
Sunday, 28 April 2024

Beware counterfeit anointing

 If a person has the spirit of truth, the spirit leads them into truth that Jesus is the Son and the Father is the One God. Then when they say that Jesus is the Son of God, they mean Son of the One God, and they mean Son of the Father. This is what they mean by saying Jesus is the Son of God. There can be lots of gods, but there is still this Father who is the One True God. This One True God is Father of Jesus. This is the truth to which the Holy Spirit leads them.  The Holy Spirit leads into the truth that this Son, Jesus, was sent by the Father to be the light of the world, to give light to people so they could live righteously by this light. This is first step towards restoring righteousness and is his anointing as Christ. God will subject all things to him. Eventually he will hand back the rule to God putting himself and all things brought under him into ultimate subjection to God, the One True God who sent him. This is the truth into which the Holy Spirit leads and which those born of God by this Spirit believe. This is the anointing which is true and not counterfeit. Beware counterfeit anointing.