
Saturday, 30 April 2016

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit says things and causes things to be said but sometimes shows to the doubtful that these things are from Him by the sign of causing one person to say it in a mysterious language they do not know (tongues of angels) then causing another who does not know the mysterious language to understand the message by spiritual power. Words He gives this way include words like these (given in a church in Kingswood near Bristol, UK in the mid nineties):

"Consider the trees how they bud and put out leaves. They do this by the authority and power of the name of The Lord Jesus."

Now compare this to words from thousands of years ago written by a great prophet and it is clear that this same Holy Spirit was inspiring the prophet (written by the prophet 'Enoch' also known as Enmendurana, seventh king of Sumer, around 2500 BC):

"Consider how the trees, when they put forth their green leaves, become covered, and produce fruit; understanding everything, and knowing that He who lives for ever does all these things for you: That the works at the beginning of every existing year, that all his works, are subservient to him, and invariable; yet as God has appointed, so are all things brought to pass."

The way I came to know this was quite extraordinary because I sat in the church in the nineties and heard those words in tongues spoken by a leader there (who I had never met before) and minutes later the words were interpreted and spoken in English by him. However, before he interpreted them, the words in tongues had already become English words by the Spirit within my mind as I heard them. This was before I ever saw the words in the prophesy of Enoch so when I saw such similar words in a copy of The Book of Enoch in a bookshop (SPCK in Park Street, Bristol, UK in the mid nineties) I knew they were from the same spirit as inspired them in the church assembly.

So I knew this was the same Spirit inspiring me as inspired the leader speaking in church but not only us but also the wellknown ancient prophet whose writings are in the Book of Enoch. And the early Christian writers knew and quoted from those writings as being inspired by the same Holy Spirit who inspired them too and most of all who came by the promise and petitioning of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

Some weeks or months later another series of words came into my mind like subtitles on a TV screen as I meditated on what I might say to another church where I attended and they were "Israel has sinned and there will be this sign to you" and I saw in my mind as a vision a great black eagle or vulture with a white eye overhead. Later I found a similar prophesy in the Old Testament I never knew was there which was so similar I had to conclude that the same Spirit again as had spoken to this prophet Hosea had spoken those words in me. The words had their sign fulfilled over the coming days first with spy planes on the news on TV then a police helicopter on local news with white searchlight and camera at the front then the mass surveillance ever since and still today. The police called their helicopter Operation Vulture.

Hosea chapter 8 starts "Put the trumpet to your lips! An eagle is over the house of the Lord because the people have broken my covenant..."

That same week after I mentioned the words in that church the police helicopter was over the church building as police below chased a man up on the roof of a nearby house. Later the eyes in the sky became so commonplace that a film of that name has been released but in the time I had the vision it was unheard of and the police helicopter had been the first of a new inprecedented police helicopter service back then in the nineties I could not have known would happen.

Clearly God doesn't treat lightly the breaking of His covenants and is letting it be known to His House.

Within God The Father

We have a Creator whose design of our inner beings came from His own inner being. What I see in a mirror is not what I sense I have as my inner being. Inwardly I have more and I have constantly and increasingly more than what I see as the outer person reflected back at me. God the Father and Christ Jesus the Son have an inner being that contains the blueprint of my inner being so what is inside me as the inner person is wonderfully there inside God who made it "in His image". Being within Him is a realisation that is part of learning truth. Hence God is truly The Father and to be loved wholeheartedly in truth.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Beyond Blogs

All blogs do is log things. In a way scripture too has logged a thing called righteousness. A log does not produce what it logs. To produce righteousness there is another way. Truthful testimony and loyalty to both the true testimony and the One through whom it has come, Jesus Christ. He is righteous and true and loyal to the one true God who sent Him. This is God's new way of not just logging what righteousness is but producing it in people who are loyal to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Keeping Jesus' testimony of His Father, God's, words leads to this loyalty and to righteousness from God through Him.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Where God Might Be

Heaven as an actual place is either the sky and above the clouds or a place where there are spirits including the Spirit who is God, the one true God, and His Son. The possibility that God and Jesus Christ live in a particular location is especially evident in the existence of the prophesies recorded from ancient times called The Book of Enoch which has descriptions of a location containing the Throne of Glory which is the seat of power of God and shared by Him with His Son, the Son of Man or Christ as He is known today. How reliable is this evidence? In conparing parts of it with prophesy today it is so very similar to words of the Holy Spirit given in prophesy today. Plus a knowledge of recent finds of archaeology impressively match the descriptions of times when Sumer was ruled as city states before a Great Flood occurred around 2500 BC. Predynastic Egypt finds compare very well too such as face painting pallettes and magic weaponry and earliest alloys like bronze. All adds modern authenticity such as probably was not known until the advent of archaeology in the past couple of hundred years. So quite good evidence in this collection of prophesies points to there being a real location inhabited by spirits including God. The description is of a pair of immense caverns surrounded by crystals like the geodes often found which are conpletely enclosed and in which watery solutions grow huge crystals and sometimes later lose this water leaving the crystals such as those of gypsum. This means the Earth has places underground that are hidden from the outside world and surrounded by crystals as found only recently when mining exposed huge examples in Mexico. The descriptions in the prophesies match what was found but seem to be bigger caverns and two particular ones are described as located high in the midst of the rock of a high mountain surrounded on two sides by six volcanoes. One cavern is like a vestibule to the other and the greater one has the throne of God.

