Trinitarian philosophies are flawed. The Father alone is the One True God. Yet they do at least preserve the truth of the preexistence of Christ. Christ did come into this world a human, born a human and conceived a human, living a very normal human life, not thought to be anything special except his parents knew He had been sacredly conceived uniquely by the Holy Spirit, the only-begotten of God. Being only-begotten of God, Jesus was the only person God knew and planned as begotten Son from before Creating anything. This meant something hugely mysterious. The most high being in all time and space only ever had in mind begetting one single son and spoke of this before creating anything. This meant mysteriously the spirit of Jesus existing before the earliest things existed. If we believe this about Jesus, the future is filled with the existence of Jesus too. He isn’t just a person who lived in Roman times but is a person who simply IS. The extreme existence in time of Jesus is a phenomenon that simply is, always is. So we can trust He ever will live to help us stay right with God. This is the kind of faith which can save us if we combine it with adherence to His teachings. He died but then rose again, so death did not terminate His living existence and neither will it terminate ours if we hold to His words.