
Thursday, 25 April 2024

Just to be clear

 The One sent the one who died for your sins on the cross is the one who is the Only True God. “I am God”, He says. He is the true Father. In the end, over a thousand years from now, He is the One to whom all things will be subjected forever. He and the one who died for your sins on the cross will bring into full subjection all things. Then the Son will subject himself to the Father, the One True God forever. This Son is called the Lord because he is not ultimately the One True God to whom all things will be subjected forever.  This Lord is fully able to master all things and all people. He will raise the saints from the dead and rule for a thousand years when he comes just decades from now. The household of God is under him. This Lord, is Jesus, the Christ: The Lord Jesus Christ. Even Nature revolves around the power of his name. By believing he is the light of the world, sent by the One True God, and holding to his teachings, as we find them in the gospels, and as the Holy Spirit confirms, we can be his disciples and have hope that we too will be raised from the dead by him at his coming, or if we are still alive when he comes, be transformed by him into immortal bodied people. New Testament scripture warns Christians to reject people who deny these things and not even receive them into their house, because receiving them is sharing in their wicked work.