Fellowship With God

After asking God to let me see Him since I was a child having heard and read about Him doing so for others in dreams and visions (I was always hearing and reading such things in scriptures even when a few years old) eventually I learned that He only gurantees that for disciples who love and obey Jesus His Son. (John's Gospel says Jesus said it.) So I did just that and kept on asking till when I reached my thirties He did as I asked. I asked to see Father and experience Son and Holy Spirit. First the Father came in a dream and introduced Himself as God. Then along a road a little later near my house Jesus spoke and worked miracles like those in the gospels. Then later still the Holy Spirit met me through tongues and interpretation in a church miles from home. Yet it is the fellowship they give in these meetings that gets to me most. The fatherliness of God in teaching He gave through the dream and the events of the following day at my workplace. The exalted joy of Lord Jesus outside then inside my house. The teaching and faith imparted by that manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Then His word came out of the blue in a vision about sin and surveillance and war. All still relevant today and showing His priestliness and kingdom. He is real and He imparts His fellowship too, Father God, Son of God (Jesus the same as ever) and mysterious and ever true Holy Spirit fully able to lead us into truth.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Standing Class

On larger UK trains there are first class passengers, what I would call reserved class passengers (who reserve seats and largely make up most of the seated passengers) and what I would call standing class passengers who like myself commute and have season tickets and don't reserve a seat every day so often end up standing. Jesus Christ came standing class. He was put in a manger with animals after His birth. He told people to expect to be standing class if they followed Him. He lived and died poor but God raised Him first out of all who rise to never die.

God is Real and His Word Is Real

God is very much real and the Father truly is and the Son is and the Holy Spirit is. They each reveal or manifest themselves personally to a disciple and today it is the same God the Father and the same Jesus the Christ the Lord and the same Holy Spirit as it was thousands of years ago and thousands of years before that. The fact is that this real God still speaks today and gives His word to people to carry around and this word He gives is much as it was thousands of years ago when much of what God the Father said to individuals to carry and proclaim was also written down so it can still be read now. The word He speaks is good but sets the hearer's life on fire and yet is refreshing like living water. It is very real even though it is known in the spirit rather than the eyes and ears. It is known by spirit speaking it to the mind but the signs accompanying it can be seen with eyes and heard with ears so as to prove the word is real and is given by God and His very own words from His mouth.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Wealth And Glory

Did ever such wealth meet such glory as in the resurrection of the crucified body of The Lord, Jesus, The Christ. Was there ever in the history of the Universe such wealth as purchased by God as the mortality He gave His Beloved Son at the height of Jesus Christ's trading of His body and blood for a new covenant between God and human disciples and indeed all humanity in need of this sacrifice. Was there ever such glory as when God raised this Christ in the crucified body from the dead. Such perfect glory meeting such supreme wealth. See God wanted to show love for us and the supreme way to do that was in the sacrifice for us of His Own Beloved Son yet His Son was immortal next to God Himself from the start of time and before Creation so He made His Son flesh and blood with mortality and His Son traded the glory of His supremacy of the Universe for mortal flesh like we have now and gave it up in sacrifice so as His blood was being shed and the crucifixion of His holy body carried out by men He was at the height of the riches of love in that He had at that point the greatest live for those for whom He died and the greatest love for The God of Him, for The Father of Him in obeying His God and Father. This love and sacrifice was so great in value as to be worth all the glory of heaven He set aside to provide it. Then when all was said and done The Father accepted this as complete and as all that is necessary as sacrifice for all our fallings short and failings and moral debt and took it as righteousness and perfect love and proper shedding of holy blood and after a couple of days He raised His Son from the dead, the first resurrection to immortality. The glory of that resurrection crowned this act of supreme love and set Christ apart as firstborn from the dead such that His worthiness is worshipped by angels in God's presence for all eternity and He the Lord Christ is owed all obedience and all supremacy over all He together with His God and Father has created. Most of all it deserves our fullest obedience and loyalty for all aeons to come.

Weakness and Mortality Triumphed Over Oppression and Might

Kindness is such a worthy thing and having mortality to lay down for froends is the height of riches of the spiritual essense of anyone, divine or otherwise. To be rich with true riches Christ became poor in human terms and took both humanity and mortality so He could make an act of true love for God and be the means of a true act of God in love for mortal humans whilst laying down mortal life for His friends. The supremacy of love was thus revealed and crowned with glory in His resurrection from the dead. Kings now take note that kindness is elevated as weakness takes a higher place than strength. Now He is positioned over the strong and can judge the strongest king in terms of love and kindness over oppression and power so kings are subject to Him as they are subject too to God the Father of Him. Greatness and majestic power belongs to God and to this Lamb of God but so does love and supreme kindness only weakness and mortality could fully show.

