In the teachings of Jesus, he has status given him by God, by the Father, which will grow to Godlike status, and he is set apart by God to judge all. This is what constitutes the divinity taught by him. It is his status in being the Son of God. Paul, in 1 Cor 15, associates the full level of Godlike, God-given, power of Jesus with the resurrection of the saints at Jesus Christ’s return, and the time following it. It is not something that has happened yet. But it is something given to Jesus as part of his inheritance, like a Crown Prince receives from the King. The analogy to royalty shows it is not about anything diminishing his human nature. He became a normal human being when God brought him into the world. He has many Godlike attributes already as part of his resurrection body and his ascenscion to the right hand of God. A prince is royal but is no less a human being. This similarity with royalty should not be confusing when Jesus pointed out that the Father is still the One True God. Paul’s teaching in 1 Cor 15, and John’s in Fev 20, shows that the Father is ultimately the only God after the end of the reign of Jesus Christ. In the end the Christ will be subject to God, to the Father, forever. In this sense the Father is the One True God. Only the Father.