
Monday, 22 April 2024

Regular human

 Regarding Jesus Christ as anything other than human has dire side effects. It makes us push Jesus away. It makes us regard him as not one of us humans. It makes his lordship over us look like something imposed. We will tend to regard his friends as those we want to push away. When the Holy Spirit helps us to see him as regular human like us, we can accept him, and realise that he has struggled like us, and he is worthy because he overcame what we struggle with, tempted as we are, and he did so relying on love from God, as we can do. He overcame and for this reason God made him our Lord, worthy of it. Then we can regard him as part of our circle of humans like ourselves who struggle to overcome temptation. Having love for Jesus and for God who sent him is foundational in our salvation. Then we can love his commands and keep them. Then the Father can come to us in fellowship and the Son, Jesus can show us himself more and more through the Holy Spirit. This is eternal life. To know the Father who is the Only True God and to know Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Then we can see that we can do more and more of what Jesus is able to do, because we can be like him and we can have the same faith in the Father that he has. We can overcome like he overcame. Then we can share his throne when he comes and raises the saints from the dead. Don’t get left behind. Don’t run ahead of his teachings and leave him behind. Stay in fellowship.