Christ's View On Some Prevalent Evils

One teaching of Jesus (maybe two) is found in letters dictated to John recorded by John in Revelation regarding types of teachers sometimes found in churches of the time. I reckon they are still found in churches today. One type is the teacher epitomised in the ancient person of Balaam who taught on one hand about God and the Holy Spirit and following God but also set a trend of ignoring the rights and wrongs of idolatry and so led followers of God to do what God would punish. Around today we have believers who still think it is no big deal to cause other believers to do what for those other believers amounts to going against their conscience. There might even be ill intent in this as a kind of competitive sabotage on other believers' lives and discipleship. Then there are teachers who flout the rights and wrongs of morality such as with deviant behaviour like promiscuity and ignoring the rights of others to have a life of simple devotion to one partner of the opposite sex as honorable marriage. These follow a trend set by Nicolaitams as they were called who considered it alright to ignore morality in marital and other such relationship matters. Today we have had a moral revolution out of which have appeared many such teachers and practitioners. Moral honorability does matter to Christ who is alive from the dead and no longer subject to worldly trends and deviant dogmas so His teachings truly represent the Father's view on things without the need to keep to worldly agendas. He hates the Nicolaitan and Balaam teachings and practices. He applauds others who do so too.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Not Everyone Has The Holy Sprit To Lead Them Into Truth

A Holy Spirit for some and not for others? He is sent to some in particular, yes, but not with any distinguishing of who you are but a particular benefit and counselling spirit to those who hear the true sayings of The Father, the God of Jesus Christ the Lord. He does minister conviction to all around the world but when you or I believe truly by taking the Lord at His word, by receiving a faith within that the word of God as taught by the Christ is true then you or I are put in line to receive this Holy Spirit personally. Not everybody receives Him personally as He is not given to everyone but the right to receive Him is especially to those who take God at His word and give real credence to what God has said through His servants and His true children and friends and His Son. Some still need a laying on of hands or similar ministry from a servant of God but this alone does not warrant receieving the Holy Spirit but rather the gift is to those who God sees as believing, and He sees what is real and true. So seek out faith by seeking out true testimony from believers and by seeking good preaching of the testimony of God. Scripture can help of you read or hear it properly and properly applied and understood. It is given by God to have Him reach out to you as you seek Him and seek personal faith and knowledge of Him. This is called the grace of God. The grace that comes together with the true testimony of Christ since He came into the world as a baby and grew and became the great Teacher and Lord who builds God's Church. The Spirit is given in Jesus Christ's name, the same power that builds and persists the ordering of the Universe of all God and Christ first created. The Spirit truly knows this Creation and comes from the throne that rules it and extends to those who fear and believe God. He can come as an awesomely sensed presence or a still small whisper within your inner being. He can be mistaken for something sinister when we do not yet know Him or set aside as a random thought intruding in our minds as we meditate but He is patient and used to dealing with others who have yet to know Him. Yet He is Lord over us as well as teacher and helper and He truly cares and applies to us the thoughts and mind and wisdom and living care of the living Lord Jesus who works forever with God the Father to build His own and make them all they should be. Thanks be to God and glory in the Church.

50AD Rome Visited and Now Revisited

Rome 50AD. Physically not much different to how it is today. Bustling. Chariots then and cars now. Magnificent buildings. Many streets and houses. Looking out from there towards the Eastern Mediterranean shores where decades previously and still in this time much trouble had ocurred and decades before extraordinary events had ocurred. Into this city come two men arriving in separate circumstances but perhaps living there at the same time in the next decades after 50AD and these two witnessed back there in the Eastmost lands around the Mediterranean the same extraordinary - most extraordinary - man. Not just man but Son of Man. They witnessed what He did like the changing of water into wine, the giving of sight to the blind and the blinding by heavenly glory of the violent opponent on the Damascus Road. These two men each had aliases having had changed names after being changed by this amazing Son of Man. One became known as Peter (Rock) and the other became known by his own choice as Paul (Small). This Rome was a city of immense reutation for tyranny but this Son of Man is still alive having been slain by the army of this city in response to demands by leaders out there in the Eastern Mediterranean who wanted to put to death the Son of Man whose Father in Heaven had first formed their nation centuries earlier.

So there in Rome these Jews who knew the resurrected Christ were far from Jerusalem where Christ had died then risen and returned to the Heaven from which God had sent Him. The people around them maybe mostly knew not much of Jerusalem nor this Christ and perhaps their memories of the events of Christ on Earth and places where they had all been happening in the sight of all were now a bit distant. What was their focus? The Church was in no way hindered in its growth in Rome as these men aided the preaching and growth of faith. In no way did the paling memory lead to waning of the Churches being built for God. Why? What focus did not pale or fade? The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who took things from the there and now Heaven over the clouds where Christ reigned with His God, His Father, and made such things known to the here and now people of that time there in Rome far from Jerusalem and long after the Christ had gone away to His Father's Throne. The life of the Spirit which did not fade and was always here and now.

