As a child I was told the lesson Jesus gave about the Rich Man and Lazarus. I went to my room on my own and I simply prayed. I was only three or four. Then I went and told a sibling and they too prayed. When I was a few years older I remember standing on a wall and preaching to other children. I might have been five or six. Nobody saw this except those children so it is just something I remember. When I was seven I stood on a table in a bible camp and told about the words of Jesus which had made me pray years earlier. When I was in my late teens I performed a miracle when with another believer, with the Spirit telling me what to do. Until then nobody had seen the wonders God had regularly done for me. Later I stood on a beer box at work and told the restaruant colleagues to repent. The Spirit had suddenly taken hold of me and I did it without thinking. Not something I normally did. I was shy and reclusive. At university I did my first miracle in church. I suddenly got faith to do it during the sermon. I commanded a extremely painful burn blister to Go! and it immediately vanished. I learned to use this faith later to silence storms and did this many many times. In the nineties, when I was just over thirty, I met Jesus himself on a road called Blackswarth Road and this time he was the one who calmed the torrential rain storm, like I had been doing. During the nineties the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit together but each on a separate occassion taught me about themselves so I could preach and teach in order the Build the Temple, as they commanded me. I missed details. When I (in the nineties, like I say) asked the Spirit to be given me, I was first given a vision. A builders bucket of sabd was tipped out in front of me and words like subtitles appeared across my vision saying BUILD THE TEMPLE. I asked for threefold confirmation this was the Holy Spirit. I went to church (I won’t give details, one of my contacts ran the church and might remember this, though he was away at the time and I told him when he came back) I think that evening or the next and first three church school girls got up and sang a song they had written in their church school class. It went “Build, build, build the Temple” over and over. Then a man with a guitar stood and sang about King David being told his son would build the Temple. Then an elder spoke and preached how King David when told Solomon would build the temple, he sat there in awe and prayed how he felt God was thus honouring him and his family above any other person. Months later, I was taken to a church because I was longing to hear speaking in tongues. The leader spoke in tongues at the microphone. It was a real angelic message of awesome words. The words turned into English in my head. I realised it was a gift of interpretation being given me. “Consider the trees. They put forth buds and leaves,“ (a vision of it appeared in my mind) “They do so by the power/authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Then it continued further about planets orbiting stars by this power. I was thinking maybe I should stand and speak it but I did not know how the congregation would accept me, a stranger there. Within seconds the speaker spoke those very same words. I told him later and he could not remember any of it happening. The friend who bought me there, a lay preaching leader supervising my lay preachings, told me this happened a lot in some of the churches in the area. Another bit I ought to add. In my teens I became a bit of a scoundrel: mean, sometimes spiteful and a habitual liar. Stealing sometimes. I wouldn’t say at that point, according to Jesus’ teachings, I was a child of God. Child of Satan really. Not afraid to admit it. I got convicted about it though. C S Lewis books and some daily devotions called Streams in the Desert convicted me, especially of the lying and (very) petty stealing. At one point I thought I should stop praying “Our Father in heaven...” and pray “Father of Jesus in heaven...”. I habitually lied and could not speak without adding lies to make it sound better. The church thought me a true believer and yes I had accepted Christ and believed that Jesus Christ is from God but the lying showed I was still not fully His. I was even baptised. I led evangelistic missions. Yet the trust people had in me made me feel an imposter who would one day get found out and who could not repent because everyone made me think too highly of myself and gave me a mask to wear, as it were. The church saw me as evangelist material and a kind lady sent me for a George Verwer OM weekend of evangelising in Birmingham UK. God opened my heart to Himself there and then a real evangelist spoke in the 'bull ring' shopping area with words written on a white board 'CHRIST DIED FOR YOU' and it sank home for once. I went and told him the words had sunk in for the first time even though I was meant to be already 'saved' so he took me into a nearby church and at the front he prayed with me and I prayed. As I prayed when my prayer was honest a holy power made my voice surge with unworldly stength but as soon as I wandered from honesty it stopped. I tried to keep my honesty to keep this power. I went and prayed and sang with the evangelist believers and over the whole weekend this power thing continued till I learned that truth sits well with God who is true and lies do not get His support because He hates them. I learned by this Holy Spirit. The power of God by the Holy Spirit had cleansed me. I rarely lied again. I won’t say never, but I made it a happy habit to always speak truthfully, deliberately so I would not go back to lying. Repenting from stealing too I was given highly trusted work in handling huge amounts of money and my honesty took me high in government work even to work with the UN trade standards body and many governments around the world. God lifted me up in a way only He can do. Last piece of it all. The Father alone says ”I am God”. He showed Himself to me in a dream (not face to face like Moses and Jesus) and said those very words very deliberately and with all severity. He then proved to me it was Him, the Father. In the dream vision I was told a card with names on it would be put on my desk at work the next day. “Look at it!” The next day it happened at the very end of the day. It never normally happened because it was only ever my job to distribute the post. A wedding card was put in front if me signed by all my colleagues and when I looked intently at it I saw strict instructions it should be handed to a lady by 5pm. That was five minutes away. The dream told me the lady’s name and this too was correct. I took it to her and she said the guy getting married was leaving to go away in a little while. God had saved the day for the colleagues. Now, since I was influenced by Trinitarians at the time, following the revelation from the Holy Spirit telling me “Build the Temple” (which I said had been confirmed threefold in church), I assumed I was supposed to preach and I protested in prayer to God in earnest that I did not know Him enough to proclaim Him with knowledge and I asked to experience Father and Son and Holy Spirit. I made sure I was obeying Jesus’ teachings so I could hold to promises of Jesus in the gospel of John that God would do this. So I was waiting for the Father when the dream came. I was shocked that He said “I am God” because it confounded my Trinitarian influences which taught me that the Trinity together is God. I realise the Father was teaching me that it was just Himself who is the Most High God. A while later He showed me the next step that Jesus is His Son, because Jesus came to me out in the open one day, during a storm of torrential rain. He told me “put down your umbrella” and as soon as I did so the rain stopped dead. I asked confirmation it was Jesus who had spoken to me “If it is truly you Lord then let such and such happen” and he made it so. (Like Gideon’s fleece.) I already mentioned the church service with speaking in tongues which happened months afterwards too. It all proved to me this is God, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.