Asked: What I think about Satan
I do not know much about mafia bosses and their networks and whether any have global networks, but I believe they do exist. Likewise in the spirit realm there are such powerful antagonist entities who have existed much longer and whose networks are surely much more highly matured. Do I believe these hidden beings have a big boss? Yes, if Jesus says so, yes. The knowledge of this was peaking in Jesus’ time, with rabbinical teachings about it being advanced. I think ancient Egypt had similar knowledge and called Satan ‘Seth’. The Seth accounts are very similar to biblical Satan descriptions. It all adds up to an angel immense in power, influence, power system globally, who is more at odds with God than other angels and tends to come to different conclusions and approaches to things. An antagonist to God. God tolerates and even uses this being, it seems. It is important to God to be able to work around this being and to deal with the problems this being’s antics present. Eventually God will tire and put the being away, but no being of immortal nature is destructible by death the way humans are, so the being has to be eventually neutralised but in the righteous way God always does things. The ‘lake of fire’ exists for that purpose but what it is and how it will neutralise such an influential and far-reaching spirit is mysterious. Typically a powerful immortal being can be confined. They do not die. They can be confined somewhere geographical. Something maybe like the Mid Atlantic Ridge will exist where there is deep lava and where magma rises close to the surface and it seems this is where Satan will be kept, but the future of Earth includes a total melting of the crust so the future of angels put in this magma has an element of mystery about it, whether the molten crust will be their final home and they will be kept out of a new cosmic centre called the New Jerusalem. That is just how I piece together what information I have within reach. Others might piece the jigsaw together differently. I might piece it together differently later, perhaps as more information becomes available. I believe Jesus has access to excellent information but that he usually shares what we might really need, so this is probably enough for us for now.
We all start off as children of Satan. It is quite normal. We learn to lie and exaggerate our good points from an early age to try to get on better. We all learn to hustle. Nothing very sinister. Just that we are not learning those ways from God. We cannot call God our father, nor our God because another being has influenced us more than God, and we know this being as Satan. No horns. No red pointy tail. More like a church worker who isn’t as good or as godly as they make out. An imposter. Satan can achieve far more by sowing imposters among the servants of God. And almost every child grows up learning Satan’s ways before they learn God’s. So look at an average seminary or bible college and it will be full of young people who have learned to hustle more than they have learned the ways of God. It is natural. So we need a zap of heaven. A taste of something better. A taste of heavenly teaching. Jesus says, come to Him for that. Call on Him. Cry to Him. Get a lesson from Heaven. Get a dose of heavenly honesty and humility. Embrace it and value it above your lying ways. Stop the hustling. Start telling truth the way that dose of Heaven tells truth. This is the key to knowledge. They mock it because they do not have it. They do not have it because they refuse it. They do not come to Jesus for a lesson that would give them life. Then they hinder others from getting it too, by impostering as godly. Christ died for us to have that dose of Heaven.
As to whether I believe it all, I find a lot of people tend to limit our belief to what we can imagine. But it is better to admit our imagination is limited and recognise that truth is sometimes unimaginable. I can imagine antagonistic angels being global in their influence and being able to inflict more evil than we have seen before, but being counteracted by God’s holy angels to prevent it happening. Yet that is to be offset with admission that my imagination is too limited. I know that God knows the full picture and lovingly tailors what He reveals to Jesus to pass on to Jesus’ contacts through the Holy Spirit. We know in part. God knows fully.