
Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Blind guides

 Leaving blind guides is an important doctrine in following Jesus Christ. Recognising blindness of the guides is crucial as a first step, along with readiness to take urgent necessary action to avoid pitfalls. Watch the people leading you, guiding you, managing you. Watch what happens when people follow their teachings diligently, take their advice, obey their instructions. If the outcome is invariably disastrous, you have a blind guide ahead of you, leading you. The worse kind are those who insist they have clarity of where things are going, how things are, what to do. These are without the excuse of blindness. They incriminate themselves by insisting they can see. Blindness is to some extent excusable: Albeit dangerous, requiring remedial action. Get away when you can. Be free of the risk of being led into a ditch. Another sign is when they give advice or instructions but do not trust their own judgments enough to follow this advice themselves. Hypocrisy. Get away. Leave. Do not blame Jesus if you ignore his warnings.