
Saturday, 18 September 2021

The Book of Enoch

 The Book of Enoch helps us understand Jesus and that there was, in the times of Jesus’ healing and working wonders, the Father-Son team. NOT really a Trinity-God since only the Father (says Jesus and says the Father) is the One True God. The Book of Enoch confirms that only the Father is God, the Lord of Spirits. There is, rather, this God/Son-of-God power team. Still operating today - over all things. But always that team existed: way-back-when, through to now-today, and forever.  God always knew and said He would have a begotten Son and surely this emanated the Spirit of Christ into existence before God even created all things. The Book of Enoch shows us so clearly this Son of Man, there in existence when Enoch went into Heaven, taken up to this Son of Man 3000 BC. The name of this Son of Man is interwoven into an Oath by which all things are angelically governed. The team created all things. And now the Son is flesh and bone. The first raised-from-the-dead man to live forever as man, for Mankind. Crucified for the sins of Mankind, for me, for you. Living forever as Great High Priest, for me, for you, for a household of God over which He ever lives as Master: over those who believe and hold to His teachings.