So this life of the learning from the Holy Spirit is not one which fades and dies with time. It is a life for here and now whenever and wherever we are who willingly follow this messenger of God in Christ Jesus' name. This Lord the Holy Spirit is today and for ever to bring the things Christ sees before Him and present them to us as the Father presents them to Christ His Son. Those who follow the Spirit of God are sons and daughters of God. He is truth and light and love and He never dies and neither really do His faithful followers even those who die physically in one manner are never really ever fully dead and love and faith and hope remains in them and the resurrection is ahead of them. Indeed some in future will never die completely who remain at Christ's coming again and become immortal in His power.

She Was There

She was there. So few remained at the cross as Lord Jesus Christ the King of the Jews was crucified by many Jews and Romans. Mary the mother of Jesus did. She is a chief witness of what they did and what He did and what the Father did for us all in that supreme over all sacrifices. This is the highest greatest showing of God's love. She saw this. She too endured her soul being pierced with a terrible piercing. She can testify in heaven to it. Blessed, yet Jesus said it is all the more a blessed thing to hear God's word and obey it. Her obedience was to be there with her Son to the bitter, bitter end and then to see a few days later it was the end of His obedience unto death and the start of His resurrected life building the Temple of The Father - her Father and His Father.


Hell-bent determination the essense of maleness? The essence of masculinity is said to be summed up in an ancient symbol related to the number six. Resolute hardiness leading sometimes to impudent insolence but resulting in sheer determination to dominate and fulfill ambitions like going to Mars as a symbol of machismo. This attitude seems to me behind a prohesy that six six six will be the symbol of the Beast. The determination chatacteristic of male impudent spritedness to succeed in something with or without help from above. It leaves room for involvement by those who believe there is no need to acknowledge any power higher than human power. Watch out in case I got this right and this is what Christ's prophesy of the mark of the Beast that will be imposed at pain of death on everyone. The prophesy says an angel will warn everyone that receiving the mark of the Beast of 666 (in the Greek of scripture - chi-xi-sigma) will be punished by God with the lake of fire.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Human Love

Love is ideally seen in a human. A human who can die. Christ became flesh and in being someone who can be touchrd and seen having a body it shows we can be loving in the human state we are in because in being able to die we are able to show the greater love that dies for a friend, just as Christ Jesus in mortal flesh and blood died for those who do as He commands, calling them friends. This is the word of God that God is love. Humans can have love as God has love. Jesus Christ's humanity and flesh and blood which can yet still be touched and seen shows this. His flesh and blood state was greatest when He was yet mortal before He rose from death and before He ascended to become a life-giving spirit as the scriptures have it written yet now in immense power and spiritual wonder He still shows us that our humanity is a state in which we can have love as He showed love. He can give such love to us if we follow Him and receive the promise righteousness He imparts.

The Word Of God That Lord Jesus Actually Is

He, The Lord Jesus Christ, did bring the teachings of God The Father to all who will learn them and be His disciple by holding them, yet there is more. There is Jesus Himself who is Himself the word of God. God has always and will always have as His Word this Son of His. To know Jesus in person allows a disciple to have this ideal way to listen to God, by knowing this Jesus and considering Him and increasingly improving in knowledge of Him. This comes by not only holding fast to His teachings and commands and promises but obeying in acts and attitude of love for Him. Putting Him first. Then it is His promise to such as love Him so as to obey Him that they will be shown Him by Himself and be shown God the Father by Himself and know the truth which is Him and the word of God that He is.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The Futulity of Unbelief

The Lord's words in the scripture of the Gospel of John chapter eight show futility is in not believing that He, Lord Jesus Christ, is. Not believing He exists. Not believing He lives now and ever as He lived. Not believing He lives having died. Not believing His life and existence predated people such as Abraham and Moses in ancient times. Not believing He is pre-eminent as Lord and Christ. All this unbelief leaves a person falling short of the prerquisite to being cleansed of unworthiness by Him and by the washing of the Spirit and the word of God the Father and the application of that word by believers.

How Tenuous Faith Can Be

How tenuous the basis of faith can be. The woman who gave birth to Lord Jesus Christ when He having become flesh and blood from having been Lord in heaven was a woman to whom we can give credit for raising Jesus and His brothers and maybe sisters during troubled times. She was of only a few to witness that He died during the crucifixion He suffered. She was the only true witness of having given birth to Him by virgin birth. Such tenuous evidence yet so important to our faith. You might learn from the Spirit and only you know it in terms of human witnesses. Jean de Arc had to persuade the Dauphine of France God had spoken to her and everyone was in anguish trying to tell if this was true. You might have angels and God as witness but few or zero humans. Angels knew Mary gave birth to Jesus by virgin birth as a result of the Holy Spirit overshadowing her in His life-giving power. Joseph had to believe them by just a simple dream. Only he had the dream so he had no witnesses to the dream. Yet millions or billions have rested their souls and spirits on this fact.

