary. Same now as ever. Same forever. Alive now from the dead. Able to impart that life. Able to do miracles. Able to teach. Able to give the Holy Spirit truths and revelations to teach. Able to raise the dead with mortal life or even immortal life. Able to intercede. Able to correct and rebuke and put us straight by words of spirit and life. What God has done in raising Jesus causes new birth of spirit, holy from God in Heaven. Not to be missed.