Trinitarians teach a divinity of Christ based on two concepts. Firstly they have a concept that by being born of a virgin by overshadowing of God and the Holy Spirit, some essence of deity of God somehow passed to Jesus. This concept is philosophical. He was son of God by the overshadowing and work of the Holy Spirit and the Father, yes, but nothing in scripture says anything more about it, nor about any essence being incorporated into his body from God. scripture simply tells us he is human and the son of God. Scripture does not teach any Hellenistic or Neoplatonic philosophical concept of what happened and of anything passed to the body from God. Secondly Trinitarians teach about the throne of God on which the Christ will one day sit. They teach it means Christ is God. However, in scripture, this is not taught as a teaching about the nature of the Son but about a position of power he will eventually occupy, akin to that of God, making him to all intents and purposes, for a limited time, God, though in position, not in identity. Scripture teaches the power will then finally all go to the Father, who alone is God eternally. The Son will be given it but temporarily, not as anything about his nature being in any way divine, but as a position that he will eventually return to the true God who is forever God by nature, the Father, and the Son along with all things brought under him will be subject to the Father. Thus it is the Son’s elect task to have all things subjected to him during a time on the throne of God and then by subjecting himself ultimately to God, to the Father, all things, including himself will be brought into eternal subjection to the Father who alone will then eternally be God on the throne.