Monday, 18 April 2016

It is Written

There was a time long ago when a prophet was shown by angelic spirits and a holy God how from the beginning there had been a being known to him as the Lord of Spirits (or some Sumerian equivalent term because this prophet was a Sumerian king born in the Stone Age as we call it now) and always since before time began there was one with this Lord of Spirits called the Son of Man whose name was invoked to create all things and make them behave as the Lord of Spirits commanded. This Son of Man continued with this Lord of Spirits and over the centuries and thousands of years that followed few knew He existed until one day at the time the Lord of Spirits appointed a baby boy was born who was the incarnation of this Son of Man so that He could grow to adulthood like any child and become a lamb for sacrifice. At an appointed time in fulfillment of prophecies written in scriptures He was handed over to evil men and suffered a was crucified and rose from the dead and by His blood great forgiveness of wrongs committed by humans around the globe throughout time against the Lord of Spirits and even against other humans can be forgiven. The present day has times when He is revealed yet still to those who love Him enough to keep His sayings and commands. Soon all will see Him as He comes in the clouds. Then for a thousand years the Lord of Spirits will give Him to rule the nations and He in turn give His overcoming followers to rule the nations with an iron rod. Then when all enemies of His are subdued and the thousand years ends He will hand back the kingdom to the Lord of Spirits, His God and Father. Then all things will be remade anew and all will be judged eternally either in fire or eternal life with God and His Son and His sevenfold Spirit and all the saints made holy by Lord Jesus Christ's blood. It is written.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Believe He Cannot Lie

Believe He (the Spirit called Holy and the Spirit of Truth and the Lord Spirit) cannot lie. What He says you might not perfectly understand so relying on the understanding of what He says could leave you in error, mistaken. Trust instead that though you ponder His words as best you can with His help when He gives it, as you pray He will, trust that He Himself who speaks clearly cannot lie. There is no lying ability or tendency of any kind in Him. Take what He says and hold it with this in mind. He teaches honesty and teaches powerfully and authoritatively against lying and He has no hypicrisy in Him so He always tells truthfully what comes to Lord Jesus from the God who never lies. The word from God has the immense quality of being truth because it is the word of God. Lord Jesus is just like God who is His Father and never lies and gives true testimony always of what God gives Him as His word. So the Spirit takes from what is Jesus Christ's and, as Christ said, this is what He makes known, with faithful testimony just as Jesus in whose name He comes testifies in faithfulness and truth. This attitude leads to knowledge and faith and builds you up in His love for you and the others who so receive Him too. Thus are all who hear Him united in the faith.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

How it was Proven to Me who Jesus Is

Following the proofs given me related in my previous posts, how the Holy Spirit message I received as translation of tongues and proven without room for any doubt was also there in the second chapter and following of the Book of Enoch, it was clear that the ancient prophesy of the Son of Man in the Book of Enoch must be true and authentic (as my knowledge of archaeology verified from details given in the book of predynastic Egypt not widely known until recently). So the picture of the Son of Man is inspired by the same Spirit inspiring the Apostles and now me and the same Spirit by whom Lord Jesus spoke and this leads to the conclusion Jesus of Nazareth is this Son of Man and when He taught "I am He" that is what He meant. (As also written in the prophesy scriptures of Isaiah.) So this proof extends to proof that Jesus is this person and leads to faith that this Son of Man who is Jesus of Nazareth is now known to be The Lord who God the Father makes Lord. This same one who then died on a cross and who God then raised from the dead and who afterwards stood on a beach and called out to His disciples as they fished in a boat off the shore to put their nets on the other side and they caught an abundance after which He fed them breakfast with fish He had cooked. This same Jesus who just twenty years ago revealed His existence and power to me too in answer to my prayers to God.

