Christmas. Christianity. Christ. Having association with the name these represent, the name CHRIST comes with baptism. We who have been baptised in order to bear this name, ought to be proud of it: proud of the title CHRISTIAN. Yes, leaders of so-called Christian churches and kingdoms let down that name, giving Christianity a tarnished name. But we are not baptised into the foolishness of worldly leaders. We are baptised to receive Christ because we need another name in addition to our own. I need this name of Christ in addition to my name so I was happily baptised. The name of Christ saves me. I need its salvation. I might happily do without the other things associated with the name and Christianity. I can even live without Christmas, take it or leave it, but I need the salvation that comes with association with Christ and Christ’s teachings, and with fellowship with the one who brought it all into the world, Jesus Christ, and with the God who sent Him and created this way, the Father.