
Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Feasts of Torah

 Zeal for Jewish feasts sometimes surges on social media and even in Christian churches. Often it happens during Jewish feasts of Torah. For a non-Hebrew to legally keep a Torah feast such as Passover requires their whole family, all males, to be circumcised (Exodus 12:48). The epistle of the apostle Paul to the Galatians tells us that first century Hebrew apostles in Jerusalem did not compel Greek believers to be circumcised (Galatians 2). It would have effectively enslaved those believers if they had required circumcision and it would have made Christ of no value to them. The believers would therefore have ‘fallen from grace’. This therefore meant that those believers could not legally keep Torah feasts. Clearly it was not so important in the judgment of these apostles of Christ for Greek or non-Hebrew believers to keep the Torah feasts. What mattered more was freedom by the cross of their Lord, Jesus Christ.