How The Spirit Proves He Is He

We have the Gospel accounts of Jesus the Lord telling Simon the Pharisee not only the wise answer to a criticism Simon was thinking but also did so without Simon telling Him the thought or even thinking Jesus would know he had one in mind. So Jesus demonstrated the power of the Spirit within Himself plus the wisdom of the Spirit with a wisdom from God. A while ago I found the same characteristics evident in the Holy Spirit we receive in Jesus' name when we believe. It was on my mind that there might be an explanation to noticable things happening to me since I started fearing God rather than the people around me and it was about the deliverances I had started to find happening to me when I preferred fear of God over fear of opponents, even if the opponents had temporary power over me or I found myself at their mercy and they were abusing this. Rather than mishap befalling me when they took advantage of their situation it was instead befalling them and I had no power myself to affect this. As I pondered it after years of it happening it suddenly occurred to me as clear as ever that the verse I had always been taught as a child might be applying to me. This was a verse I knew by heart but did not know where it was in scripture: "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him." It occurred to out of the blue this might be appropriare and explain these happenings. Then suddenly as clear as a bell some words were spoken in my mind by a spirit - no idea how but I knew it was a spirit and was fairly sure it was the Holy Spirit but could happily be helped by some evidence it wasn't just my subconscious mind. It or rather He said: " Daniel three." So assured it would come clear if I looked that up in a Bible I went to the one in the next room I keep open. The chapter at first baffled me as to its relevance but I persevered because I was sure this was the Holy Spirit and a leading into truth. Near the end of the chapter there was the word "Angel" with a footnote. I almost guessed what that footnote would be and yes, never having seen it before (this was not my familiar Bible version) still there in the footnote was a cross reference to a Psalm. I guessed the next bit but looked it up. "The Angel of the LORD encamps around those that fear Him to deliver them..." Now it was proof to me this could only be a spirit outside myself plus that I was understanding rightly what had been happening to me and those around me and it had happened all the more to others in the past. I was being delivered. It was the LORD doing it and His Angel bringing it about and now His Spirit was so wisely proving it to me knowing what I was thinking too. So much like Jesus the Lord with Simon the Pharisee now the Lord the Spirit with this Stephen D Green thousands of years later but so much the same.
Another proof He gave was the way He let me witness speaking in tongues as a manifestation of Him. He let me hear it from a leader in a church I never knew before and at the same time He gave me the English words in my mind by spirit inspiration as the words were being spoken in the language of angels by the leader. I was too unsure of the people there to say out loud what I heard. Then the leader himself gave the English translation as it was given him by The Spirit from God and it was the same as the Spirit gave me in my spirit just before. This proved it was the same spirit in me and in the leader. It also proved the wisdom of this Spirit in how it was achieved. The power and wisdom. The words themselves proved the Spirit to be from the God of scripture because they matched the test scriptures give that the spirit acknowledges that Jesus is Lord, which was what the message was about. It even proved later to me that the same spirit inspired scriptures I never heard in a forgotten book of scripture I found later called the Book of Enoch whoch had words so similar in it that they could only have been inspired by the same Holy Spirit. Here I found a trove of other inspiration all about Jesus who it called The Son of Man.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Finding the Father

In what way a person finds the one The Lord, Jesus Christ, called The Father can be understood from experience as it becomes clear looking back how a combination of The Lord, Jesus Christ's teachings and the persevering work of disciples and churches leads to an understanding that The God who is The Father and The Lord who is Jesus the Christ make themselves known to those who hear their words and, having believed, obey them as best they can. This leads to obedience which in turn leads to the benefits of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit reaching out in faithfulness to the promise. It all comes about through the teachings and faithfulness of the man Jesus Christ who was crucified after giving these teachings but raised by The Father from death. His disciples and churches work with Him in our lives to lead to our understanding of these teachings and commands to obey and the promises He and The Father, whose teachings they are, and the Holy Spirit fulfill in reaching out to those who obey and seek God.

Monday, 11 April 2016

The Living Resurrection

Everything about Him now is that He is alive from the dead. Sure He is the Son of the One Creator God who created the very first creations and all creations since then and future. Sure it was all created with Jesus since Jesus was firstborn of all God's works and firstborn over them all. Sure He was and is and is and will be. Yet so much about Him is the joy that being alive from the dead means all His very existence now among the living and all He does so amazingly well with it all being done by power of Him being with God it is all now because God who is His Father raised Him back to resurrection life from the dead. Jesus is not only Lord and Christ; He is the Resurrection and the Life.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Submissive Learning

Once people with Holy Spirit realise they have a teacher who is also their master - a Holy Spirit who is Himself a Lord - the humility follows where the attitude becomes a willingness and indeed a humble duty to learn from what this Lord Teacher has Himself to teach. The teaching He teaches is not even His own but comes immediately from Jesus The Lord and ultimately therefore from The Father The God. It is not for disciples to dictate what is the teaching they follow but to learn what that teaching is as they follow the Master of them who should be in duty of their allegience the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit who comes in His name. His name is a mighty force in the Universe by which all creation comes to be and continues its various paths of obedience to the God who was and is and is and will be the Creator.

The Truthful Spirit

How mysterious is spirit. When something pervades our inner being and acts on it we might be experiencing a spirit. When we hear a truthful saying originating with the truthful God the Creator God it is His practice to allow our inner being to receive such a spirit and for it to be one who imparts truthfulness and righteousness and holiness to us to teach us and enable us to be truthful and to learn true righteousness like God's own true righteousness. This is the true righteousness seen in the life and actions of Lord Jesus when living among people two thousand years ago and proclaimed by His disciples ever since. It is a life-giving spirit who turns us away from an evil pattern of behaviour to live the way God wills us to live and start to become closer to God Himself in an improved and hope-giving relationship like Father with son or daughter. It continues as we continue to believe and hold to the true sayings from God through Jesus Christ, if we do so. It continues until we are truly those God is pleased to call His children and then continues for aeons with Christ Jesus keeping us who is alive and all powerful for all the aeons and always God's Son as He has been from before time began as we know it. So this Spirit of Truth from God is the Spirit of hope that is part of the ongoing partnership we have with Jesus who is the Christ and is The Lord living forever with God His Father.

