
Sunday, 28 April 2024

The One at the Top

In the gospel times the Jews insisted there be two testimonies about Jesus as the Law requires. He cited the Father as his second witness besides himself. That makes two, he said. His own plus the testimony of the Father. Very important that it is true that this means two testimonies. That means Son and Father are two distinct people, two beings, in the eyes of the Law of God. It is the Father who is referred to by Jesus as the One True God. This Father is One God. There can be lots of gods, including powerful judges and leaders and kings, but there is just the Father who is the One True God. The Father is king above all gods. This One True God is the Father of Jesus. The Father of Jesus. The God of Jesus. Even though Jesus could be regarded as something of a god himself, it is his Father who is the king above all Gods. This is the truth to which the Holy Spirit leads believers.  The Holy Spirit leads into the truth that this Son, Jesus, was sent by the Father to be the light of the world, to give light to people so they could live righteously by this light. This is first step towards restoring righteousness and is his anointing as the Christ. God will subject all things to him. Shortly, for a thousand years he will visibly rule over all. He will raise saints from the dead at his coming. He will destroy things that cause people to sin. He will judge. The saints will judge with him. He will put down evil behaviour: lying, stealing, murder, sex crime, Pharma crime, idolatry, religion-for-money, cowardice, unbelief. Sin will become a thing of the past, unheard of. In that thousand years even his enemies and strongest opposition will be put under his feet by the Father. He will reign as a god. Only the Father will be greater than him. Eventually he will hand back the rule to God putting himself and all things brought under him into ultimate subjection to God, the One True God who sent him. This is the truth into which the Holy Spirit leads and which those born of God by this Spirit believe. This is the anointing which is true and not counterfeit. The Father is God. The Father is one person and the Son is another person, and it is the Father who is the king above all gods. Yet it will be true, especially when the kingdom is subjected to the Son, Jesus Christ, that all things will be eventually placed in subjection to the Son. That is kingship at a high level indeed, and puts Jesus Christ in a position similar to that of his Father. Yet even then it is still the Father who is eternally king above all, God over all, the One True God. After a thousand years the Son will himself become fully subject to the Father. Never does the Son ever usurp the Father. God the Father is eternally One God. The Son is light, and together with the Father, will be light forever. Righteousness is in him. He submits to the Father as his Father and his God and will be eternally subject to this God the Father. If we live to see Jesus come in glory and reign a thousand years on the throne of David, we should remember that, even then, even with all the power wielded by Jesus over all things and all people, it is the Father who is the One True God who sent him, as Jesus himself proclaimed. 

1 Corinthians 15.

John 8. 

John 10. 

John 17. 

Revelation 20.