
Saturday, 20 April 2024

God’s doing

Jesus never exalted himself to a divine status. Doing so would have been punishable by stoning according to the customs of the gospel era. Instead, God the Most High made Jesus His Son, through the power of God overshadowing the virgin mother. God has fully affirmed him as His Son. In this, God indicated that the Son would ascend to the throne of God like a crown prince. This was not initiated by Jesus himself, but was God's doing. God designated Jesus for this role, particularly for a thousand-year reign, during which the resurrection of the saints would provide many to judge alongside Jesus. Satan, the god of this age, will be imprisoned during this time, possible only decades away, and all will be made subject to Jesus. After this thousand-year period, Jesus himself will be subject to God forever. Thus, the Father remains forever the One True God. This understanding is supported by passages such as John 10:34-39, 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, and Revelation 20.