Remember Jesus the Lord and His Crucifixion and Resurrection

The first people to recognise that Lord Jesus Christ is a being of similar eternal characteristics as the real God and to hold to His teachings with hope of those teachings making them righteous did it seems put an emphasis on keeping His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection well remembered as part of staying true to it. This is perhaps due to the importance of these most outstanding events as part of the testimony of the being who is the God and Father to Him in that by raising Jesus, God the Father was testifying to all these disciples and to some extent to all humanity that Jesus is His beloved precious and pleasing Son from aeons past and for aeons to come. The first disciples were mainly Jewish and already kept Saturday as rest day for God but they made Sunday a day of remebrance of Jesus' resurrection too by making it a day to rejoice in The Lord, Lord Jesus the Christ.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

The Reality of a Holy Spirit is Proof

So much truth of God is revealed in dreams and visions and miracles but their reality is a personally discerned as their grace gives this ability to discern. God the Father is. This can be known and is known by revelation and then proclamation. Jesus is alive and Lord. This can be and is known by His revelation of Himself then proclamation. Jesus reveals real lordship and the life He has though once dead a while shows the power and reality and life of God the Father who raised Him. Yet the crowning seal and proof of all this revelation yet personal discernment and faith is given by God in Jesus' name in the real manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the churches where God is believed. Manifestation is in powerful gifts of grace like genuine toungues of non human origin interpretated by gifts of this same Spirit corroborated by others with such gifts and telling the glory of Lord Jesus the Christ and the marvels of God and Lord Jesus in their Creation of planets and stars and this Earth and its living things. This happens from time to time in churches, I believe having witnessed it a little. The real and present Holy Spirit proves the truthful veracity of the reality of God and of Jesus His beloved Son.  And seals those who believe.

The Lord and The God Saves

The opening chapter of the Book of Revelation has two passages of words from The Father, The God being, and from the Lord being, His Son, Jesus (The Christ) after which comes a passage of words quoted from 'The Lord, The God' who is and who is and who will be, the all-powerful Ruler. Here the God (The Father), united with The Lord (the Son of God) in one title shared between them in their unity as one - The Lord The God. In the name 'Jesus' is the truth that The Lord The God saves. Saves from unworthiness and from death and gives faith that overcomes the world. Faith that God is. Faith that God is and is. On and on living and real. And will be. Ever over aeons to come. All-powerful ever and ever. Faith that The Lord is. The being who is Jesus The Christ come from God having been in company of God over aeons past called The Son of Man among the spirits around The God who is and was and will be His Father. Faith The Lord is and is - continuous. Faith that Jesus was and is and is and will be. Once dead a little while having been made a human being then raised by power of The God to be ever and ever over all future aeons and aeons full of almighty power to rule with the Father who is and ever was and ever will be His Father, aeons past and aeons future. They are united and can speak as one The Lord The God almighty in rule. Blessed. One throne shared. Seven spirits coming out from that throne to seek us out who fear Him and deliver is from death in accordance with God The Father's will in Lord Jesus the Son's most high and blessed name.

Friday, 8 April 2016

The Scourge

Through my lifetime I witnessed not just the majesty of God and of His Son but elements of judgment of greater and lesser scale and intensity. I saw the end of the Berlin Wall. The merely low key end of The County of Avon in the UK but no mere trivial eventuality as I lived in Bristol and worked in the authority headquarters. The twin towers ending so terribly. The rise of the fury of the West against the Middle East and the start of an age of surveillance. Now a resurgence of horror in the Middle East. But Jesus highlighted a prophesy of more terrible judgment and rage on the Earth when He alluded to Joel's prophesy of scourge. The sun turning black as crops burn and house after house is invaded by God's army. It seemed to happen in ancient times around the time of Celts appearing in history and the spread of conquest by Medes and Scythians and others around 600 BC yet Jesus alluded to a time of it leading up to or at the time before He comes, it seems to me. Perhaps worldwide. Terrible. After all, He will bring greater judgment still in His coming day so we cannot deny such things being in scope before He reigns a thousand years and then the End. Best seek Him and life from Him now while we can. The darkness comes.


On reading the first chapter of Revelation it is marvelously all about the way both the God who is Father to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Himself exist constantly across the aeons of time both past and  future. Each is a real being. Each is supreme. Believing this is essential to being transformed from someone who is worthy of the lake of fire many years from now and transformed by Christ into a person (a priestly person) worthy of the Resurrection at Christ's return. Future aeons await you.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Truth and Virtue

People choose what to accept and what to trust or put faith in by various criteria. One is how legal something is. Another is how magic something is (science fits the bill here quite often) or in other words whether it is derived from ancient values held by cultures adhering to customs carried forward through generations from Calcolithic times (divination, weaponry technology and the arts of war, cosmetics, magic arts, astrology and so on). Another is how true and virtuous something is. Try keeping to the latter.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Milennium of Rest

If you take the scriptures in the Bible seriously and other scriptures too perhaps, you might take it that  human history started with the beginning of the life of the man who in the Bible is called Adam and in ancient writings from the earliest civilisation called Alulim. The scriptural years from this first man of history's beginning to now including help from reliable sources gives us around 5900 years (with up to a dozen decades of inaccuracy possible). This puts us anything from decades to a century or more away from 6000 years since he was made, history from the time and scripture too says, from clay or mud or some other such material like an inanimate sculpture by God (Adam or Alum may have meant sculpture) and breath from God breathed into his lifeless nostrils to bring that body form to life. Now if you take this account and view history as a week of milennia then this approaching time up to say 100 to 150 years from now, perhaps a few decades sooner, God knows (literally) is comparable to a sabbath milennium. A milennium of rest. To some this provides hope that it will be the thousand years when Christ will rule the Earth. 

