In the late fifteen hundreds and early sixteen hundreds as Protestantism was beginning there were sorcerers in Europe. No, not wizards with spikey hats or witches riding on broomsticks. Not like Disney’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice. These guys were often diviners and practitioners of what was called Rosicrucianism. (Example:Paracelsus). It arose as Protestantism arose and was mingled with Protestantism. The Anglicans played a part in making it mainstream to the extent it became what we now call Modern Science and Modern Medicine. This is the West’s version of what was long known as sorcery, even in the times of the Early Church when sorcerers such as Simon Magus influenced the development of disputed doctrines and heresies. The Book of Revelation warns in chapters 21 and 22 that sorcerers will be thrown into the lake of fire at the Final Judgement. Is your career path taking you into being labelled by God as a sorcerer? Perhaps it is time to rethink your career choice, if you still have time. Jesus has power to free you from that path if you believe in Him and hold to His teachings. Heed His warnings.