Monday, 4 April 2016

God's "Israel"

It is wonderful to believe God calls Israel "Israel" even though He says "Israel has sinned" in the spirit that brings His word today. That He has a way to regard those who prophesies of the past and Christ's teachings showed that a divide had grown between God and His people like between a husband and unfaithful wife and so much water flowed under the bridge since Christ came and was crucified there seems to be now a people God can again call Israel. Yet in Christ's teachings recorded by John in his Gospel (chapter 8 as our chapter divisions make it today) the teaching from God the Father is that only those who are set free (and truth from His teachings sets free, He said, those who hold to His teachings and believe in Him) can truly be children of God. So I can only conclude the fact a spirit from God can say of Israel "Israel" calling the nation by that name again and saying their mass surveillance over them shows God is dealing with them today that this must mean the ones He calls Israel have held to Christ's teachings and been set free from lies and hating. Redemption. The wind is in the leaves of the Sycamore Tree. The Fig Tree is putting out its buds. Spring is surely near. There is no division though in that all are one who are thus in Christ, whether from Israel biologically or from any other race.

Saturday, 2 April 2016


A camail is a piece of chain mail armour designed to fit over the head and shoulders to protect them. The spiritual equivalent of this is hope. You need in your inner being to keep hold of hope to keep your mind protected. The kind of hope needs to be true hope in the true God. Hope in all the power available from Him to act toward you to save you. When you have it do not lose it; do not let yourself be without it protecting your mind and keeping you of sound mind. The main hope is that the Lord Jesus, though not necessarily imminently, will come raising the dead who are worthy of it and reign with these and those in Him who are alive still at His coming. What then will it be like after He arrives? Remembering the coming of Moses first to the Pharaoh of Egypt then with his people into Canaan, it was like God Himself had declared war and started to wage severe war. The sins of the Canaanites had reached a threshold. Egypt was hardened against the fear of God prefering their own gods to the real Creator. The time was full. Now things were to get very serious. Many lost their precious firstborn sons. Whole nations were all but wiped out. This was what happened when God then turned the tables on wantonly wicked nations and cities and on oppressors of His people. Christ is far greater still than Moses having been architect of all things on behalf of God who is His very Father. This will be His time and His chosen most worthy ones with Him. This is the great hope that if you have it you should keep it as armour for you mind as the days become dark and the end looks ever nearer if you are enlightened enough to see it coming. The further protection of the mind in the midst of stressfully troubled times in this world before that day is provided in meditation which is by dwelling mentally on worthy subjects of thought. There is much that is taught disciples as they follow the Holy Spirit and righteous spirits sent by God the Father in Jesus Christ's name. Dwell on what the spirits from God teach. Some gets called esoteric because the truthfulness of it can only be known by the receiving of spiritual gifts from God and the witnessing of miracles which comes to those who believe rather than by the World's wisdom and science and magic arts. Magic arts might lead to what can also be called esoteric but good discernment distinguishes what the Father wants people to be taught by spirits He sends and what other spirits teach. Dwell on the things the Father teaches. Invoking the authority of the name of Jesus and meditating on the truths you receive from the Father in His name all leads to a peace which protects your mind in troubled times until Jesus comes. Another aspect of this protection of the mind is mental dependence on God by mentally acknowledging inwardly that God is and that Jesus is and that the Holy Spirit is and resting quietly on this faith. Some say religion is a crutch. Having a mental crutch to stay the mind in troubled stressful times is a major part of religion and ought not be despised. You need a carmail in times when holding onto faith in Christ and in the Father gets fiercely opposed.

Friday, 1 April 2016

You Are Created

Building on my previous posting; the wise and magi and philosophers and scientists have told us the Universe and all in it (or even all in multiple universes) adheres to mathematically describable patterns and laws which they have sought to elucidate and define using symbols of mathematics and logic. Then we have those past and present who followed and follow one named Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ who believed and believe the reasoning behind the Universe was itself created by God and was embodied in a person from the beginning described by God as His Only Begotten Son and this 'logos' of God became flesh and is Jesus Christ Himself. So following this it leads to a conclusion you yourself as an existing entity in the Universe have nature that obeys and is determined by these rules and logic, described in sciences and philosophies and religious teachings too. So the very makeup of your body and mind and all that is your existence is based on the logic found to be embodied in Christ and conforming naturally to the authority He has always had as Son of The Creator and firstborn over all Creation. This is a knowledge you might even come to know personally by encountering this Jesus in an indescribable but real way. Then it becomes evident your will needs to obey His authority and believe in the name He has as God's Son. It is a new take on Descartes' or his followers' saying "I think therefore I am" but now it is "I think therefore Jesus Christ is".